i really need help.

Julie0430 Posts: 4 Member
edited May 2015 in Motivation and Support
Hi, my name is julie. When I started my journey about a year ago I was at my highest weight. At 5'4 and 314lbs I am not no down to 241. My goal weight that my doctor go to my doctor every month or two to get weighed. Because I don't own a scale. I am so discouraged. I was doing pretty well and almost elmanating carbs and just eating veggies but these past.two months I have really basically given up and exercised maybe four.times.total. I feel worthless and have even gone to the extreme of purging and actually researching how yo purge easier I really want to loose the weight my original goal set buy doctor is 170 bit according.to.charts that still considers me obese. I really need help.


  • brianpperkins
    brianpperkins Posts: 6,124 Member
    You're down 73 pounds. This is going to be a time consuming process ... you didn't get to 314 overnight and won't get to your goal weight quickly either. You were making good progress.

    The purging is indicative of a disorder. Seek help for that now.
  • shadowfax_c11
    shadowfax_c11 Posts: 1,942 Member
    Have you been counting calories at all? I would say you should really try that. It is not as hard as you think and its much safer and healthier than what you are doing.

    I am an inch taller than you and my goal is also 170. At my lightest adult weight I was 175 and yep the charts call that obese. Guess what? I looked darned good back then. An it's a whole heck of a lot healthier and better than being 315 or 240 right? So don't let that number be a problem until you get to it. If you decide you still want to loose weight then you can just keep going once you get there. My own thought was to set a goal I know I can reach because I've been there before. I too was once well over 300. Now I'm 258.5. I floundered around for a long time trying to change my eating habits. Sure I lost some weight but in the last 5 weeks I have seen better results than Ive had in 6 years. Trust me. Just do the CICO. It works. it's doable and sustainable and it's not crazy lie all of those other diets.

    Exercise is important but you need to find things to do that are active and fun. Not just exercise for the sake of exercise alone. That;s hard for most people. How about signing up for some dancing lessons or a martial art or volunteer to walk dogs at the local shelter. Something that is pleasant to do that makes you want to do it some more. Get up and move girl. Sitting there eating and feeling sorry for yourself won't change a thing. If you want to feel sorry for yourself might as well do it in motion right?

    It sounds to me like you have a doctor who is reasonable about the goals they set for you. Listen to him.
  • 1pandabear
    1pandabear Posts: 336 Member
    edited May 2015
    Julie you are not worthless, and your weight is just one aspect of you. One day at a time. When you have a small success each day, you just build on that. Be nice to yourself and hang in there. You can do this, without purging. By the way my doctor told me to forget about losing weight, just get active. So now I walk an hour every day (on the elliptical to save my joints), and it makes me feel really good. Anyway, for myself I am working on losing weight by my food (calorie) intake, but the walking gives a kind of natural high that helps me feel better about myself. Exercise is easier than losing weight, at least for me. And: Congratulations on your weight loss over the first year!
  • MKEgal
    MKEgal Posts: 3,250 Member
    Julie wrote:
    At 5'4 and 314lbs I am now down to 241
    Good for you!! That's a huge improvement.

    I was doing pretty well and almost elmanating carbs and just eating veggies
    Is there a medical reason you were trying to reduce carbs? Because if not, you don't need to.
    Yes, eating lower carb & higher protein leads to more weight loss, but don't torture yourself!
    Also, veggies are carbs.

    Get away from the eating disorder websites, stop those unhealthy dangerous actions before
    you let them get hold of you!!
    You are doing well so far. You don't need to go any faster, you don't need to be miserable or
    unhealthy, and you certainly don't need to risk your health by throwing up!

    Here's a newbie help post where I compiled links to helpful info.
    Go read sexypants now.
    Then the ones about accurate logging, setting realistic goals, motivation...

    This BMI chart says that at your height, a healthy weight is 110 - 140. For now, aim at the top
    end of that. See how you feel once you get there. Maybe you'll be happy, maybe you'll want to
    try being a little lighter. Maybe you'll just increase your weightlifting & look great!
    So you've got about another 100 lb to go.
    Ignore that.
    Lose 5 lb. You can do that, right? :grin:
    Keep doing that.
    It's going to take a long time, but you didn't get fat overnight & it won't go away quickly either.

    This calculator from the Baylor College of Medicine how many servings of various foods to eat to maintain
    any particular weight. If you enter your healthy goal weight (140), and your other stats, including activity,
    this will help you plan your food intake.
    Keep it reasonable. If you're miserable or very restrictive, it's not something you'll be able to maintain
    even short-term, let alone for the rest of your life. Eat all the food groups, pretty much anything you
    want to eat, just in reasonable amounts.

  • pearso21123
    pearso21123 Posts: 351 Member
    OP, you're doing great. Don't give up. If 170 being "obese" bothers you, aim for 169. That's "overweight" instead of "obese" and it's only 1 extra pound. And by then you'll be feeling so good from losing so much weight the label won't matter, anyway.
  • Julie0430
    Julie0430 Posts: 4 Member
    Thanks for all of the replies. I appreciate them all. I will continue this battle for the rest of my life, being addicted to food is awful. I'm not giving up on loosing weight. Right now my biggest fear is going into my dr.on Friday and seeing the number.on the scale go up and not down. Since I've been on this journey each time I get.weighed the number has always.gone down. Never up so I'm nervous.
    ----yes, I try and county my calories. I've just gotten out of the habit
    Also I don't.each much to.begin with.
    I know that vegetables contain carbs. I should have clarified by stating dtsting hat I've.cut.out.refined sugars and white breads/flour etc
  • igotmywish1508
    igotmywish1508 Posts: 38 Member
    Julie0430 wrote: »
    Hi, my name is julie. When I started my journey about a year ago I was at my highest weight. At 5'4 and 314lbs I am not no down to 241. My goal weight that my doctor go to my doctor every month or two to get weighed. Because I don't own a scale. I am so discouraged. I was doing pretty well and almost elmanating carbs and just eating veggies but these past.two months I have really basically given up and exercised maybe four.times.total. I feel worthless and have even gone to the extreme of purging and actually researching how yo purge easier I really want to loose the weight my original goal set buy doctor is 170 bit according.to.charts that still considers me obese. I really need help.

  • igotmywish1508
    igotmywish1508 Posts: 38 Member
    How old are you?
  • steviedream
    steviedream Posts: 21 Member
    Please try and avoid purging ... its a slippery slope, believe me.

    You've done so well with your weight loss so far, dont give up, stay strong!

    You can do it :smile:
  • Thickivory
    Thickivory Posts: 36 Member
    Oh girl it's gonna take ALOT of time. It's taken me 2 years to lose 70 lbs with the occasional plateau and holidays. It's gonna take time. Just don't give up! Everyday is a new day to start anew.
  • Julie0430
    Julie0430 Posts: 4 Member
    Igotmywish, I just turned 33 on April 30