Feeling big

Recently I've been feeling good about myself. I haven't lost much weight but I've lost a dress size. I'm a UK size 12 and I weigh 12 stone (168 pounds). I exercise a lot and eat fruit and veg. I don't deprive myself but watch what I eat. People seem to think I'm normal weight. Some people think I weigh 9 and a half or ten stone.

I have cousinsfrom America and they make me feel quite overweight. My aunt weighs like 120 pounds and really worries about her weight and said I could loose a bit of weight and weigh less. I'd really struggle to get down to 120 pounds, I'd have to eat nothing. Even 130-140 pounds would be a struggle. At 140 pounds I was really thin and a UK size eight.

Apart from that I started feeling confident about my body. I don't want to be obsessed about my weight because there's more to life. I eat healthy and exercise a big percentage of the time, but sometimes you have to enjoy yourself. Do I sound overweight? I'm 5"7 btw.


  • jenncornelsen
    jenncornelsen Posts: 969 Member
    technically u would be 8lbs overweight going by bmi. so hardly. don't let people put u down. some people feel the need to point out others flaws to make themselves feel better. continue to feel good about yourself your opinion is the one that matters. and be proud u don't feel the need to belittle others to feel good. all the best
  • scotvalkyrie
    scotvalkyrie Posts: 22 Member
    You don't sound overweight but I'm sad that you call yourself "innerfatty".
  • usmcmp
    usmcmp Posts: 21,220 Member
    With your username and this post I think you have a skewed view of yourself. I suggest seeking someone to talk to about body dysmorphia and in the mean time stop thinking such negative things about yourself.
  • sofaking6
    sofaking6 Posts: 4,589 Member
    I agree with the posters above me. Change your username, change that defeated/sad tune you're singing and realize that just because you happen to be related to the one skinny American left doesn't mean you're fat :) And also, going only by the number on the scale, even though we mostly all do it, is actually silly when you look at how different people's bodies are. Like you said, you look super skinny at 140 whereas someone else might look just right and another might look even a little big. So YOU know what's good for you, you live a healthy lifestyle, there's no reason to let someone make you change that with a nasty comment.