Take Two...

rkalin779 Posts: 14 Member
I fell off the wagon and now I am ready to hop back on. Starting back full tomorrow. I logged onto MFP to update all of my info and noticed that I started on here exactly a year ago tomorrow which will also be my official start date....again...a year later. I thought that was a nice little coincidence.

When I did this the first time after a few months of little to no progress I reverted back to eating crap and not moving instead of trying to figure out the issue and pushing forward. Big mistake. It has all come back, no surprise there.

So, here I am at square one again, but, at least I am in the square and not on the couch. I need some new friends because it appears that most of my original peers have moved on or fallen off the wagon too.


  • KyleeNicolle
    KyleeNicolle Posts: 43 Member
    Welcome back!!!
  • rdouma73
    rdouma73 Posts: 2,064 Member
    You can do this!
  • rkalin779
    rkalin779 Posts: 14 Member
    Thanks! You're right I can do this and I will.
  • Pgstarruffin
    Pgstarruffin Posts: 8 Member
    edited May 2015
    It's Time to take Action
  • pgv5514
    pgv5514 Posts: 10 Member
    Hi, we have similar stories. I would love to help motivate you to reach your goals. Feel free to add :)