only 2 kilos lost in my first month

Dear all, I need ur help and experienced advice regarding this

I am 29 yrs/male/118 kilos weight. using MFP for 1 month entering every calorie I eat, it was supposed to me to eat 1600 calories/day to lose 1 kilo/week

in addition, 3 days a week i eat upto 2500 calories, as I ride my bike for 90-100 mins,"MFP calculated this ride to burn 1000 Calories"

the shock is that I lost only 2 kilos during my first whole month

is this rate good? am i doing something wrong? should i stay on this strategy? should i change any thing?

plz advice

thank you


  • malibu927
    malibu927 Posts: 17,562 Member
    That's a pound a week. You're doing well! I would advise, though, not to eat back all the exercise calories as they can often be overestimated, which could be one reason why you aren't losing as fast. Try eating back only half of them, and make sure your logging is as accurate as possible.
  • MechAhmad
    MechAhmad Posts: 9 Member
    I noted Ms malibu, thank u for the advice
  • livingleanlivingclean
    livingleanlivingclean Posts: 11,751 Member
    I highly doubt your exercise burns that many calories, but your rate of loss is fine! How do you feel?
  • MechAhmad
    MechAhmad Posts: 9 Member
    regarding cycling calories, I know that this is pretty high calories to be burnt , but MFP uses my current weight, cycling speed, age & gender to determine the burnt calories. thats why I think that its logic
  • Arya1967
    Arya1967 Posts: 9 Member
    The problem is that MFP includes the calories you would have burned if you hadn't done the exercise and adds those. It should subtract them from your additional exercise. Best way to fix that is to get a fitness band (Jawbone, Fitbit, etc.) or something.
  • MechAhmad
    MechAhmad Posts: 9 Member
    @Arya1967 MFP determined the 1600 calorie based on NO exercise or workouts & I enter them manually whenever i did
  • 365andstillalive
    365andstillalive Posts: 663 Member
    regarding cycling calories, I know that this is pretty high calories to be burnt , but MFP uses my current weight, cycling speed, age & gender to determine the burnt calories. thats why I think that its logic

    What it however doesn't know is: how much was up/down hill, at what intensity were you pedaling (and for how long), approximately what was your heart rate, etc? I could go on a bike-ride for an hour, coast most of it and come back and be given 800 or so cals from MFP, when I actually maybe burnt 100? I would say cycling is one of the hardest activities to accurately track in regards to calories burnt.

    If you lost 2 kilos, you've lost 4.5(ish)lbs in the past month. Normal recommendations are 1-2lbs per week, so you're right on track.
  • TimothyFish
    TimothyFish Posts: 4,925 Member
    As @Arya1967 notes, you are double counting on some of your calories. I would suggest subtracting about 200 calories from that 1000 that MFP is giving you for cycling. You should eat more on the days you exercise, but you could probably get by with eating less than what you currently are on those days.
  • tdatsenko
    tdatsenko Posts: 155 Member
    You are around my age, weight, and Activity level(we both bike). Since I started a few weeks ago, I've been losing around 2lb a week. Check out my diary if you want to see what I eat. I usually don't eat back any of the calories that I get from strava, so I end up eating just around 1500 a day, which is over some days and under some other days since I only bike around 5 days a week.
  • MechAhmad
    MechAhmad Posts: 9 Member
    should I go for cheat meal once a week ?
  • misskarne
    misskarne Posts: 1,765 Member
    Yay, 2kg! Congratulations!

    How tall are you?
  • tdatsenko
    tdatsenko Posts: 155 Member
    should I go for cheat meal once a week ?

    It's really up to you, I generally only have bad days because my wife/friends want to go out or it's some sort of holiday. I'd just make sure that your average for the week is still below the MFP goal.

    I also want to add that 2 kilograms a month is better than nothing, you're at least headed in the right direction.
  • MechAhmad
    MechAhmad Posts: 9 Member
    @misskarne thank u dear, I am 178 cm, i just thought that 2 kilos is not enough
  • misskarne
    misskarne Posts: 1,765 Member
    I am only five cm shorter than you, and currently weigh only ten kilos less. 2kg is about how much I've lost in a month too. Slow and steady wins the race - as some of the more truly wise posters on here say, the winner of this race is the person who gets to eat the most and still lose.

    2kg in a month is fine. :) Keep at it!
  • MechAhmad
    MechAhmad Posts: 9 Member
    misskarne wrote: »
    I am only five cm shorter than you, and currently weigh only ten kilos less. 2kg is about how much I've lost in a month too. Slow and steady wins the race - as some of the more truly wise posters on here say, the winner of this race is the person who gets to eat the most and still lose.

    2kg in a month is fine. :) Keep at it!

    Thank u dear :)
  • spzjlb
    spzjlb Posts: 599 Member
    As others have said, weight loss seems great.

    But --- do not rely on weight as your sole metric. Take photos and measures!!! I didn't, because I didn't think I'd succeed. Now I regret not having something other than my clothing to use as a gauge. I'm small but have lost over 20 lbs. I'm fiddling with maintenance and the scale bounces to much now. I'm sure that I'm leaner (at least thinner), but I wish that I had measurements to confirm. Start now! Good luck :)
  • rileysowner
    rileysowner Posts: 8,313 Member
    Arya1967 wrote: »
    The problem is that MFP includes the calories you would have burned if you hadn't done the exercise and adds those. It should subtract them from your additional exercise. Best way to fix that is to get a fitness band (Jawbone, Fitbit, etc.) or something.

    BMR calories for 90 to 100 minutes would not make that big a difference.
  • rileysowner
    rileysowner Posts: 8,313 Member
    2 kilograms a month is a good pace
  • MechAhmad
    MechAhmad Posts: 9 Member
    thank you every body for ur posts and advices, I really appreciate it.

    only one single question is hitting my mind, should i go for carb cycling ? or it would make huge effect ?
  • NoIdea101NoIdea
    NoIdea101NoIdea Posts: 659 Member
    MFP is notorious for waaaaaaaay overestimating calories burned, so it could be that you really aren't burning as much as you think; as a rule of thumb, a lot of people take what MFP says they have burned and log it at less than that to be on the safe side. But a 1lb loss a week is great, so you are clearly doing something right!