
Does anyone follow a paleo lifestyle? I started about a week and half ago and feel so much better


  • I need recipes
  • usernameenvy
    usernameenvy Posts: 140 Member
    You should do a search, there are heaps of Paleo threads on here.
  • homesweeths
    homesweeths Posts: 792 Member
    If I were you, I'd search out the paleo/primal discussion boards and join one or more of those discussions. There are a lot of ignorant, intolerant people on the main boards who have a hobby of baiting people who eat differently than they do.
  • Tried30UserNames
    Tried30UserNames Posts: 561 Member
    I've loved every recipe I've tried from

    They're autoimmune paleo, but that makes them regular paleo compliant. also has some good recipes.
  • homesweeths
    homesweeths Posts: 792 Member
    I've loved every recipe I've tried from

    They're autoimmune paleo, but that makes them regular paleo compliant. also has some good recipes.

    Yes, I can vouch for both of those. Every recipe I've tried from has been a winner -- even the non-celiacs in my family have said the food is delicious.
  • giantrobot_powerlifting
    giantrobot_powerlifting Posts: 2,598 Member
    edited May 2015
    No one follows a
    Does anyone follow a paleo lifestyle? I started about a week and half ago and feel so much better

    No one follows a paleo lifestyle, not even self described paleos.
  • MarziPanda95
    MarziPanda95 Posts: 1,326 Member
    I ate paleo for a few weeks and didn't feel any better (either with my autoimmune disease or in general with my other problems) so I went back to eating normally.
    But you do what you want. A quick google search will find you a lot of recipes and there are lots of paleo groups here.
  • homesweeths
    homesweeths Posts: 792 Member
    No one follows a
    Does anyone follow a paleo lifestyle? I started about a week and half ago and feel so much better

    No one follows a paleo lifestyle, not even self described paleos.

    You've just demonstrated very clearly that you have no idea what you're talking about. Amazing how that works. And you probably felt very clever doing it!
  • homesweeths
    homesweeths Posts: 792 Member
    Okay, I'm out of here. It's been fun, but I have better things to do. Seriously, tracy, if you don't want a bunch of self-proclaimed humorists doing their poor best to have fun at your expense, look for paleo recipes elsewhere. The main forum at MFP is hostile to people who believe that food choices impact the state of your health.

    They're in good company. An awful lot of standard medical practitioners don't believe it, either. Interesting, the way diabetes rates are skyrocketing... I wonder if it has anything to do with the foods people are eating these days?

    Nah.... it's impossible.
  • MarziPanda95
    MarziPanda95 Posts: 1,326 Member

    They're in good company. An awful lot of standard medical practitioners don't believe it, either. Interesting, the way diabetes rates are skyrocketing... I wonder if it has anything to do with the foods people are eating these days?

    Nah.... it's impossible.

    I really don't have an opinion either way, but diabetes rates are increasing because people are eating too MUCH food, not because of the kinds of foods they are eating. It is perfectly possible (happened to my cousin, in fact) to become diabetic as a paleo eater. She was eating too much of it.
  • homesweeths
    homesweeths Posts: 792 Member
    I ate paleo for a few weeks and didn't feel any better (either with my autoimmune disease or in general with my other problems) so I went back to eating normally.
    But you do what you want. A quick google search will find you a lot of recipes and there are lots of paleo groups here.

    Yeah, it's true that it doesn't work for everyone. That's the beauty of MFP -- you can find all kinds of people, following all kinds of eating plans that work for them, and eventually (hopefully) you'll hit on the one that works for you.

    Sheesh, I can't believe I came back to make another comment here. But having intelligent dialog (I am not including the half-wits who hang out on these boards, of course) with people who really are trying to solve their personal metabolic conundrum is addictive.

  • MarziPanda95
    MarziPanda95 Posts: 1,326 Member
    I ate paleo for a few weeks and didn't feel any better (either with my autoimmune disease or in general with my other problems) so I went back to eating normally.
    But you do what you want. A quick google search will find you a lot of recipes and there are lots of paleo groups here.

    Yeah, it's true that it doesn't work for everyone. That's the beauty of MFP -- you can find all kinds of people, following all kinds of eating plans that work for them, and eventually (hopefully) you'll hit on the one that works for you.

