Need some support :(

I feel so unmotivated lately and I know I have been gaining weight bad. I want to be able to run and play with the kids in my life without feeling self conscious, any comments to help would be great


  • NID2410
    NID2410 Posts: 32 Member
    I really think that we all need to be on top of our minds and not let the negative thoughts effect us. I had a similar mindset today morning and came to MFP to seek some support. But here I am, trying to encourage you and in the process getting encouraged myself :smile:
    Now I am telling myself and to you: every single step that we take for our health is going to pay back. No hard work ever gets wasted, and we can do it. So cheer up, and believe, we have the capability to achieve what we set our foot forward for.
  • mcnkab
    mcnkab Posts: 1 Member
    Keep your eyes on the prize. Every morning recite a positive affirmation to yourself. I know you can do this. It's mind over matter its hard, but be willing to fight for what you want. You will have times when you're down, but refuse stay there. Never give up because I'm sure your children would love to have you run around and play with them as much as you want to do it
  • PinkCoconut
    PinkCoconut Posts: 655 Member
    You can SO do this! Here's what helps me:

    1) Having a deep-seated, solid "why". I would remember why I started this whole journey in the first place and how different things are this time around than in the past when I tried to "get healthy" simply to "lose weight". Having an emotional connection to my goal has been HUGE!

    WHY do I want to get this weight off? WHAT is going on in my life/has gone on in my life that has held me back from losing weight in the past. HOW will my life be different when I'm at my goal. WHO will it impact other than myself? How will it FEEL to be at my goal? What will happen if I DON'T take control of my health now?

    Really digging deep and having a strong emotional attachment to my goal was the #1 way I stay motivated to lose 100lbs. When you find that why, write it down and make it the first thing you think about every morning and keep it on a piece of paper to look at before every meal and every workout.

    2) Understanding that, when it comes to goal achievement, consistency trumps motivation every time. Motivation comes and goes constantly but I remind myself on days when I truly can't see the forest for the trees that as long as I stay consistent (consistent in my workouts and consistent in my eating) that my goals WILL happen. Even if they don't happen quicker than I'd like, as long as I stayed consistent in picking myself up when I get knocked down or even just going through the motions will compound over time and I won't regret it. Does that make sense?

    3) Create layers and layers of support and accountability. I check in to MULTIPLE places DAILY with not just my fitness but also my food. This includes MFP, several Facebook challenges that I run, my own Facebook page, like page, Instagram and even Twitter. Doing that ensures that if I DON'T check in, someone out there is going to ask what's going on. I also have several friends and my coach who check in on me if they don't hear from in a few days.

    Feel free to friend me and we can chat! :)