Momma of 2 littles, 70 lbs to lose

The title says it all...
I have been a MFP user for a while. I started using MFP when I thought I was fat and weighed 135 lbs...2 kids later and I now actually am fat at 193. I started back up again at 200 lbs and would love some encouragement from others. Feel free to add me. My diary is open each day that I submit it. :)

When I was a size 2..I had eating disorder issues. Now that I am large I tend to binge. I just want to get it together!


  • katillac625
    katillac625 Posts: 19 Member
    We got this!
  • vadervader
    vadervader Posts: 1 Member
    Hi mum of one little one here and 230 so have a lot to lose as my goal is 140! Also had food issues but a good 15 years ago x
  • HadassahsMomma
    HadassahsMomma Posts: 23 Member
    vadervader, our goals are close to the same!
  • DeFYneME
    DeFYneME Posts: 97 Member
    HI there, I'm a single full time working mum to two( that are Always with me if they're not at school).. and I would love to help... I'll send you a friends request. Feel free to add me... I love working out.. eating healthy and helping others achieve their goals...