    I did find the eating plan that worked for me... eating the right combination of medication ;)
  • homesweeths
    homesweeths Posts: 792 Member
    edited May 2015

    They're in good company. An awful lot of standard medical practitioners don't believe it, either. Interesting, the way diabetes rates are skyrocketing... I wonder if it has anything to do with the foods people are eating these days?

    Nah.... it's impossible.

    I really don't have an opinion either way, but diabetes rates are increasing because people are eating too MUCH food, not because of the kinds of foods they are eating. It is perfectly possible (happened to my cousin, in fact) to become diabetic as a paleo eater. She was eating too much of it.

    Yes, I can see that happening. Too much of anything is... too much. If I ate a lot of dried fruit (which would be easy to do, seeing how I love dates and dried figs and apricots), I could take in enough sugar to really mess up my blood sugar metabolism. I have to do sugar in moderation, so I stick to about a cup of berries a day, or half a grapefruit, or a little super-dark chocolate, for a treat for my sweet tooth.

    My parents were both type 2 diabetics, well before they were my age, and I was pre-diabetic before I started this way of eating, so if I hadn't changed my diet, I expect I'd be full-blown diabetic by now. (Edited to add: Sure beats pills, and/or injections. *shudder* I hate needles. I am watching the slow disintegration of someone in my extended family from type 2 diabetes. it's awful. But he doesn't believe that what he eats has any bearing on his health; he's been unwilling even to try anything different. It's so sad.)
  • homesweeths
    homesweeths Posts: 792 Member
    edited May 2015
    I ate paleo for a few weeks and didn't feel any better (either with my autoimmune disease or in general with my other problems) so I went back to eating normally.
    But you do what you want. A quick google search will find you a lot of recipes and there are lots of paleo groups here.

    Yeah, it's true that it doesn't work for everyone. That's the beauty of MFP -- you can find all kinds of people, following all kinds of eating plans that work for them, and eventually (hopefully) you'll hit on the one that works for you.

    I did find the eating plan that worked for me... eating the right combination of medication ;)

    Good luck with that. :)

    (Edited to add smiley face. I didn't really mean it to sound as sarcastic as it turned out to sound. I just got fed up with the limitations of medication a few years ago, and decided to see if I could do better than the MDs and Big Pharma. So far, it's working much better than the pills ever did. But if medication is working for you, I'm glad you found something that works.)
  • MarziPanda95
    MarziPanda95 Posts: 1,326 Member

    They're in good company. An awful lot of standard medical practitioners don't believe it, either. Interesting, the way diabetes rates are skyrocketing... I wonder if it has anything to do with the foods people are eating these days?

    Nah.... it's impossible.

    I really don't have an opinion either way, but diabetes rates are increasing because people are eating too MUCH food, not because of the kinds of foods they are eating. It is perfectly possible (happened to my cousin, in fact) to become diabetic as a paleo eater. She was eating too much of it.

    I am watching the slow disintegration of someone in my extended family from type 2 diabetes. it's awful. But he doesn't believe that what he eats has any bearing on his health; he's been unwilling even to try anything different. It's so sad.)

    I know someone like that too! My best friend's dad. Once you're pre-diabetic or diabetic, sugars and carbs really do matter. He keeps eating all the things he shouldn't because he's selfish and doesn't seem to care that his family would be distraught if he died.
    And I agree with the dried fruit... yum!
  • giantrobot_powerlifting
    giantrobot_powerlifting Posts: 2,598 Member
    edited May 2015
    No one follows a
    Does anyone follow a paleo lifestyle? I started about a week and half ago and feel so much better

    No one follows a paleo lifestyle, not even self described paleos.

    You've just demonstrated very clearly that you have no idea what you're talking about. Amazing how that works. And you probably felt very clever doing it!
    As far as snappy rejoinders go, meh.

    You do realize that all that "paleo eating" is one giant waste of magical thinking. Paleo eaters are no more paleo then the men who eat powdered rhino horn to improve their erections.
  • homesweeths
    homesweeths Posts: 792 Member

    They're in good company. An awful lot of standard medical practitioners don't believe it, either. Interesting, the way diabetes rates are skyrocketing... I wonder if it has anything to do with the foods people are eating these days?

    Nah.... it's impossible.

