Hi! Looking for friends that are on the journey to lose 100+ pounds.

Hi... My name is Kimberly... I'm working on a 150 pound weight loss. So far I'm down 43. I would like to support and have support from those that are on a similar journey or have been there. Thanks so much!


  • jilldoeps08
    jilldoeps08 Posts: 3 Member
    Hey there! Definitely with you, trying to lose about 100 eventually myself. It's coming off slow. But 43 pounds is awesome!!!!! keep it up!!!!!
  • jaatree
    jaatree Posts: 1,967 Member
    with you there! started with 135 to loose, have let 25 go till now. 43 is a great start, keep working on that, wish you a successful and happy journey towards ur target.
  • elizabethfrienza412
    elizabethfrienza412 Posts: 3 Member
    Hey I have about 150 I want to lose as well. Great jump start! How have you been keeping motivated/shedding the pounds? :)
  • nowisthet1me
    nowisthet1me Posts: 5 Member
    I am starting today! I would like to lose 100 pounds but that is daunting to think about all at once! I am just going to focus on today. 43 pounds is almost halfway there! Awesome! How are you doing it?
  • kintagliata513
    kintagliata513 Posts: 5 Member
    Thanks y'all! I appreciate the responses! I started out on 1/1/15 at 305. I want to get down to 150. I have been setting small goals, such as weekly goals of loosing 2 pounds and 90 day goals of 30 pounds. So far so good. I actually had to take a few days off work just to come off cokes and sweet tea. After starting with MFP I found that I was drinking almost 3000 calories a day but only eating about 800 calories. I let go of a few other things that I loved, like McDonald's burgers for lunch and kiddie cereal with milk as a late night snack, and exchanged it for healthy options. I won't buy anything with ingredients that I can't say or spell. I won't buy anything with more than a few ingredients. No sugars, but mainly no sugar substitutes so I don't crave sweets. I stay out of the aisles at the grocery store and only go around the edges which are produce and meats and dairy. I am married so he had to agree to make the change with me because I took all of the food in my kitchen that was processed to the food kitchen. My husband is Italian so I could not take away all his cheese and pasta, so I changed it for better choices. I use organic or yogurt cheeses and when I can I Julianne zucchini or use spaghetti squash for pasta. Otherwise I use pasta made from veggie starch or quinoa. My goal is to increase my protein and have my calories come from protein rather than carbs or fat. I use 50:30:20 as my guideline which is protein:carbs:fat. I work out, but started out very small and am still building up. I use kettle bells for weights and try to build muscles. Not that I am to be a body builder, but I need to tone up and muscle burns more calories. I started out on the elliptical at 0.25 miles and have now built up to 1.0 miles with 3 running bursts. Of all the books I read, I recommend The Skinny Rules most. Thanks again! Let me know how your system is different.
  • Sandeestep
    Sandeestep Posts: 2 Member
    I am with you. I started with a weight loss goal of 110. I went down 50 but then back up 5. It is in progress but I am getting there. I too increased my protein and lowered my carbs but found my cholesterol rising. After learning a lot of information from Forks over Knives Plan, I am off or meat and dairy and enjoying a plant based diet that gives me all the protein I need, I get to actually eat more and my cholesterol is going down and I no longer have sugar shakes.
  • Bshmerlie
    Bshmerlie Posts: 1,026 Member
    I am also on a goal to lose 100 pounds. I am only eating those foods with one ingredient such as chicken, fish, beans, steak, vegetables, nuts, fruit and water. That's it nothing packaged or proceessed. I've been doing it for a month and I'm feeling great. I've also been doing 30 minutes or cardio and weight training every day. I want to get down to 140 lbs so only 97 pounds to go. :)
  • Siobhan1256
    Siobhan1256 Posts: 1 Member
    I'm with you ! Would like to lose 140. Started a 16 week nutrition class that has been very helpful. Tracking food amounts daily has kept me on track and I am down 14 lbs in 5 weeks. Doing the class with my husband has also been a support.
  • Dave55412
    Dave55412 Posts: 88 Member
    Hi Kimberly. I'm doing over 100 pounds too. 43 down is excellent!
  • chastityhudson
    chastityhudson Posts: 5 Member
    Hi, I just recently joined and have over 100 to lose as well. Congrats on 43 down!
  • nowisthet1me
    nowisthet1me Posts: 5 Member
    Yesterday was my first day, not a great day. Ate a candy bar :( oh well, today will be better! Wish me luck!
  • entermysoul
    entermysoul Posts: 3 Member
    Congrats, I'm so excited for you and with you. I'm trying to lose 100 lbs. I also love eating kiddie cereal for a late night snack. I look forward to traveling with you in our journey to healthy.

  • WhirledDrive
    WhirledDrive Posts: 4 Member
    edited May 2015
    Starting my journey today at 348 lbs. I'm setting my first milestone to lose 100 lbs. I am looking to lose close to 200 lbs and to get healthy. That number seems so far away so im taking it one day and one milestone at a time. I'm so excited for your intitial loss of 43! That's very encouraging.
  • CyTottleben
    CyTottleben Posts: 12 Member
    I am also relatively new to this site and have a goal of 100 lbs...today marked down 31 of those! I'm doing LCHF. It is fabulous for me. I am off insulin because of it.
  • nowisthet1me
    nowisthet1me Posts: 5 Member
    Cy, what is LCHF?
  • countryrose7
    countryrose7 Posts: 107 Member
    Hi there! I too have a about 200 to lose and I'm looking for active friends to help along the way. I'm (trying) to do low carb high protein, but it's tough. Feel free to add me with a message. Congrats on shedding 43 so far!
  • bklyngal72
    bklyngal72 Posts: 42 Member
    I am on the goal of losing 150 for my first goal the probably another 60 after add me all friends are welcome
  • Hi, I am with you . This is only the third day of my weight loss journey. I need to lose around 125 pounds. I will lose them. :) You are doing great!
  • allaboutthefood
    allaboutthefood Posts: 781 Member
    Sent friend request. right now I'm trying to get below 200 lbs than I will adjust again. I have a total of 163 lbs to loose, I have lost 28 lbs so far, started this journey about 3 months ago. Feel free to add me everyone.
  • wannabewarrior
    wannabewarrior Posts: 6 Member
    I'm working on losing 110. Best of luck to you!