New here! Anybody else doing the Couch to 5K program?

llisa0273 Posts: 1
edited September 27 in Introduce Yourself
Hi! I'm Lisa. I signed onto MFP last year and never did anything with it. I'm tired of being all talk and am now ready to make a LIFE change and own up to all the excuses I've made throughout the years. I have a very great support system & am truely motivated by my family. I'm ready to be fit & healthy. I have 41 lbs to go for my first goal of 175 lbs. My husband and I workout every 4th day alternating between our Bowflex and dumbell workouts. I am currently in week 3 of the Couch to 5K running program. (has anybody else tried it, it's awesome) Also, we did our first marathon May 1st, Bloomsday in Spokane, WA (12k). We walked/ran and finished in 1hr. 56 mins. That was very motivating and next year I hope to run the whole thing. Overall I am just very excited to see changes happening in my attitude and body. :smile:


  • kennie2
    kennie2 Posts: 1,170 Member
    im doing c25k too! its fun. im on week 6 at the minute. loving it
  • MsP90X
    MsP90X Posts: 1,053 Member
    I am doing C25K too and finishing up week 5... I am registering for a 10K race on July 3rd so I am going to switch programs and jump into the C210K :P

    But I too am loving it!
  • hchandler0823
    hchandler0823 Posts: 46 Member
    I'm starting 'C25K' on Monday! Though I've been jogging on the treadmill for the last [almost] 2 months, running a mile still leaves me pretty winded. Thus, I've decided to start 'C25K'! I want to be ready to run a 5K by the beginning of next year.

    Good luck to you!
  • KayJayKing
    KayJayKing Posts: 53 Member
    Just finished the second workout of week 1. And have I got a great support systm! My kids were standing in the driveway with a cup of water each time I passed the house on my way around the block. =)
  • kbryder
    kbryder Posts: 2
    I'm new here myself. My hubby and I have done Couch to 5K... it really is a great app/program! Unfortunately, life provided us with ample excuses to not maintain that level, and we accepted most of them. LOL! So, now we try to run/walk/jog every other day and are using the Bto10K app (same guy/app... for 10Ks)... been on week one, day one for "a while" now. : ) Congrats on the marathon! What a great feeling! Not sure we're interested in that kind of distance (at least not right now)... but would consider the right 1/2. Still working to develop good eating and regular exercise habits... I get on a roll, then life happens, and I slack off again.
  • aejbx4x7s
    aejbx4x7s Posts: 111
    I just finished the C2K program and loved it. Yesterday I ran 2.5 miles through hilly terrain without a problem, though when I began I had some difficulty. In my experience, the best advice is to run slowly and not push yourself too hard. I tried the program once before and was unable to maintain it. The second time I was successful because I ran with a friend who paced me. I had never been a runner before and tended to try to run pretty quickly which made it difficult to run very far. Running slowly and meeting my distance was far more satisfying and I am now working on increasing my pace. Also, a good sports bra is a must!

    I also find running to be a great way to lose weight. Not only is it a huge calorie burner, but you don't need to get to a gym...just get out the door.

    Best of luck!
  • Hi, I'm new here myself, but this post caught my eye on the side of the home page...

    Awesome! Congrats on completing the 12K! I'm glad I'm not the only one doing Couch to 5K to start my way on a healthier lifestyle. It's a great program and trying to consider going for the 10K program. I agree that it's best to start slow, but you get used to it pretty quickly.

    On the weekends where I take a break for the C25K routine, I recommend going hiking - it's so fun and huge calorie burner... It was also so HARD last month, full of breaks, when I first started hiking again (my fault, picked 5.5 mi hike and something like 2000 ft elevation gain, but I made it), but after a month of following the C25K program, I'm able to complete that same hike almost no problem now. Now that's a great feeling!

    Just wondering if anyone found a good way to keep on track with the program? My favorite is Robert Ullrey's C25K podcasts that are excellent so far... Though now, I'm switching over to a more intense workout so most of the time it's just whatever music's on my iPhone.

    Good luck everyone!
  • MissMegan3119
    MissMegan3119 Posts: 110
    I'm starting C25K on Sunday! Good luck!:smile:
  • 90210UK
    90210UK Posts: 81
    Im starting this tomorrow. Have dowloaded the ap and am looking forward to it...up bright and early :) Did anyone experience weightloss or its it mainly for fitness?
  • Yeah, so far lost ~15 pounds since I started a little over a month or so ago. Diet alone wasn't doing much for the first two weeks, but once I started C25K, that's when the diet+exercise really kicked in...
  • plentyoo7
    plentyoo7 Posts: 38
    I did it to get into running last year and it's a really really great program! Stick to it and don't give up!
  • aash28
    aash28 Posts: 85 Member
    We just started today! Check it out here:

    or search
    couch 2 5k...start today
  • ShawnaMama
    ShawnaMama Posts: 105 Member
    Welcome!! I'm on Week 4 of the C25K and am loving it! Never thought I'd say that about running :)
  • texastae1010
    texastae1010 Posts: 165
    I am starting the C25k tomorrow and I am not a runner nor have I ever been one...I have a goal to run a Ten Miler in October..would love to have some running buddies well encouraging running buddies :)
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