How do you learn to love running?

I have started to run on occasion and I would love for it to be a frequent hobbie, but I'm struggling to find it enjoyable! I want to be able to like it so that I will go out a lot more often and so I was wondering if anybody had any advice or tips on how to begin running and how they enjoy it?


  • cwolfman13
    cwolfman13 Posts: 41,874 Member
    edited May 2015
    I'm not really sure you learn to love it. It would seem to me that most people take to it pretty much right away or not at all. My wife loves running for for me, if I'm running everyone should run, because some bad *kitten* is about to go down.

    I love cycling...I didn't have to learn to love it...I was trying to force the issue with running for a long time until I dusted my bike off in an attempt to train for a triathlon...low and behold, I love riding.
  • WhatMeRunning
    WhatMeRunning Posts: 3,538 Member
    Running just to run is probably not the best way for most to enjoy running. My suggestion: Sign up for a race. You will have a goal to look forward to which will help you motivation-wise. After the race check how you feel about running then compared to before the race. You may love it more, you might not. But at least then you will have a much better understanding of how you really feel about running.
  • Mrsallen6_11
    Mrsallen6_11 Posts: 416 Member
    Options < This is a good read.

    Also, running is a personal preference. Either you love it or you hate. If you find that running is just not for you, not something that you enjoy, then try something else like: swimming, zumba, hiking, etc. You don't have to run if you don't like it, you can do other things too.
  • glevinso
    glevinso Posts: 1,895 Member
    I certainly "learned" to love it. When I first started a long time ago it was specifically to try to lose weight. It wasn't much fun but I knew I needed to move my body or else I was going to just get fatter. So I kept doing it. Not a lot. I would get up every morning and go run 3 miles. It always hurt but I did it.

    Then one day I woke up with a bad headache and didn't go run. I got to work a little later having kicked the headache and realized I *really* missed my morning endorphins. That stupid little 3 mile run that I thought I hated and was glad to have the excuse for a rest day turned into something actually important to me. Who knew?

    Fast forward 10 years and now I can't live without running (and cycling and swimming).
  • DevilsFan1
    DevilsFan1 Posts: 342 Member
    I hate running. Because I hate running, I can't make myself do it on a consistent basis.

    I love cycling. I bike to and from work and thus can fit it into my schedule easily. Because of this, I do it on a consistent basis.

    My advice is to find what you love (running, swimming, cycling, olympic weightlifting, whatever) and focus on that. If you enjoy something, you'll do it. If you hate something, you'll find excuses to avoid it.
  • iona_ellen
    iona_ellen Posts: 138 Member
    Maybe different terrains - I enjoy roadwork were as my mum enjoys running up hills (never understand)
    Groups - there are loads of local groups, socialising may help
    Music- I prefer my iPod and music to groups so which Evers better
    Dogs - borrow a dog :)
  • SuggaD
    SuggaD Posts: 1,369 Member
    cwolfman13 wrote: »
    I'm not really sure you learn to love it. It would seem to me that most people take to it pretty much right away or not at all. My wife loves running for for me, if I'm running everyone should run, because some bad *kitten* is about to go down.

    I love cycling...I didn't have to learn to love it...I was trying to force the issue with running for a long time until I dusted my bike off in an attempt to train for a triathlon...low and behold, I love riding.

    That seriously made me lol!

    Seriously, life is too short and full of options to waste time on things you do not enjoy (well except work, as that is a pays the hobby expenses lol). Find something you enjoy and have fun.
  • csman49
    csman49 Posts: 1,100 Member
    ladies in jogging pants. what's not to love???
  • LKArgh
    LKArgh Posts: 5,179 Member
    I have started to run on occasion and I would love for it to be a frequent hobbie, but I'm struggling to find it enjoyable! I want to be able to like it so that I will go out a lot more often and so I was wondering if anybody had any advice or tips on how to begin running and how they enjoy it?

    Why bother with an exercise you do not like and try to force yourself to have this hobby, when there are dozens of sports and exercise routines to chose from? Especially since you are really young, and unless there are health restrictions, you really can experiment with anything that sounds interesting.
  • MeanderingMammal
    MeanderingMammal Posts: 7,866 Member
    I have started to run on occasion and I would love for it to be a frequent hobbie, but I'm struggling to find it enjoyable! I want to be able to like it so that I will go out a lot more often and so I was wondering if anybody had any advice or tips on how to begin running and how they enjoy it?

    Running was something I didn't much enjoy until I could do it for about 25 minutes continuously, up until that point it was a means to an end.

    I still don't much enjoy the first ten minutes of a session until I'm warmed up and relaxed into it.

    That said, if you get to the stage where you can run for a continuous period and still don't enjoy it, then don't do it. There are plenty other options.
  • WolverhamptonFitness
    WolverhamptonFitness Posts: 233 Member
    What happened with me was that untill I could progress I hated it. I started not being able to run a mile March 2014.

    September 2014 I ran a half marathon just over 2 hours.

    I started appreciating it, same now with my bike. I love riding my bike.
  • brighton_up
    brighton_up Posts: 16 Member
    I thought i would always hate running, but i started slowly and began to see how my body could adapt, how each day i could go just that bit faster, that bit further. It was a struggle and sometimes it still is. But that rush i get running outside, listening to music i love, feeling my body getting pushed- its become addictive.