Exercise when your obese?



  • Roxiegirl2008
    Roxiegirl2008 Posts: 756 Member
    I was slow and steady when I started. I worked with (and still do) a personal trainer. Slowly but surly I built up strength and endurance.
  • SarcasmIsMyLoveLanguage
    SarcasmIsMyLoveLanguage Posts: 2,668 Member
    If you don't like the way you look in a bikini don't wear one. A gym pool is not the beach, the people working out are working on themselves and probably really don't care what you're dressed in (appropriate swim wear) as long as you shower before you get in the pool.

    Just did my first stint at real swimming in 30 years at my la fitness last night. Just joined last week. I've never gone to a gym before but at 40lbs overweight with a job that keeps me sedentarily standing my hips and back was sore and I was too tired when I got home late to exercise in any of my previously used workouts. (Step, Pilates etc) I decided swimming would be an attractive stop before I got home. The gym is open till 11pm, I usually leave work just after 8. I can attest no one cared what I wore. I wore a nice one piece I bought for my Vegas vacation last year, I was also tricked out with goggles and ear plugs.

    I was glanced at by the 3 guys there then promptly ignored as they focused on their laps. I managed 14 laps alternating breaststroke, side stroke, backswim and then jogged once forward and once backwards. Took about 25 minutes, I had to pause at each end and rest, swimming is alot harder then it was when I was a kid!

    But I'm feeling it all over today, arms legs, butt and core. Looking forward to it again. I was ignored walking in, ignored in the ladies locker room and showers, ignored in the pool and ignored leaving the gym. Suited me just fine!
    I'm fit (now) and I swim. When I see an overweight/ obese person in the pool, I have nothing but respect for them. But I do understand the anxiety.

  • DevilsFan1
    DevilsFan1 Posts: 342 Member
    edited May 2015
    Get up early (before the sun comes up) and go for a long walk. Walking briskly is the best exercise for people who are just starting out. As it gets easier, increase the length of your walks. Trust me, you can get your heartrate up just by walking fast. Whatever you do, don't start out running full bore. That's a recipe for an injury. Start slow and short and work your way up.

    Also, you need to watch your diet in order to lose weight. Don't view exercise as a panacea for weight loss (even though it will help). Your primary concern should be reducing the amount of calories you put into your body if your goal is to lose weight. It's quite easy for people who are just starting out exercising to increase their caloric intake to the point where you will still gain even if they are exercising regularly.

    It took you years to put on the extra weight. It won't come off in 30 days. But you CAN do it!
  • urloved33
    urloved33 Posts: 3,323 Member
    walk in the water, tread water...
  • wizzybeth
    wizzybeth Posts: 3,573 Member
    In January of this year I started an exercise program being 100 lbs overweight. I started with the elliptical machine because it is easy on the joints. I did what I could. The first time on the machine I couldn't do more than 9 minutes. So the next time I got on, my goal was to stay on longer than I did the last time, even if it was only by 30 seconds. And I gradually built up from there. I used that same method when walking the dog. I would "sprint" (well for me it was a sprint, lol) starting at a marker on the road and going to a chosen telephone pole or road sign. The next time, I would aim to go beyond that. And so on.

    I started using the weight machines and that really helped me. I did 3 sets of 12 reps of the heaviest I could stand...then made it 4 sets of 12 reps then 4 sets of 15. Then I moved on to the next heaviest I could stand.

    I also ride my bike on the road. It is hard but I still do it.

    I've lost 32 lbs and feel great. Exercising gives me even more energy.
  • minizebu
    minizebu Posts: 2,716 Member
    kfebersole wrote: »
    I go for walks but as the weather gets hotter I'd prefer exercise in an air conditioned environment.

    You can always go walk around the mall. It's air conditioned and gets you out of the house.

  • ninerbuff
    ninerbuff Posts: 48,639 Member
    kfebersole wrote: »
    Good Lord, where to start? It feels like just a work out to get down on the floor and back up again!

