Birth Control

kirianna55 Posts: 459 Member
edited September 27 in Health and Weight Loss
So, I have a question for you other women out there. Have you noticed that if your on birth control you lose less weight. During my period week rather than gaining weight, I lost 3.3 pounds. I ate and exercised normally but I seemed to lose way more weight. I had a super light period this month so I don't think that accounts for the large drop in weight. Have any of you experienced this?


  • Erindipitous
    Erindipitous Posts: 1,234 Member
    I've read that the claims on birth control affecting your weight are false.

    You may gain some water weight due to the hormones, but it should not affect most people otherwise. I say most people because (as it has been burned into our heads) everyone is different.
  • Depends on what kind of Control you use. Many women struggle to lose with the shot, most of them gain.. When youre menstrating you tend to have waterweight at the begninng and your body will rid itself of that during the course of your menstration, that could be some of what you lost. I know, personally, I crave food constantly when im menstrating so good job for not overindulging. Clearly you have excellent control of your appetite. On the pill, slow weight loss is normal, BUT birth control is a blessing!
    I have an IUD and its helped me control my apetite, helped my cycle immensly (like getting rid of it completely right at a year) and I've not been bloated since before i had my son, but youve had to have a child to get it. Look up Implanon, I've heard nothing but good things about it and im pretty sure its low hormone. its the hormone's that get you more than anything, the pill and the shot are chopped full of them like my burritos.
    My spelling is horrible in this post i apologize.
  • Drunkadelic
    Drunkadelic Posts: 948 Member
    I was wondering this same exact thing this morning!!! The only time I seem to lose any weight is during period week! I don't really gain weight before, I just lose it. It's so weird. Oh and it kinda bums me out to hear that BC slows weight loss, but I could definitely not live without it!
  • dfunk06
    dfunk06 Posts: 56
    I had always heard that birth control xauses weight GAIN. Is this true?
  • jonikeffer
    jonikeffer Posts: 218 Member
    Docs do claim BC shouldn't affect your weight, but it may well affect your appetite. It can also *help* ladies who have hormonal imbalances to start with, so the best advice is always to do what works for you. Dad (a nutritionist) always says "everyone's body is a chemistry experiment of 1". If you have found personally that it hinders weight loss and you can get off it reasonably, then do so. :smile:
  • mpchaplin
    mpchaplin Posts: 19
    There are a lot of aspects that go into weight gain and/or loss with birth control pills and it really depends on which birth control you are on. The estrogen can expand the plasma volume which means water weight, but with the low dose estrogens we have today it shouldn't keep you from losing weight. I agree that the hormone modulation may have an effect on mood, but it usually acts as a mood stabilizer which should benefit weight loss.

    I would look to other reasons as to why you can't lose weight if you are consistently using the birth control. I just don't feel it should absolutely stop progress with a balanced diet and exercise.
  • kirianna55
    kirianna55 Posts: 459 Member
    I am taking an estrogen/ progesterone pills. It was the only one my doctor thought would be safe. Its a super low dose. It took me 4 weeks to lose 5.1 pounds. Then I got off it for my period week and I lost 3:3 pounds
  • jonikeffer
    jonikeffer Posts: 218 Member
    I am taking an estrogen/ progesterone pills. It was the only one my doctor thought would be safe. Its a super low dose. It took me 4 weeks to lose 5.1 pounds. Then I got off it for my period week and I lost 3:3 pounds

    My suspicion is that it is coincidence. Something else was probably different for you that week. Don't give up on either the BC or the diet. :smile:
  • peanut929
    peanut929 Posts: 31
    LOL... I WISH I lost during my period week! I tend to not lose any DURING my period, and then I will start losing again a day or two after my period stops.
    I am on yasmin, which hasn't slowed down my weight loss at all. So I am thankful for that! But I have heard of many women gaining weight on BC... it's fairly common actually!

    I would chalk up your 3.3 pound loss to water weight being lost & coincidence. Take note of how much you lose during your next period too- maybe you're one of the LUCKY one! LOL
  • stariera
    stariera Posts: 224
    I've spoke with my doctor about this....because unlike most I lose more weight while I was on birth control. After running some test he found that my body produces too much estrogen and the birth control helped my body by slowing that down. As I had my tubes tied after my daughter I no longer have to take birth control so my doctor gave me sugesstion on foods to stay away from that cause your body to produce more estrogen like may want to look at the things you are eating carefully talk to your doctor see if he or she knows which might be affecting your hormones with the birth control... your solution could be something as simple as changing the type of birth control you are on...
  • Drunkadelic
    Drunkadelic Posts: 948 Member
    I am taking an estrogen/ progesterone pills. It was the only one my doctor thought would be safe. Its a super low dose. It took me 4 weeks to lose 5.1 pounds. Then I got off it for my period week and I lost 3:3 pounds

    This is exactly what happens to me...
  • lkm111
    lkm111 Posts: 629 Member
    I changed the type of pill and I have broken a serious plateau. After about four months of staying the same, on the new brand I have lost 3 lbs. in a month.

    The best advice I can give you is: talk to your doctor.
  • Curry0724
    Curry0724 Posts: 51 Member
    I am happy that other people had this same question!! When I stop taking my birth control and I am on my period it is like my weight loss speeds up massively... Then I start my pill again and I gain about a pound again, even though I have changed nothing about my diet or exercise. So frustrating... but I need to take it!!!
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