I need to lose 155 pounds to get where I need to be. Can you be my support along the way?



  • phox1616
    phox1616 Posts: 3 Member
    I too have reached a point in my life where I need to lose a lot of weight. It doesn't bother me to stand or walk though. I thought I was around 285-290 until last night when I was talking to my mom about creating a diet plan and she said first I need to find out what I can consume a day in calories but to do that I needed to weigh myself, so I pulled out the old digital scale and found myself to have sadly and finally reached the 300s. As of last night I weighed in at 311 pounds and last time I tried to find dress pants (because I volunteer at a local theatre and need them for dress code) the largest I could find anywhere I looked was a size 44 and that's to tight, I can wear em but I would do better in a 46. So I have come to the realization I need to lose weight and a lot of it. My goal is to get down to 240, sept 2 years ago I was 248 so I know I can do it, once I get down to 240 I plan to work on getting to 200 but I'll be happy at 240.

    I know it won't be easy or quick but you're not in this battle alone.
  • peaceandcarrots
    peaceandcarrots Posts: 11 Member
    I've lost about 70lbs and I still have about 80 more to go so I know the struggle. You can definitely do it, if I can!! Feel free to add me! :)
  • mcbhele
    mcbhele Posts: 13 Member
    Add me
  • SRedd314
    SRedd314 Posts: 21 Member
    jaatree wrote: »
    I started with 135 to lose and now I'm 110 away. :) will be happy to share the journey and experience. all the best.

    You can and you will do it. cheers! :)
    JennieMaeK wrote: »
    I've lost 20 lbs, still have almost 75 lbs to go. Feel free to add me if you like.

    phox1616 wrote: »
    I too have reached a point in my life where I need to lose a lot of weight. It doesn't bother me to stand or walk though. I thought I was around 285-290 until last night when I was talking to my mom about creating a diet plan and she said first I need to find out what I can consume a day in calories but to do that I needed to weigh myself, so I pulled out the old digital scale and found myself to have sadly and finally reached the 300s. As of last night I weighed in at 311 pounds and last time I tried to find dress pants (because I volunteer at a local theatre and need them for dress code) the largest I could find anywhere I looked was a size 44 and that's to tight, I can wear em but I would do better in a 46. So I have come to the realization I need to lose weight and a lot of it. My goal is to get down to 240, sept 2 years ago I was 248 so I know I can do it, once I get down to 240 I plan to work on getting to 200 but I'll be happy at 240.

    I know it won't be easy or quick but you're not in this battle alone.
    I've lost about 70lbs and I still have about 80 more to go so I know the struggle. You can definitely do it, if I can!! Feel free to add me! :)
    mcbhele wrote: »
    Add me

    Thanks for the encouraging words everyone. Will be adding you all now! It's nice to have such awesome people around!
  • praksindiafit
    praksindiafit Posts: 526 Member
    Feel free to add me.. i m always there to motivate.. n is always good to have friends who would help motivate too.. we r all in it together. . Cheers n good luck
  • JulieEllul
    JulieEllul Posts: 50 Member
    SRedd314 wrote: »
    I've gained weight, lost weight, gained weight, lost weight, and you guessed right - gained it back, again. :|

    I'm 25 years old and I weigh more than I'd like to admit to anyone (at least not on a public forum). I will say that this is the heaviest I've ever been. It hurts to stand/walk around when going grocery shopping or just doing the dishes. I can't live like this and I surely won't at this rate. I've been on so many diets, but the thing that has worked for me in the past is using MFP to count calories, so I've decided to come back and really put some effort into it again!

    Unfortunately, the support I have around me isn't much support, though. While I am ultimately responsible for my choices, actions, and the consequences that follow, it gets hard to resist the temptations of either eating unhealthy again or missing a workout, then falling into the same bad habits again.

    I've never interacted with the community before, but thought that I would give it a shot this time. Everyone seems to be so friendly and willing to cheer one another on. I would love for some of that to come my way, as well as to have people to cheer on myself.

    Send me a friend request, message, or whatever you'd like. It's nice to know there are people who are in the same situation, or previously were in the same situation, and how they're working on it, or how they've accomplished their goals.

    Proud of you for taking the first step! It's the hardest. I'm on a similar journey to lose at least 110 and then decide from there. Starting week 6 today! I never thought I'd get here. 28 years old and struggle my whole life and have debilitating back and foot pain. Let's do this! Yes we can !
  • dalem48
    dalem48 Posts: 86 Member
    Since February 2014, I have lost exactly 155 pounds. You can do this!!
  • SRedd314
    SRedd314 Posts: 21 Member
    JulieEllul wrote: »
    Proud of you for taking the first step! It's the hardest. I'm on a similar journey to lose at least 110 and then decide from there. Starting week 6 today! I never thought I'd get here. 28 years old and struggle my whole life and have debilitating back and foot pain. Let's do this! Yes we can !
    Feel free to add me.. i m always there to motivate.. n is always good to have friends who would help motivate too.. we r all in it together. . Cheers n good luck
    dalem48 wrote: »
    Since February 2014, I have lost exactly 155 pounds. You can do this!!

    Thank you for the support!! You guys are awesome!