Terry's 12 Week Bulk



  • galengentry
    galengentry Posts: 28 Member
    Amazing posts!
  • terizius
    terizius Posts: 425 Member
    Thanks everyone!
  • terizius
    terizius Posts: 425 Member
    Week 8 Update: This past week was an utter disaster in terms of bulking. I had to travel out of town on business during the first half of the week, putting in 12 hours + days, so I had no gym time. I was also so busy that I didn't really eat enough either. When I got back to town, I had a ton of work to do on a new website that I created ( www.realbodiesrealresults.com ), so I didn't do any tracking/gym then either.

    Ultimately, I lost 1.8 pounds, gained 0.15" in the waist, increased body fat by 0.9% and didn't track anything else. So, we are going to just pretend that week 8 doesn't really exist and give it another go this week :)
  • nerdygymrat9
    nerdygymrat9 Posts: 163 Member
    terizius wrote: »
    Week 8 Update: This past week was an utter disaster in terms of bulking. I had to travel out of town on business during the first half of the week, putting in 12 hours + days, so I had no gym time. I was also so busy that I didn't really eat enough either. When I got back to town, I had a ton of work to do on a new website that I created ( www.realbodiesrealresults.com ), so I didn't do any tracking/gym then either.

    Ultimately, I lost 1.8 pounds, gained 0.15" in the waist, increased body fat by 0.9% and didn't track anything else. So, we are going to just pretend that week 8 doesn't really exist and give it another go this week :)

    It is alright man, I lost like 1.5 pounds too so kind of sucks. You will push through and make week 9 better I know it :)
  • brentopia
    brentopia Posts: 113 Member
    Life has a way of throwing us the unexpected. No biggie, you got this. Looking forward to reading more of your journey.
  • auddii
    auddii Posts: 15,357 Member
    Stupid question for you, why the limited bulks? Granted, I have no bulking experience (nor do I need to bulk, just curious), but it seems that a lot of people in this section will bulk for extended periods of time, with 3 months being on the shorter end of the range. And your first bulk was only 6 weeks.

    For both of your bulks, it seems that you've been pretty conservative with your calorie intake and as a result have ended up with fairly minimal fat gain. So why not do longer bulks to try and maximize your results?
  • terizius
    terizius Posts: 425 Member
    Auddii, great question, with a pretty simple two-part answer. First, I don't like bulking! While I like the results, I don't like eating that much and I really don't like the excess fat gain. At 12% body fat, I'm fatter now than I've ever been. For the first time in my life, I actually "noticed" my belly last week. I'm more accustomed to 6-8% body fat. Also, I have a pretty conservative weight goal of 165 lbs, and I'm not in a rush. Despite all of those things, I would likely keep going for longer except for the second reason - Life.

    The last bulk was cut short when I get a new job and moved my family to northern Cali. Coincidentally, I am cutting this bulk short this time as well due to another move - we just purchased a house and are in the process of packing now. I have the move, 2-3 business trips, and a website project that I'm deeply engrossed in now that take up pretty much all of my free time. Once things settle down in a month or two, I will start it up again.
  • terizius
    terizius Posts: 425 Member
    So, with the above post being made, I will call this bulk and report on the results tomorrow.
  • keithcw_the_first
    keithcw_the_first Posts: 382 Member
    Looking forward to the final graphs!