Fitbit not updating on MFP

anyone having issues with their step count not updating from Fitbit to MFP? I have it on continues sync. But today my steps have not been show up. I have to disconnect then connect. Not helping for calorie counts.


  • Christine_72
    Christine_72 Posts: 16,049 Member
    There must be 50 different threads about this issue on the forums.
    Yes everyone is having trouble. Mine started working again a couple hours ago.
  • wendy16256
    wendy16256 Posts: 32 Member
    Having the exact same issue. I think it's been since the update. I also have to disconnect then reconnect. Hopefully it's fixed soon.
  • roxmom2014
    roxmom2014 Posts: 3 Member
    Thx so frustrating.
  • drewrilett
    drewrilett Posts: 13 Member
    edited May 2015
    I had the same issue.

    • Disconnect your FitBit from your MFP on the MFP website via Apps > FitBit Tracker > Disconnect.
    • Revoke access to MFP on the FitBit website via Settings > Applications.
    • Re-connect FitBit to MFP on the MFP website via Apps > FitBit Tracker > Connect.
    • Finally (and the most important bit), in the MFP app on your phone, go to More > Steps and you should see its set to "Don't track steps", select FitBit from the list and now the steps should be showing again on your home page in both the MFP App and website along with the Exercise count.

    Hope that helps everyone as it fixed it for me