NSV: Office Goodie Timebomb - Diffused!

(Cross-posted from my MFP blog.)

As a "Thank You" for helping her with something several days earlier, one of my co-workers gave me a loaf of banana bread. And this wasn't just any old loaf--it was easily the size of two. Massive. I walked into my cubicle and all I saw was this big brown bag with grease spots soaking through. "Oof!", I thought to myself, "Whatever is in there must be tasty."

Then I peeked in and saw the timebomb of a banana bread loaf and though, "Holy $%*#. All this is for ME????"

Mind you, I had just come off of a 650 calorie breakfast, one that I purposely front-loaded as part of me 3-2-1 experiment. Big breakfast, moderate to big lunch, and light dinner. I still had half a traveler's mug of coffee to finish wasn't even remotely hungry.

Historically, a very short battle would have ensued inside my head where one side would say, "You're not hungry. Don't bother." and the other side would say (more loudly), "But it's THERE. And it's DELICIOUS. And it was a FREE GIFT! YOU MUST CONSUME. OM NOM NOM NOM...!" And I would have succumbed to that voice and eaten a rather large piece. Just because it was there.

Not today, though. I thanked my co-worker for the gift and I told her that since it's just me at home, I would put half of it in the lunch room and take the other half home to enjoy with my morning coffee. I didn't want to appear ungrateful and I certainly wouldn't have wanted her feelings to get hurt if I hadn't told her my plan and she just happened to come across her banana bread sitting out in the kitchen area for everyone in the building. (She had already brought another loaf and placed it into a smaller kitchen area for our department to share on top of the one she brought me. So it's not like I could really just walk around offering pieces to the rest of my co-workers.)

So I took a paper plate, halved that bad boy, put it in the break room, wrapped the rest back in its paper bag, placed it into a Starbucks bag, and now it sits behind me, waiting for 5 o'clock when I go to the gym and then go home. It will be promptly sliced up and put into the freezer, to be enjoyed and savored one reasonable piece at a time throughout the week.



  • jlewis2896
    jlewis2896 Posts: 763 Member
    You are much stronger than me. Just reading that makes me want to go bake banana bread and eat the entire load. Hmmm... must be lunchtime....

    :) Way to go on your willpower, and also on helping out a co-worker!!
  • foreverloved
    foreverloved Posts: 220 Member
    Great job!!! I love the self discipline and I too have been having issues with work saboteurs but it really feels great when you over come the temptations! Feeling good about ourselves is way better than anything tastes!
  • beverlyl64
    beverlyl64 Posts: 381
    Thru out the week? Since you are freezing it, I'd say use it as a treat say once a week? I love the way you thought your way thru this situation and made some awesome decisions, just space out the indulgence a little further. Good luck!
  • trishadams
    trishadams Posts: 104 Member
    Victory indeed!! Nice job and you handled your co-worker just perfectly.
  • PeachyKeene
    PeachyKeene Posts: 1,645 Member
    Good for you! Wish I had your will power, I probably would have ate half the !@#$ thing before I got off work. Yay you!
  • trishadams
    trishadams Posts: 104 Member
    Feeling good about ourselves is way better than anything tastes!

    Well said!!! I will repeat that the next time I feel myself going off track!
  • kwinterscheidt
    kwinterscheidt Posts: 45 Member
    great job! i dont think i would have been that strong. i think banana bread is just about my most favorite thing to eat!! i would have eaten the whole loaf while sitting on my butt at my desk!
    you have incredible will power and you should keep it up!! :)
  • nikibob
    nikibob Posts: 165 Member
    Way to go! That's a huge victory! It's so hard to say 'no' to things like that but once you do it makes you feel so much better than mindlessly stuffing in food. It takes a long time to get used to that and I still fight with it every day. Cheers to you and your discipline!
  • jmruef
    jmruef Posts: 824 Member
    Good for you!
  • TheKitsune6
    TheKitsune6 Posts: 5,798 Member
    Thru out the week? Since you are freezing it, I'd say use it as a treat say once a week? I love the way you thought your way thru this situation and made some awesome decisions, just space out the indulgence a little further. Good luck!

    Or, she can eat it when she wants and enjoy her self discipline. As long as she's within her calories she can eat whatever she wants and frankly it's rude of you to step in and try to tell her what's right and wrong when obviously what she's doing is working.

    Congrats on the self control! I know I would have wrestled with the same thought process and it was doubly considerate to not only share, but let the giver know you were sharing too :)
  • froglegjack
    froglegjack Posts: 388 Member
    really sweet victory!!
    Great job!
  • RiaLucia
    RiaLucia Posts: 121
    Thru out the week? Since you are freezing it, I'd say use it as a treat say once a week? I love the way you thought your way thru this situation and made some awesome decisions, just space out the indulgence a little further. Good luck!

    Or, she can eat it when she wants and enjoy her self discipline. As long as she's within her calories she can eat whatever she wants and frankly it's rude of you to step in and try to tell her what's right and wrong when obviously what she's doing is working.

    Congrats on the self control! I know I would have wrestled with the same thought process and it was doubly considerate to not only share, but let the giver know you were sharing too :)

    Naw, it's cool, I knew what she meant. I said throughout the week, but in reality, I probably won't even want it every day. I can easily see it lasting me a couple weeks because I get burnt out eating the same thing all the time.

    The funny thing about this all is that it wasn't a huge epic battle in my head and it didn't feel like a struggle for will power to win out. It was almost completely a non-issue. My habits and patterns have changed so much that I was able to approach it rationally like a "normal" person. That's the part that blows me away.
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