

  • achapman01
    achapman01 Posts: 42 Member
    I weigh in once a week, preferably in the morning before you have anything to eat. Try to weigh yourself at the same time of day too. :smile:
  • MelHoneyRocks
    MelHoneyRocks Posts: 223
    Weigh every Friday morning and measurements last day of every month right when I wake up.
  • Sunjenk
    Sunjenk Posts: 139 Member
    I weigh myself every morning and every night and write it down on a personal calendar, I don't get obsessive about it so I know it works for me.

    I only record my weight loss/gain once a week though ... every saturday morning, everything else throughout the week I use as a guide if I'm on the right track or not.

    Edit: Like some previous posts, I also do it first thing when I wake up, before shower but after bathroom, and always in the same outfit.
  • TakeOne
    TakeOne Posts: 345 Member
    Your weight will fluctuate throughout the day and from day to day as well. I stick with once a week at the same time of day. I also take my measurements about once every 3-4 weeks. Good luck to you!!
  • funkymommy
    funkymommy Posts: 8
    I've been in a weight loss competition at a local gym for the past 4 months and we weigh in once a week, weigh and measure every 2 weeks. I've lost 45lbs and over 40inches in 16 weeks! Keep at it!
  • fteale
    fteale Posts: 5,310 Member
    I don't really weigh myself unless staying with someone with a scale, as I don't own one. I don't think regular weighing is healthy. I am happy to get it done at the chemist once a month. Certainly no more than that.
  • JatieKo621
    JatieKo621 Posts: 425 Member
    I just had to change this about myself: I weighed myself EVERY day and started getting really discouraged. I mean some days I'd be down 3 pounds, and then the next I magically gained 5. I would let it really get to me and I started getting depressed on the days that the scale was up. I found that my weight fluctuates around 5 lbs (mostly water weight) and therefore I have made myself STOP weighing everyday.

    It just causes negativity even when I know I fluctuate. I can tell myself it will go back down all I want, but when I see a bigger number I get discouraged no matter what so I have backed off a little.

    Hope this helps!
  • Romba
    Romba Posts: 164 Member
    once every saturday morning when i first get up (naked)
  • wrevhn
    wrevhn Posts: 864 Member
    same here, once a week. sometimes two if i dont feel the loss.
  • hazelnutflav
    hazelnutflav Posts: 391 Member
    i guess i must be the oddball here but i weight my self twice a month the 15th and the last day as strange as that souds it works for me.
  • Tomhusker
    Tomhusker Posts: 346 Member
    As others have offered up, I "officially" weigh in once a week, Friday first thing after the morning constitution. BUT, I also check my weight Monday morning, then the following 2 or 3 days just to keep tabs on myself.

    Once a month, about the 20th of the month, I take measurements and use my Body Fat machine to test progress,
  • ohnuts14
    ohnuts14 Posts: 197
    honestly, it depends on the person. everyone is different and it depends on what will work for you. it's trial and error really. some people are motivated by dissapointment, and if they weigh themselves every day or once a week, and they don't see the results they were hoping for, it makes them work that much harder. some people are discouraged by dissapointment though, and rather need to see results in order to push themselves furhter. and if you're like that, i would suggest weighing in once a month. but alsoooo, some people find they get too caught up in seeing results and losing weight that they're constantly losing motivation and getting discouraged and losing sight of the big picture, and would rather focus on being healthy so that, they will lose the weight, but it won't constantly be about... how much, so they don't weigh themselves at all because that's what works for them. maybe once in a blue moon, but they'd rather focus on lifestyle. and there's nothing wrong with that either. it's all about what works for you, and only you can figure that out, so try it out a few different ways and see what winds up working the best. for me, i sometimes am motivated by dissapointment, but sometimes it discourages me, so i guess it all depends on how i feel, what's going on in my life atm and how things are affecting me, so basically, when i weigh myself is relative to how i'm feeling lol. if i find myself needing that extra push i might weigh myself, and if i didn't lose that'll push me, as will seeing results. but if i'm feeling really down about myself and i've been having a bad day or week or month lol, i might skip it because i know that if i don't see the results i want it will be more counter-productive than anything else.
  • Kanzaki3
    Kanzaki3 Posts: 656 Member
    I want to weigh myself weekly but I can never be patient enough. So, it's daily for me.
  • patkarter3
    patkarter3 Posts: 1 Member
    I weigh in every day right when i wake up. I'll go to the bathroom then weigh before showering or anything. I find that it is pretty accurate for the most part. As long as you are consistent, then the weigh ins should be accurate. I also find that weighing every day helps to keep me motivated
  • crysthom
    crysthom Posts: 27
    I weigh myself once a day! Every morning right after I pee and before I hit the shower *and naked*. However, my trainer says to weigh no more than once a week.