    I really don't have an opinion either way, but diabetes rates are increasing because people are eating too MUCH food, not because of the kinds of foods they are eating. It is perfectly possible (happened to my cousin, in fact) to become diabetic as a paleo eater. She was eating too much of it.

    I am watching the slow disintegration of someone in my extended family from type 2 diabetes. it's awful. But he doesn't believe that what he eats has any bearing on his health; he's been unwilling even to try anything different. It's so sad.)

    I know someone like that too! My best friend's dad. Once you're pre-diabetic or diabetic, sugars and carbs really do matter. He keeps eating all the things he shouldn't because he's selfish and doesn't seem to care that his family would be distraught if he died.
    And I agree with the dried fruit... yum!

    Oh, so sorry for your best friend. It's so frustrating, kind of like watching someone commit suicide in slow motion, I guess. (Suicide by knife and fork?) Y'know, I was like that at one point, eating whatever I wanted because I figured I wasn't going to live all that much longer, anyhow. But then the pain got so severe, I *had* to try something different... and then I found out how *good* it feels to be healthy. All I have to do is eat certain foods to bring the pain back. It's not worth it.
  • homesweeths
    homesweeths Posts: 792 Member
    edited May 2015
    No one follows a
    Does anyone follow a paleo lifestyle? I started about a week and half ago and feel so much better

    No one follows a paleo lifestyle, not even self described paleos.

    You've just demonstrated very clearly that you have no idea what you're talking about. Amazing how that works. And you probably felt very clever doing it!
    As far as snappy rejoinders go, meh.

    You do realize that all that "paleo eating" is one giant waste of magical thinking. Paleo eaters are no more paleo then the men who eat powdered rhino horn to improve their erections.

    No, "paleo eating" is a label. It has little to do with cavemen, that's just a catchy image to talk about how people ate before the dawn of food additives and large-scale, industrial farming.

    My great-grandparents ate "paleo style" without the label. It was the norm, during their lifetime. They weren't cavemen, either, of course. Food made from scratch, organically grown (all food was grown organically in their day -- the chemical companies hadn't come up with whatever it is they make into fertilizer these days, and the pesticides now manufactured, and the genetic modifications) made up their food supply.

    Don't get me wrong, I'm all for people eating what works for them.

    I just don't get the Crusaders Against Paleo on the boards here, who rail against it without even knowing what it is. It's not about dinosaurs or prehistoric peoples at all. (Only in their imaginations, I guess. They have a surface knowledge that makes them feel informed and educated enough, I suppose, to sneer at the concept.)
  • Tried30UserNames
    Tried30UserNames Posts: 561 Member
    I'm new to MFP, but I've been rather stunned by how virulently anti-Paleo it is. I guess I just thought everyone had different preferences in food and eating, and we'd all support each other with our weight loss and fitness goals. I also thought that since about 80% of the people I know eat paleo or paleo-ish, it had become mainstream and SAD was now the bizarre thing. I'm naive.

    I, too, have had health problems and have watched family members die or become disabled from the same sorts of issues I'm dealing with. My dietary changes have made all the difference when modern pharmaceuticals and doctors had no answers or help for me. I'm not paleo, but I do incorporate many of the ideas from it and use a whole lot of paleo recipes. And I've also loved seeing how paleo has changed and adapted and expanded over the years, with some people incorporating rice or dairy if it works for them. My own preference is to eat more like my great-great grandparents did, with the addition of lots of modern conveniences like food processors and fun foods like coconut milk.
  • giantrobot_powerlifting
    giantrobot_powerlifting Posts: 2,598 Member
    edited May 2015
    I just don't get the Crusaders Against Paleo on the boards here, who rail against it without even knowing what it is. It's not about dinosaurs or prehistoric peoples at all. (Only in their imaginations, I guess. They have a surface knowledge that makes them feel informed and educated enough, I suppose, to sneer at the concept.)
    Eating "Paleo" is just elimination dieting. Nothing more, nothing less. You even acknowledge this fact by stating that paleo is just a "label." The claims of paleo and its alleged health benefits are not true and if, as you state that they only have a "surface knowledge" of the subject, how is illustrating that it is indeed "surface knowledge" makes one a "crusader."

    You are the one stating they have "surface knowledge" I guess you are a crusader too.

    Welcome to the club.