Need Help, Advice and Motivation

So I have been working hard making sure I am monitoring everything I am eating, even BLTs are going into MFP and working out a lot. I am doing well on a whole but over the last few weeks have almost slowed to a grind and even went up 1LB this past week. I just am not sure what I am doing wrong and am feeling really demotivated. I still have a lot to loose so any ideas on what I could possibly be doing wrong would be great. I even started run/walking and the scale is going the wrong way. Just can not figure it out and want to before old habits creep in and I grab for the tub of ice cream, figured I would reach out to hopefully find some in the same predicament or someone who has gone through this and has some ideas that work.


  • PinkCoconut
    PinkCoconut Posts: 655 Member
    Sounds like what happens to most people. It's very common to lose a nice chunk at the beginning but it DOES taper off and there will be weeks where gains happen but usually that (and then some) come off the next week or the week after as long as you're staying consistent. It's totally normal so don't go for that tub of ice cream at ALL ('cause you don't want to reverse all that hard work, do you?)!

    Has your weight just slowed down or stopped altogether? If it's just slowed down (and again, even a gain every now and then is normal) then you're on the right track. If it's stopped completely for SEVERAL weeks, then you may have plateau'd and will want to shake up your workouts or look a bit more closely at the quality of your nutrition.

    Feel free to friend me if you want to go further into details to figure it all out! :D
  • Liftng4Lis
    Liftng4Lis Posts: 15,150 Member
    Are you using a food scale? Also, you said you started exercising? It's normal to retain water when beginning a new exercise program. Often, water retention can mask a loss.
  • idothisformoi
    idothisformoi Posts: 5 Member
    I use a food scale for almost everything (learned that at weight watchers), and have been working out consistently since January but just started running about 3 weeks ago.. As for the scale last week it did not move which I was ok with but this week I went up. I am almost always behind in my calories according to MFP as I do not eat any of the fitness calories. and will definitely look at that post in detail as well. It is incredibly frustrating.
  • StaciMarie1974
    StaciMarie1974 Posts: 4,138 Member
    A gain on the scale could be from water weight due to running, or TOM/hormones, or increased sodium, increased stress, lack of sleep. Sometimes you have to trust the science, and keep the long term goal in mind. If you weigh less now than you did 4 or 8 weeks ago: that is good. Look to 4, 8 weeks from now and you should be down further.
  • idothisformoi
    idothisformoi Posts: 5 Member
    segacs wrote: »

    What a great thread I will definitely try and keep the big picture in mind I have yo-yo'd my entire life and need to just go down in weight and stay there. I will keep my fingers crossed for next week and stay on track.

  • PAV8888
    PAV8888 Posts: 13,894 Member
    So, today I weigh exactly the same as I did 12 days ago, April 29.

    Here is a graph of my weight change from MFP:

    And to put that in context, here is the same graph over a longer period of time.

    As far as I'm concerned, I had a net deficit of about 11110 Cal between April 29 and today, with no single day showing a deficit of less than 716 Cal.

    So I should be 3+lbs leaner. Yet, I am not. I am the same!

    Yet, my caloric deficit estimates have proven to be accurate again and again. If not at the 100% level, certainly at the 80% level.

    So I trust the process and keep on plugging at it! :smiley:
    And so far... it keeps turning out OK!
    (this has happened on at least two other occasions)
  • TimothyFish
    TimothyFish Posts: 4,925 Member
    Do you eat a lot of BLTs? That could be a problem. But as long as you are eating at a deficit, it'll happen eventually.
  • PAV8888
    PAV8888 Posts: 13,894 Member
    u-oh. I am wanting a BLT now :blush:
  • jkal1979
    jkal1979 Posts: 1,896 Member
    BLT = Bites Licks Tastes, not the sandwich.
  • idothisformoi
    idothisformoi Posts: 5 Member
    lol I am pretty careful with BLT's... I normally make sure when I am hungry if I am preparing anything it is the salad at dinner that way if I am picking at things it is all vegis. I had a great week last week so seem to be back on track, for how easy it is to gain the weight it sure is hard to take it all off. Thank you to all for the advice and helping me stay on goal.
  • segacs
    segacs Posts: 4,599 Member
    PAV8888 wrote: »
    So I should be 3+lbs leaner. Yet, I am not. I am the same!

    Yet, my caloric deficit estimates have proven to be accurate again and again. If not at the 100% level, certainly at the 80% level.

    So I trust the process and keep on plugging at it! :smiley:
    And so far... it keeps turning out OK!
    (this has happened on at least two other occasions)

    Same here. I was showing nothing but flat or gains for about 3 weeks straight. Then, boom, I lost 3 pounds on the scale in like 2 days.

    Scales can be funny like that sometimes. Trust the process.