55 pounds in 255 days need help after gall bladder surgery

pbkkcn Posts: 12 Member
I have been on mfp for 255 consecutive days and lost 55 pounds I am 28 pounds from my goal weigh. I stuck it out through Thanksgiving Christmas even my birthday last month I exercise 2 a day for 40 mims on stationery bike drink 120 oz water eliminated all sodas from my food plan and proccesed meat. Then Monday they I have my gall bladder surgery. Spent 3 days in the no exercises drugs that constipated me. A surgeon who only told me no fats, spicy, greasy and dairy. I have already gain back 5 of my 55.
How do other s follow mfp without gall bladder s. Help me. What should I be eating what we're your experiences I know I can reach my goal with a little help from other who have been there. Thanks for your time and advice


  • unstablelady
    unstablelady Posts: 1 Member
    I had my gall bladder removed 4years ago and if honest haven't changed my diet at all and had no problems or pain.... I eat a relitvely healthy diet but I'm no saint , still have quite a few naughties :p
  • barbecuesauce
    barbecuesauce Posts: 1,771 Member
    Okay, you did NOT gain five pounds in six days. You just didn't. You have water retention and you're going to have to be a little patient. But remember: You would have had to consume an excess of 17500 calories above your daily needs to see that kind of gain. Have you even felt up to such gluttony? I don't think so.

    Congrats on your losses to date! I don't have any specific advice for how you will meet your goal, but you will get there. Your health comes first, before your weight loss, so follow doctor's orders.

    BTW, don't eat at a deficit while your incision is still healing. You need to eat at maintenance to heal properly.
  • Vixenmd1
    Vixenmd1 Posts: 146 Member
    I have had mine out for 21 years (21 year old vegan when it had to be removed go figure) and have never noticed a difference in what I can eat.
  • jakey397
    jakey397 Posts: 14 Member
    My partner had his removed about 4 years ago and he hasn't changed his diet at all. Once you've gotten over the discomfort of the operation, everything will start to go back to normal :smile:
  • crazyjerseygirl
    crazyjerseygirl Posts: 1,252 Member
    My mother had hers out. High fat bothers her s bit, but not too much. Like, she will feel it if she eats 3-4 slices of cheese pizza. Nothing she comes across too often. She did say it caused more problems early on than it does now, so I think symptoms ease up.
  • pbkkcn
    pbkkcn Posts: 12 Member
    Thank you all for your support and kindness I really needed it and appreciate your replies. I see the surgeon Tuesday I hadn't thought about wAter retention. I just knew I felt bad about the gain and not working out. I'm feeling better except for the gas pains but they warned me about them.I will hang in there and be patient as many of you have suggested. Have a great rest of the weekend.
  • MindfulNat
    MindfulNat Posts: 83 Member
    Had mine removed 5 years ago (6 weeks after my 1st C-Section...awful timing). The first 4 months were difficult, nothing would stay in my stomach...now I eat pretty much anything.
  • barbecuesauce
    barbecuesauce Posts: 1,771 Member
    pbkkcn wrote: »
    Thank you all for your support and kindness I really needed it and appreciate your replies. I see the surgeon Tuesday I hadn't thought about wAter retention. I just knew I felt bad about the gain and not working out. I'm feeling better except for the gas pains but they warned me about them.I will hang in there and be patient as many of you have suggested. Have a great rest of the weekend.

    The word I was looking for last night was "inflammation," which caused my mother's several pound gain post-abdominal surgery. It's just water weight, but it seemed to hang around for a while before she suddenly dropped it all. So keep that in mind when you weigh in at the doctor's.

    Not working out should not cause you to gain (unless you've been relying on exercise calories to eat more food and do not adjust your habits). Do not feel bad! If it's a binary decision between possibly hurting your health and burning more calories, you know what you need to do.

    I wouldn't do anything physical (and I would eat at maintenance--your body is using more calories to heal itself and you don't want to prolong the healing process) until you get the go-ahead from your surgeon.

    Get well soon!
  • pbkkcn
    pbkkcn Posts: 12 Member
    No I have not been exercising to get more food to eat and I think your right 3 of the 5 pounds are gone must of been water and gas from the surgery. Thanks for your support and reply. Your right my health does come first and I just need to be patient and realize it's just going to take a little longer now.
  • taliasometimes
    taliasometimes Posts: 301 Member
    please don't worry. I had my gallbladder out 2 years ago and I put on a couple pounds in healing due to not being able to work out for a couple weeks and stuff. after I was all healed with no pain, I have no difference food/exercise all the same as before :)
  • pbkkcn
    pbkkcn Posts: 12 Member
    Thank you so much for your support and kindness. I really appreciate it. It's nice to connect with someone who's been there. I will if you don't mind keep you updated on my progress. Thanks so much again.
  • pendii
    pendii Posts: 26 Member
    I had my gallbladder removed in November. You definitely are just experiencing water retention and swelling. My weight jumped 8 pounds literally overnight after my surgery. It went back down after a week or two. Also it takes time for things to go back where they belong. My tummy was a weird shape for a few months. You just gotta heal.
  • pbkkcn
    pbkkcn Posts: 12 Member
    Pendi thank you for your reply it really helps to hear from someone who has been there. I can see the end of the tunnel. This is helping me cope. I am one week post op and felt really good today. I am actually looking forward to seeing the surgeon tomorrow. Thanks
  • anewghost
    anewghost Posts: 27 Member

    It's been about 1 year after my surgery. I found that I could pretty much eat anything except for dairy, which makes me constipated for days. There are two things that help with constipation for me. The first thing that helps is eating more for a few days, and the other is eating beans. I make hummus, chickpea curry, chili with beans, soup with beans etc. I make enough so that I have leftovers for a few days, and it usually helps my constipation clear up.
  • fat2fitshley
    fat2fitshley Posts: 50 Member
    edited May 2015
    I had my gallbladder out last year and unlike everyone else on this board I cannot eat certain things without suffering. :( It's unfortunate because even simple things like eggs or corn destroy my stomach for the day. I've also found that I gain weight a lot easier than I did before and it's much harder to lose; however, your weight gain immediately after surgery is likely just water retention. Your body has gone thru a lot. Just BE CAREFUL, do not over do it right away, eating or exercise wise. Best of luck to you in your healing!

