That damn wagon

SmexAppeal Posts: 858 Member
I fell off the wagon.
I got a new boyfriend at the peak of my fitness (he was peak too).
We eventually moved in together.
We both got comfortable... and gained weight.
We are BOTH unhappy with where we have allowed ourselves to get in just one year.

I was 8 lbs away from my goal. Away from maintenance... now I'm 20. How did I let this happen??
I honestly find it harder to get back started now than I did when I first made the decision to lose weight. I'm still down a total of 40 lbs, but I want to get to those goals. Then I want to set new goals.
I've been tired, depressed, moody, unmotivated for too long. I want my healthy lifestyle back, and along with that my freedom and happiness! Who else is so much happier when they are eating right and exercising??

Please add me, encourage me, help me... I don't want to be stuck in this place anymore!


  • crappieg
    crappieg Posts: 12 Member
    We've all done the same thing. It always seems daunting to start over again after letting ourselves go for a while. I've been able to stick with it for a few years now and what's keeping me going is not having to start over. Part of what helps is that I DO feel like crap when I eat poor diet and I feel great when I eat clean and exercise. When I was heavier I felt the same....moody, depressed and unmotivated. The thing is you can do it! Start slow and keep it going. It doesn't have to happen overnight. It would help if your boyfriend was working on it at the same time as it makes meal planning and even exercising more enjoyable when there is someone else there with you to keep you accountable. Good Luck! You Can Do It!!!
  • SmexAppeal
    SmexAppeal Posts: 858 Member
    crappieg wrote: »
    It would help if your boyfriend was working on it at the same time as it makes meal planning and even exercising more enjoyable when there is someone else there with you to keep you accountable.

    My boyfriend is actually going to help train me for our Tough Mudder. It's kind of scary because I know he's going to push me... but I can do this! He could care less about the food aspect of it and since I purchase all food items and cook all food items, that is all me on my own. But that means I can do it exactly the way I see fit!!! Need to stay away from garbage and get my taste buds back into gear! Thanks Crappieg!!!