    I go for walks but as the weather gets hotter I'd prefer exercise in an air conditioned environment.
    What I am looking for is something baby step oriented to do in my own home until I build the confidence to join a gym or fitness program.

    Fat girl yoga? I don't know. Thoughts?
    How about just walking in a mall? I did that for 3 months till my DD was old enough to go to the gym with me.

    A.C.E. Certified Personal and Group Fitness Trainer
    IDEA Fitness member
    Kickboxing Certified Instructor
    Been in fitness for 30 years and have studied kinesiology and nutrition


  • 999tigger
    999tigger Posts: 5,235 Member
    walking, fitness blender. Dont be down on yourself or compare yourself to others. the good news is no matter how much a couch potato you are, then your fitness comes back reasonably fast if you are consistent and work at it. Be encouraged by the improvements you will see. baby steps keep doing a bit more and learn, its fun. Good luck.
  • KristenMarie1181
    KristenMarie1181 Posts: 216 Member
    Wow why do you need to build confidence to go to a gym?? I am 336 and 5ft 3 and i go to a gym!!
  • earlnabby
    earlnabby Posts: 8,171 Member
    jazmin220 wrote: »
    BinkyBonk wrote: »
    Swimming? I know you have self confidence issues but seriously, swimming is a wonderful workout. Easy on the joints, burns good calories. Even if you don't swim laps, just get in the pool and move around. And you stay nice and cool :)

    I want to swim at my gym's pool but I am a little nervous about how I look in a bikini and others staring. Also I'd hate for the chlorine to dry out my hair.

    OP, start anywhere. As long as you are moving, you are burning calories!! Walking, slow jog, elliptical, biking etc.

    Just remember that people going to a pool for fitness generally walk around in shiny lycra wearing condoms on their heads, they do nor go there to look cool. If you want to swim, start. It is a great exercise: you burn calories fast, get both cardio and strength work in, it is easy on the joints, and can be fun. Trust me, people do not stare and the chlorine can be mitigated simply by wearing a swimming cap. You also would feel better in a one piece rather than a bikini, much better support and less drag in the water.

    OP: I started out by taking a water aerobics class. The exercise I got then enabled me to start walking. Eventually I started swimming laps too.

  • jgnatca
    jgnatca Posts: 14,464 Member
    @kristenmarie1212 , I remember when it was intimidating walking in to a gym. It helped when I went along with my hubby. And when I realized that people in the gym are nearly entirely focused on their own body and form.

    I think group classes are the easiest way to ease in to the gym scene. Plus you get to learn how to warm up, stretch, and proper form.
  • sofaking6
    sofaking6 Posts: 4,589 Member
    Wow why do you need to build confidence to go to a gym?? I am 336 and 5ft 3 and i go to a gym!!

    You're lucky to have natural self-confidence. Not so lucky vis a vis your inability to empathize with others, but hey.
  • 365andstillalive
    365andstillalive Posts: 663 Member
    ninerbuff wrote: »
    kfebersole wrote: »
    Good Lord, where to start? It feels like just a work out to get down on the floor and back up again!

    I go for walks but as the weather gets hotter I'd prefer exercise in an air conditioned environment.
    What I am looking for is something baby step oriented to do in my own home until I build the confidence to join a gym or fitness program.

    Fat girl yoga? I don't know. Thoughts?
    How about just walking in a mall? I did that for 3 months till my DD was old enough to go to the gym with me.

    A.C.E. Certified Personal and Group Fitness Trainer
    IDEA Fitness member
    Kickboxing Certified Instructor
    Been in fitness for 30 years and have studied kinesiology and nutrition


    This. I fundraise in malls all across Canada, and every single one of them has walkers (some even have actual mall walking clubs you can sign up for where you compete against each other for laps, etc).
    jazmin220 wrote: »
    BinkyBonk wrote: »
    Swimming? I know you have self confidence issues but seriously, swimming is a wonderful workout. Easy on the joints, burns good calories. Even if you don't swim laps, just get in the pool and move around. And you stay nice and cool :)

    I want to swim at my gym's pool but I am a little nervous about how I look in a bikini and others staring. Also I'd hate for the chlorine to dry out my hair.

