Hey - sorry but i've had an NSV that is pretty major for me and wanted to share!

Usually it takes me ages to make the bed (changing the sheets) and I have to stop and take a break, and I get hot and sweaty and have to make sure I have a glass of water with me.

Today (just) it took me less than 15 minutes without a break, without getting hot and sweaty and without a drink!

I am soo happy!

Mixed with having someone tell me i've lost weight and look good, my belt is on a smaller notch and my size 18 trousers come down without undoing the zip i'm feeling good!

This means if I can do it all of you can do it - keep up the fantastic work and look out for the NSVs


  • jenfunfur
    jenfunfur Posts: 263 Member
    Well done you must be so happy keep up the good work :)
  • mseab71
    mseab71 Posts: 69 Member
    AWESOME!! Keep it up Girl! You are doing great!!:smile:

  • Leistung
    Leistung Posts: 6
    So great! Keep it up!