Uhh ohh..

Tvstarbabe Posts: 101
edited September 27 in Health and Weight Loss
My friends are coming over tonight and they love to cook and bake the most unhealthy foods! Aka, browines, seven layer bars, pizza, cheese fries, buffalo tenders. They both have the FASTEST metabolisms and are super skinny. So when they come over they always say "Lets get fat!" and eat a ton of junk food. I used to join in with them but how do I resist tonight?! HELP!


  • merrycat
    merrycat Posts: 131 Member
    Could you fill yourself up on healthy stuff beforehand? You won't want so many desserts if you're already kind of stuffed.
  • WifeMomDVM
    WifeMomDVM Posts: 1,025 Member
    Why not try some healthier versions of their favorites? It might be fun to go on a culinary experiment together again. Try baked wings with a low sodium/low fat/low sugar sauce instead of fried wings with oily sauce. Try a healthy english muffin pizza, or some chocolate protein bars.

    Do eat some veggies and drink lots of water before they come over. Just be honest with your friends that you are tyring to make a lifestyle change and while you want to have fun and hang out with them, you'd really appreciate their support as you try to change your life. You can also compromise. Eat the healthy stuff you make together and maybe sample a few of the "unhealthies" in moderation. Do a little more exercise so you'll have the calories available to indulge a little.

    Enjoy! Just don't overdo it and make smart choices!
  • Mindful_Trent
    Mindful_Trent Posts: 3,954 Member
    How about you recommend other things to do with your friends instead of eating? I enjoy playing games with friends (board games, cards, etc.), watching movies, going to local shows/concerts/events, etc. If you guys like to eat together, how about you suggest some healthy recipes you could make and enjoy instead of junk?
  • Sarahstanul
    Sarahstanul Posts: 4 Member
    If you think it will be to much of a temptation ask to reschedule, or you could instead of eating the unhealthy food with them ask if they would like to do something else. Like go for a walk if the weather permits. With summer around the corner they should understand that you a trying to get into a healthier eating lifestyle. Sometimes people don't always realize how they are sabotaging your new goals, and sometimes they do. You can use tonight as a way to gauge if these friends deserve their title. Be open, and honest with what your goals are, and ask for support. People that are our friends should be able to accept us as who we are, and support who we want to be.

    Wishing you luck, support, and success....
    Sarah Stanul
    New member.
  • ajanmillie
    ajanmillie Posts: 241 Member
    I hate when thin friends do that. If you still have some calories left, pick one or two foods you really like and eat one serving or even one tablespoon of each "fave" food, then fill up on veggies or fruit. And then yell at your friends for sabotaging you :). It is hard but where I work people bring in goodies all the time and sometimes I either avoid the cakes and pastries or I literally take a tablespoon size so I don't feel deprived. Savoring it helps also. And if you happen to go a tiny bit overboard, maybe just do a quick 30min. of exercise also? Two weeks ago I went to a baby shower and lost my mind. I ate 4 huge sicilian pizza slices and didn't think about it until I wrote on my diary. I FREAKED out but not too badly and the rest of the week I pumped up my normally tiny 20 minute a day workout to 40 minutes a day, and by my weigh in week, I actually still lost 3 lbs. I hope this helps, because tempation is the worst thing, especially when people who are tiny don't realize...
  • asellwood
    asellwood Posts: 5
    You could make up a few healthy snacks to share. You would be able to nibble with your friends and still not eat as many calories as you normally woudl. Air pop some popcorn or us a 94% fat free microwave variety, have a tray of fruit and veggie options with a low cal dip....There are quite a few healthier crackers available now and served with a low fat cheese make a great snack. Special K has a brand of cracker chips....you can have about 30 of them for around 100 calories (or less).
  • craftylatvian
    craftylatvian Posts: 599 Member
    Get your friends to "healthy up" their foods. Chocolate cupcakes? Use one box of Devil's Food cake mix and one 15 oz. can of pumpkin and a little water, mix, bake in muffin cups (from Hungry Girl). They taste great!!
    Hungry Girl has a lot of "swap" recipes where she takes a favorite food like pizza and swaps out ingredients to make it lees in calories and fat. She does tend to use a lot of processed ingredients, but some of her ideas are good.
  • If you can just let them know that you are trying to watch what you are eating, if you really don't want to do that then I would say do an extra workout and be super good in what you eat for your other meals so If they bring pizza limit yourself to 2 slices and some fruit or veggies with it. If dessert is a problem have a sliver of something that you really want. A little indulgence isn't going to totally derail you and in my opinion for me at least, if I really want something that I know is "bad" for me to eat, I have one bite of it either before or after I have my healthy alternative. Its better to give a little then to totally fall off the band wagon and stuff your face. Its all give and take. However everyones different so if you think that having that bite is going to end up with you over indulging then I you gotta go with a hecka lot of will power or flat out honesty and ask them not to bring the bad stuff. Have fun & don't stress :)
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