    Edited because somehow it was italicized (sp?).
  • laurie62ann
    laurie62ann Posts: 433 Member
    Had my gallbladder out over 12 years ago. I can eat pretty much what I want. The only thing that got me after the surgery was McDonald's - it sent me right to the bathroom every time. With that being said I haven't had McDonald's for over three years, since I started my healthy life style - so no worries. But remember everybody is different. I have a friend who can't eat lettuce and another who can't handle dairy.
  • pbkkcn
    pbkkcn Posts: 12 Member
    Thanks everyone went to the doctor today waited for an hour and a half he got tied up in surgery so they rescheduled me to next Tuesday. The pool about foods are great I did notice cramping and really loose stools and a urgency to go after eatting some raisin bran cereal with 1percent milk. They did at least weigh at the doctor's office and I have lost the water weigh you all talked about. I have been grilling my chicken and fish and eatting lots of salad with low fat dressing.
  • pbkkcn
    pbkkcn Posts: 12 Member
    Update released from the doctor last Friday weight in loss 3 pounds guessing everyone was right must have been waster weight. Thank God not having any eatting problems. No real pain or gas from surgery. Adding things back to food plan slowly eatting lots of small meals. Thanks for all the support to all of you
  • pbkkcn
    pbkkcn Posts: 12 Member
    Oh I forgot to mention I am 25 pounds away from my goal a d have now loss 58 pounds in 268 days.
  • Carolapf
    Carolapf Posts: 2 Member
    Congratulations on your weight loss success! That is awesome. I had a little trouble with irritable digestion after my surgery in November. Then I happened to join a nutrition and exercise program and found that if you stick to natural foods as much as possible (don't eat what you can't pronounce), do a balanced diet (30/30/30) and stay away from food additive "gums" like xantum gum it all magically went away.
  • janerfitnesspal145
    janerfitnesspal145 Posts: 55 Member
    I had gall bladder surgery two months ago, and all I can say is it is great to be able to eat again without pain! I had mine removed after I ended up in the ER at 4 a.m. in absolute agony. I read a bunch of stuff before my surgery about people not being able to tolerate fats after surgery, but I haven't had any issues. Matter of fact, I've pushed it a few times since surgery just to see, and I was fine. I've gained a few pounds because I've overindulged due to finally being able to enjoy food again, but that will come off in time.
  • bethmeek27
    bethmeek27 Posts: 29 Member
    I had my GB out 2 years ago and the only thing that ever happens to me is diarrhea when I eat a LOT of fried stuff. Otherwise, no real changes.
  • 1966spen
    1966spen Posts: 33 Member
    Had gb out a year ago. Get upset tum if I eat too much fat and spice but losing weight no prob. Although only started healthy eating 6 months after surgery.
  • dimple_gal
    dimple_gal Posts: 139 Member
    Had mine out 22 years ago. What a relief it was, too! I only find issue with greasy foods - but it has improved over the years, but I still avoid them just because i shouldn't it that stuff anyway. You will feel better and better as you go along. t will take a few months to really feel like you are back to normal.
  • pbkkcn
    pbkkcn Posts: 12 Member
    Wow I am so excited and encouraged by your post and the support from everyone on my fitness pal. I have noticed my bowel movements aren't daily anymore but that's better I guess than diarrhea. I am trying to eat more bran.
  • pbkkcn
    pbkkcn Posts: 12 Member
    Things getting back to normal actually lost a pound this eatting little meals.
  • truetarot1988
    truetarot1988 Posts: 56 Member
    I had my gallbladder out last year and unlike everyone else on this board I cannot eat certain things without suffering. :( It's unfortunate because even simple things like eggs or corn destroy my stomach for the day. I've also found that I gain weight a lot easier than I did before and it's much harder to lose; however, your weight gain immediately after surgery is likely just water retention. Your body has gone thru a lot. Just BE CAREFUL, do not over do it right away, eating or exercise wise. Best of luck to you in your healing!

    Edited because somehow it was italicized (sp?).

  • Treece68
    Treece68 Posts: 780 Member
    I had mine out about three years ago. Everyone is different so you will just have to wait and see. High fat foods give me what I call "phantom gallbladder pain" because I get that same feeling I had when I was having the attacks.
    I could not eat meat for over a month after I had mine out but I can eat them fine now. I also have really severe heartburn I am taking 40mg of Prilosec every day due to the bile reflux. Some people have no problems at all you will just have to wait.
  • solieco1
    solieco1 Posts: 1,559 Member
    edited September 2017
  • tiffiny_L
    tiffiny_L Posts: 5 Member
    I had mine out in March. Take a good month to recover if you can. I can eat pretty much everything I did before. If I'm having a high fat meal, I'll take digestive enzymes with ox bile to help break down the fats. I really haven't needed them though.
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