PCOS and weight loss

ok so i was wondering if any ladies on here have struggled with pcos and actually lost weight? i need some advice, meal plan help, exercise plans, success stories, etc.. thanks in advance


  • cmarks88
    cmarks88 Posts: 3
    Hey Kaycee,

    I have PCOS as well. I have been at the whole weight loss thing for 8 months now and have lost a total of 45lbs! I feel with the PCOS it is harder to loose weight, just not impossible. I have stuck to trying to eat mostly whole foods (i've eliminated almost everything in my freezer) and I exercise 6 days a week. I have hit many plateaus...one that lasted 2 months...I think this is the worst part of PCOS affecting my weight loss, but you just tough through and keep going. As for meal plans and exercise, us women with PCOS aren't any different from everybody else, eat healthy and exercise and it will come!
  • Stooooo
    Stooooo Posts: 1,191 Member
    ok so i was wondering if any ladies on here have struggled with pcos and actually lost weight? i need some advice, meal plan help, exercise plans, success stories, etc.. thanks in advance

    Look in my friends list. My wife (alliej) has PCOS and has had some success. It is a struggle and she will not go the route of lap band or gastric bypass. She wants to to do it naturally.
  • lawdhelpme2
    lawdhelpme2 Posts: 149
    I was recently diagnosed with it. I got an idea from someone on here to reduce my carbs and so far so good.
  • TammyK777
    TammyK777 Posts: 230 Member
    there's quite a few of us on here. welcome! my advice - just know it's going to take some time. I've lost about 30, but it's taken me almost 1 1/2 years. I don't really follow a 'plan' but I know a lot of people have success w/low carb.
  • tastigger
    tastigger Posts: 65
    I was also just recently diagnosed with PCOS - while it's true the weight just doesn't melt off, it can be done. I switched to whole grains and try to follow a more low glycemic diet which has helped tremendously with cravings. I am still recovering from a badly broken leg so I can't go crazy with exercising - but writing down what I eat has helped a great deal.

    I have lost 5 pounds in 30 days since starting on this site and I am down 16 pounds from my high. It's slow and steady versus crazy loss. But I also look at it as I didn't gain a pound a week, so for me to take a pound a week off - that's awesome! :)
  • moylie
    moylie Posts: 195
    I've had PCOS for years, and have been on Metformin as well. Initially that helped w/ weightloss, but then my body got used to it. PCOS also goes along with Metabolic Syndrome and Insulin Resistance, which is why a low carb diet is beneficial. I will never give up carbs completely (I'm a runner as well), so I try to stick to whole grains, complex carbs, and low/no sugar. Try and be as natural as you can (give up the artificial sweeteners). These just confuse our poor hormonally challenged bodies! If I want a carb, I always try and match it w/ a protein (apple w/ peanut butter), (cottage cheese w/ fruit), (crackers w/ cheese), etc. Protein shakes help for in between meals. My Dr. suggested supplements like Cinnamon and Chromium Picolinate can help. Take a multivitamin, too. Cardio, cardio, cardio for exercise. My belly is the worst area. Partly from PCOS, partly from two pregnancies. Seemingly the area that wants to let go of the fat LAST!
  • kayceedimmick
    thank you all for the advice, stories and most of all success you have had losing weight... i will be birthing my 1st child any day now and i am getting more and more anxious to begin losing the lbs... goodluck on your journeys and congrats
  • mpchaplin
    mpchaplin Posts: 19
    Congratulations on your child! I know with PCOS it can be difficult to have children. PCOS is associated with insulin resistance, so I think taking a few tips from diabetic cookbooks or eating can help give you an edge!
  • mericksmom
    mericksmom Posts: 222 Member
    If you need something to get your hormones back into harmony you may wanna try Vitex. I am hormone sensitive and anytime they shift I tend to not have a period or end up having one for a month or two. I will take vitex and slowly but surely it will normalize.
  • kleavitt1992
    kleavitt1992 Posts: 592 Member
    Do you see an endocrinologist regularly? and congrats on the baby!! 5ft 3 SW:182 CW:142 GW 125 (maybe 115 once i get to 125) i dont really do any low gi i've been on metformin for 5 months hoping to get off it soon the more i lose the more reg. i am i work out extremely hard everyday and just watch my calories it def. can be done
  • b0ink83
    b0ink83 Posts: 10
    Two years ago, I decided to visit a gynecologist and was told that I had PCOS & a 5cm dermoid cyst on my left ovary. I had a minor operation to remove the cyst + eggs cleansing. I was told to be on pill to prevent hormonal imbalance and to protect my ovaries till I'm ready for babies.

    I am also learning to cut down on simple carbs but living all my life in a Chinese family, RICE, GLUTEN, NOODLES - are the basic foundation of daily food. :laughs:

    I'm glad to find this topic, it is just so hard to find supportive buddies to understand what PCOS does to one's body. :))
  • karoline8
    karoline8 Posts: 14
    I've had PCOS since I was 13 and tried so many diets in the 10+ years since I was diagnosed. Eating lower carb definitely helps me (I eat 50-60% of what MFP gives me), the biggest thing is exercise. Even if I am right at my calorie goal every day for a week, I can't seem to lose anything unless I get some exercise. It can just be taking a walk a few days a week during my lunch break if I can't get to the gym.
  • renatadamata
    Hi cysters! I Also have Pcos. Although doctors advise us to lose weight it is very very hard. I exercised 3-4 hours a week, cut calories, cut carbs and pounds did not seem to leave me. But worst if I let go my "plan" for a few days only I could gain 2-3 lbs just like that. Very frustrating. Then my Zumba gym instructor introduced me to this Detox plus weight loss program. No pills. Includes vegan protein powder that I mix with coconut milk. A fiber powder that I include on my shakes. A detox tea and a drink and snacks. All you need as supplements it's there. Has vitamins, minerals, antioxidants. Botanical, safe and effective. I did eat normally at lunch. But you can do no carbs. All is gluten free. Lost pounds specially belly. It was the only thing that for me. Really I tried everything. But the best part is that is not medicine or hormone nothing. If you want to know more about visit Facebook page FEEL incredible NOW. Send a private message! Hope it helps you all! ????????????
  • babyruth9899
    babyruth9899 Posts: 12 Member
    I have PCOS and have lost 30 pounds in 3 months.
  • kazzsj0urney
    I have PCOS and did lose 94 kilos/205 pounds altho i have since gained back about 28 kilos/approx60 pounds. I am now back on attempting to lose weight train :)
  • mrsmoulton
    mrsmoulton Posts: 12 Member
    I have PCOS and lost 99 pounds last year (then gained back 45 - let's not talk about it). Working that 45 + the last 20 off now. How is your insulin resistance? If you struggle with that then you probably will do best if you cut back carbs. I just cut my portions down and make a real effort to not eat just because it's dinner time or lunch time. Of course sometimes we are going out and it just is what it is but at home I try to stick to eating only if I am hungry. The biggest help was getting my *kitten* in the gym as much as I can. Good luck to you!