Re-inventing myself at 57!

Shayuk2015 Posts: 1 Member
On the half way point of my first week of running/walking and doing the food diary. It's amazing how quickly things add up depending on what you choose to eat. I started a couple of weeks ago with a modified version of the Paleo diet and now I've added running. Just yesterday as I was running my one minute, I had an aha moment,"I'm running"! I've never done this type of exercise before. Gym's don't work for me. I sign up for a year and go for three months and then find some excuse not to go. I'm hoping this doesn't happen with running. All it's cost me is a pair of shoes and a water bottle belt, and I can already feel the benefits!


  • Seafood10
    Seafood10 Posts: 8 Member
    I understand how it is to reinvent yourself! I'm doing the same thing. At 61, and having been heavy for a long time, it's time to reverse the mindset! That's great you are running! I work retail and move around a lot. Bending, walking, talking! Lol! Still, it's time to get serious and walk at least three times a week. My bike and water bottle are waiting for me, too. Counting my food in the food diary helps big time! Best of luck to you! Hope we can be friends!
  • truelight_photo_craig
    truelight_photo_craig Posts: 347 Member
    From my personal experience, running is as addictive as any drug, without the detrimental side effects. :-) I do the walk/run thing as well, and if I don't get my miles in, I feel it. Stick with the plan, find ways to challenge and motivate yourself, and have fun!!! Celebrate every PR you achieve! BTW, I've lost over 100 pounds just by eating sensibly and exercising regularly. You can do this!!!
  • Slja2013
    Slja2013 Posts: 34 Member
    Hello to all. I am a 53 year old registered nurse with 50 pounds or more to lose. I bought the Zumba Exhilarate set to try something new. I hate exercise and really hate to do it alone so I thought why not try something new. I also love to run on my treadmill- my knees cannot handle the road anymore. I am eating sensibly, taking my vitamins, journaling every morsel of food I eat, and trying to exercise 3 times a week at present. I picked the four things to start with so I do not overwhelm myself with change. I am going to an alternative medicine clinic tomorrow to get some help on my weight loss journey. No pills or Medi-Fast or anything like that but maybe some new supplementation since I am so low on iron and the B vitamins. Hope to see you all around--it is really nice to meet some women on the same path I am on!
  • Chesterfield822
    Chesterfield822 Posts: 1 Member
    I had a moment of clarity a few days ago. I'm coming up on 57, which is no big deal, but I am having what I think of as normal, age-related aches & pains. So far, so good. But as I am already about 35 lbs. over my comfort zone, and I'm not getting any younger, paying attention while I still enjoy eating & drinking with my family & friends is going to be a necessity. I know all of the rules. So, here goes. Hoping the count-down app will be helpful.
  • RuefulRabbit
    RuefulRabbit Posts: 42 Member
    I like the title of this thread. That's sort of what I'm doing too.
  • spzjlb
    spzjlb Posts: 599 Member
    edited May 2015
    Hi there! I am 50 and have been on MFP since January. I know what you all mean about re-inventing. While I have always worked out and eaten well, I realize that I eat too much. Healthy or not, too much food was making me fat! I also drastically slowed down my workouts and I blamed marriage stress, perhaps unfairly.

    Finally, after stepping on the scale and nearly fainting at the number, I just took the bull by the horns and started back at it. My philosophy now is to do a little bit, but every single day. A 20 min intense circuit training series plus 10 min on my treadmill burns lots of calories, and it is only 30 min! I will walk on "rest days". Baby steps.

    My tip for all of you is to measure yourself and take photos so you have some other metric than the scale. I did not, and wish that I had. Now I freak out if the scale isn't dropping like I want, even though my clothing is much looser. Loose clothing are not precise data after a certain point. Good luck to you all.
  • mtwlovesenglish
    mtwlovesenglish Posts: 4 Member
    Hi to all. I am hitting 65 this year with 50 more lbs to lose. I have lost 40 over the past year but got side tracked for the last few months. I got a fitbit for mom's day and in this first week I can feel the reinforcement of the numbers. I am a teacher, and my steps are always on target but Iwant to get back to walking a 15 min mile. I have an eliptical but I like walking outside.
  • RodaRose
    RodaRose Posts: 9,562 Member
    Here is an active group you people might like to join:
  • Justygirl77
    Justygirl77 Posts: 385 Member
    edited May 2015
    Hello! Yay for new beginnings!
  • forthegoals
    forthegoals Posts: 10 Member
    awesome :smiley: you go!
  • butterworthdee
    butterworthdee Posts: 5 Member
    Shayuk2015 wrote: »
    On the half way point of my first week of running/walking and doing the food diary. It's amazing how quickly things add up depending on what you choose to eat. I started a couple of weeks ago with a modified version of the Paleo diet and now I've added running. Just yesterday as I was running my one minute, I had an aha moment,"I'm running"! I've never done this type of exercise before. Gym's don't work for me. I sign up for a year and go for three months and then find some excuse not to go. I'm hoping this doesn't happen with running. All it's cost me is a pair of shoes and a water bottle belt, and I can already feel the benefits!

  • butterworthdee
    butterworthdee Posts: 5 Member
    Hiya, me too!, I'm 50 and decided to shift some weight and get fit, I started off walking and am now 'nearly' jogging a mile, it's only been 10 days but I'm feeling better already, this place is really motivational, :-)