Stress and not eating

megz4987 Posts: 1,008 Member
To make a long story extremely short, my world is literally falling apart. I haven't even eaten close to 1200calories in the last 3 days combined let alone today. I can't eat when I'm stressed. Aside from losing weight and screwing with my metabolism, I'm worried for my health. My nails are already brittle and breaking even with the prenatal vitamins i'm still taking since my daughter was born.

Is there anything nutritious but not heavy that I can eat I guess just to get me through?


  • tallen3687
    tallen3687 Posts: 244 Member
    You have a daughter. Eat well to keep you healthy for her. I hope everything works out for you soon.
  • kimmerroze
    kimmerroze Posts: 1,330 Member
    I am not entirely sure about food choices.

    But I will say that I have noticed my biggest plateaus when I was stressing.

    When you stress your body holds onto your fat stores.. so It is super important to atleast eat your allotted 1200 if your stressing, because its just going to cause that much more damage.

    WITH that said, I feel for you, I know the "world falling apart" feeling, and What I can say is that the only remedy is to push through. Its always darkest before the sun rises.

    Hang in there! :flowerforyou: HUGS!
  • Julezebub
    Julezebub Posts: 106
    You need to see a doctor or suitably qualified healthcare professional. Perhaps you're suffering from post natal depression rather than stress. Either way you're putting yourself in danger. Take care of yourself and let others around you take care of you also.
    Best of luck xx
  • PalmettoparkGuy
    PalmettoparkGuy Posts: 212 Member
    Try one of those drinks, like Ensure, etc.
  • wendix
    wendix Posts: 74 Member
    sorry to hear you're going through a hard time :( try drinking smoothies. i find when i'm stressed etc it's easier to keep sipping smoothies between small meals than trying to eat bigger things.
    also peanuts/most types of nuts. fairly high in calories but healthy. or flapjacks/oaty thing.
    cheese is also good because it's light and high in calories but doesnt have sugar in it which will cause you to crash. since you're eating so little, try to worry less about calories and more about avoiding sugar that may cause moodswings.
    cereal is a good one too, fairly light but you get a lot from it
    also agree with the above getting those shakes that are high in calories but light on the stomach. try going into a healthfood store and asking for recommendations. dont need to go into detail obv just say you're needign something thats fairly high in calories but won't make you feel you're eating too much
  • TNAJackson
    TNAJackson Posts: 686 Member
    At this point, eat whatever you feel like eating, just to get your through this moment in time, but make sure you still track it. Would hate to go from WAY too little calories to WAY too many. Hang in there... maybe take some "me" time and get out of the house. You've gotta make sure you stay healthy for you and for your little one. And remember, she'll learn to do things the way you do them... teach her that even when you're upset, you have to take care of yourself.

    Hang in there and hold your head up as high as you can and know that we are all here to support you. :flowerforyou:
  • sweetiepie31612
    sweetiepie31612 Posts: 240 Member
    Personally i find cooking very relaxing. The longer a meal takes to prepare, the more relaxed I seem to feel What about making homemade soup or chilli? Comfort foods with lots of veggies.
  • megz4987
    megz4987 Posts: 1,008 Member
    Would those shakes be ok if I endup sipping like, one a day? I mean, I can't even tolerate water right now. When I'm stressed, I don't get hungry, I get nauseas.

    Thanks everyone for the suggestions!