    OP, start anywhere. As long as you are moving, you are burning calories!! Walking, slow jog, elliptical, biking etc.

    Buy a swim cap, keeps your hair dry and chlorine free. And in full honesty, if you're going to go do laps in the pool, feel free to skip the bikini in favour of something where you've got a bit more coverage. I'm not sure if you've ever tried to do laps in a bikini, but there's a whole lot of adjusting involved, constantly to keep the ladies in their holders. haha
  • MsJulesRenee
    MsJulesRenee Posts: 1,180 Member
    It's hot outside, you sweat...you'll learn to love the sweat. Bring a huge bottle of cold water with you. I started the same, always wanting to be in the AC and comfortable, but after awhile you want to get that hard sweat on to feel accomplished. If you don't push outside of your comfort zone you won't make the progress you want.

    Bikinibodymommy has great workouts for home, she starts heavier and you can see her progress through the 90 day challenge videos. She is huffing and puffing through the exercises with you - like working out with a friend!! And most workouts are only 20 minutes :)
  • weathersrabbits
    weathersrabbits Posts: 14 Member
    Find something you love! I liked gardening so I put my garden in by hand. I love swimming so I walked to the pool, swam and walked home :)
  • 999tigger
    999tigger Posts: 5,235 Member
    Walking is a great start and now the warmer weather is here then outside is lovely. Get your mindset right with exercise, can be hard work but fun plus its highly beneficial. Join a gym if and when you are ready, you cna do plenty at home. Any movement is good. Good luck, its less scary than you think.
  • Rachelinthecity
    Rachelinthecity Posts: 4 Member
    edited May 2015
    I know you're concerned about the gym, but I say sign up anyway and start taking spin classes. I am really unhappy with my weight and have trouble even going out in public at all, let alone to the gym in spandex pants, and I still like going to spin classes.

    They're awesome because they're usually taught in a darkened room (so you're not staring at yourself in the mirror for 40 minutes), if you sit in the back, no one can really look at you even if they want to, it doesn't put as much stress on your feet/joints as running/jogging, and while it can be a really challenging workout, you can also set your own difficulty by varying your pace and resistance if you need to. Plus the seat is always there if you really need a break! I just tell the instructor ahead of time that I'm recovering from an injury or am just getting started and need to go at my own pace, so I'm sure they won't call me out if they're the particularly zealous type who likes to run around the room and yell at people to go faster.

    I'm trying to work out at home too (I'm doing P90, which is the scaled-back version of P90X and it's pretty good), but the energy in a group fitness class can really encourage you to keep going in a way that working out alone can't compete with (imo).
  • kfebersole
    kfebersole Posts: 13 Member
    Wow, so much great advice here! Thanks everyone for the comments.

    It's interesting how I often hear just to do what I love but when I've been sedentary for so long there isn't much I love doing so it will be interesting to try new things. I played rugby for 10 years (college and out of college for a local league) and I know I loved that, but at almost 300 lbs I'm a long way off from taking to the pitch again.
  • CSARdiver
    CSARdiver Posts: 6,252 Member
    Personally I am more inspired with seeing an obese person at the gym than someone who is fit. There's a prodigal son element to this, but the obese person is changing a bad series of habits - not an easy thing to do and very intimidating.
  • nekoface
    nekoface Posts: 149 Member
    Just wanted to add that there might be a women's only or a plus-size gym in your area you could check out. I'm easily intimidated but I found I really like our local ywca gym. I tried it on a day pass before committing to it. Some gyms give you a free day pass and if you hate the atmosphere you can just walk out.

    I second spin classes too. I chose a class in a dark room (nobody can see you) with loud music (nobody can hear you pant) and with no mirrors (though this is hard to find).