Morning Rush

michellemybelle05 Posts: 20 Member
edited May 2015 in Food and Nutrition
Good morning!

It is a chilly, but sunny day here in Toronto. I can't wait until the weather becomes consistently warmer. I thrive in the summer time.

This morning I was in such a rush to get to work that I quickly grabbed a Dempsters Everythinf Bagel, threw it into the toaster and used the tiniest bit of butter.

I told myself that I would try my hardest to stay away from carbs as it is my weakness.

Do you think it's okay to have carbs in the morning? That way I can work off the calories through out the day?

What are some quick, and filling breakfast ideas? With the kind of work I do, I must be awake, alert and ready to drown in paperwork.

Hope you all have a wonderful day!


  • michellemybelle05
    michellemybelle05 Posts: 20 Member
    Firstly, is anyone else having problems with the MFP app? I've been trying to post comments, and to start a thread...and I write out my whole long paragraph, and it just doesn't load. So glitchy.
  • michellemybelle05
    michellemybelle05 Posts: 20 Member
    Secondly, I'll re-type what was supposed to be in the body of my post
  • chivalryder
    chivalryder Posts: 4,391 Member
    Carbs shouldn't be your enemy at any time of the day, but you should definitely try to get more protein into your diet. I love a good bagel, but perhaps start buying English Muffins instead of bagels, and throw in a few slices of deli meat, cream cheese, whatever. Also, throw an apple or two into your bag to eat on your way to work. Gotta mix it up!
  • Linovitz
    Linovitz Posts: 79 Member
    I used to be a carb girl in the morning. Nothing better than a bagel or a donut or cereal! Now I try to have couple of hard boiled eggs, some cheese, or even some leftover chicken breast. I also like a Quest bar on occassion when I am in a hurry in the morning. Low on carbs and high on protein. If I want cereal, I eat Kashi. It has carbs, but a lot of protein too. My advice - up the protein. Regarding MFP app - I haven't been able to post comments from my phone - only on computer.
  • Sarasmaintaining
    Sarasmaintaining Posts: 1,027 Member
    You can have carbs anytime of the day-weight loss is about calories and math. Eat at a calorie deficit and you will lose weight. Meal timing/when you eat certain macros is a preference thing and nothing else.

    For me personally, I don't usually eat before 11am, and then I break my daily fast with my largest meal of the day. It's usually got a decent amount of carbs in it, no worries :)
  • The_Weaze
    The_Weaze Posts: 511 Member
    I like smoothies or overnight oats for quick morning meals. I make smoothie packs for the freezer so I just dump it into the blender with liquid and it's good to go.
  • suruda
    suruda Posts: 1,233 Member
    I love carbs in the morning, afternoon, or pretty much any time of day. Unfortunately, they often do not help weight loss for me. while I know that it is about CICO and I CAN eat anything, carbs don't keep me full long enough and I tend to eat more when I indulge in them. They are quickly satisfying but not long term... I also find that if I have something higher in protein in the morning I will stay full longer and therefore have less trouble consuming fewer calories.
  • MelissaLsmith93
    MelissaLsmith93 Posts: 11 Member
    I've been having the same problem with the MFP app. It hasn't been loading my comments.
    I understand with carbs, they're my problem area to. I love a smoked salmon bagel in the morning. I'm not however that much of a breakfast person and i hardly have time to pay a lot of attention to breakfast.
    Now I tend to eat for breakfast a fruit salad with Greek yoghuty, porridge, a slim shkae or protein shake or smoked salmon and scrambled egg.
  • malibu927
    malibu927 Posts: 17,565 Member
    Nothing wrong with carbs. I just make sure I get some protein in with it too. I eat Greek yogurt every morning, but what it's with varies...cereal, eggs and toast, a breakfast sandwich, or even fruit and granola mixed into it.
  • michellemybelle05
    michellemybelle05 Posts: 20 Member
    You guys are awesome! Thanks so much for the feedback. I will definitely use the information and put it into my routine.

    I'm kind of getting mixed reviews as to whether or not carbs are good in the morning. Some people say it will drain energy by lunch time, others say to stay away from bagel completely. I was always under the impression that there are such thing as "good carbs" and that the morning would be the best meal to eat them. As I said before, I'm a carb I don't think I can succeed with cutting ALL carbs out completely.
  • beemerphile1
    beemerphile1 Posts: 1,710 Member
    Carbs are good any time of day, don't demonize foods.

    I eat a banana and hard boiled egg for breakfast most days. I need to always have protein together with carbs. If I eat carbs alone I get a sugar spike and then my blood sugar drops.
  • kristydi
    kristydi Posts: 781 Member
    You guys are awesome! Thanks so much for the feedback. I will definitely use the information and put it into my routine.

    I'm kind of getting mixed reviews as to whether or not carbs are good in the morning. Some people say it will drain energy by lunch time, others say to stay away from bagel completely. I was always under the impression that there are such thing as "good carbs" and that the morning would be the best meal to eat them. As I said before, I'm a carb I don't think I can succeed with cutting ALL carbs out completely.

    Who cares what "they" say. In the absence of solid science on the issue,the thing that really matters is how carbs in the morning affect you. Do you feel drained by lunch time when you eat a bagel for breakfast? If so then make changes, if not enjoy your bagel.
  • Linovitz
    Linovitz Posts: 79 Member
    kristydi wrote: »
    You guys are awesome! Thanks so much for the feedback. I will definitely use the information and put it into my routine.

    I'm kind of getting mixed reviews as to whether or not carbs are good in the morning. Some people say it will drain energy by lunch time, others say to stay away from bagel completely. I was always under the impression that there are such thing as "good carbs" and that the morning would be the best meal to eat them. As I said before, I'm a carb I don't think I can succeed with cutting ALL carbs out completely.

    Who cares what "they" say. In the absence of solid science on the issue,the thing that really matters is how carbs in the morning affect you. Do you feel drained by lunch time when you eat a bagel for breakfast? If so then make changes, if not enjoy your bagel.

    I agree with above. Experiment and see what works for you.

  • michellemybelle05
    michellemybelle05 Posts: 20 Member
    You're right!! I was perfectly fine until lunch, still had energy and wasn't hungry.

    Thank you for all your advice and motivation!
  • Queenmunchy
    Queenmunchy Posts: 3,380 Member
    Make ahead freezer breakfast sandwiches or burritos, Mcmuffins, make ahead frittata/egg muffins like these quiche cupcakes or sausage cheese and egg bake.

    My personal recipe - breakfast burrito
    Sauté onion, pepper, mushroom, spinach. Chop 8 slices of turkey or center cut bacon, and crisp. Cook 8 scrambled eggs, and mix all cooled ingredients together. Lay out 8 large high fiber/low carb burritos (like La Tortilla Factory smart and delicious line or Ole Wellness High Fiber). Divide mixture amongst 8 burritos, top each with 14-28g cheese of choice, and roll into burritos, folding in the sides. Lay seam side down on cookie sheet, and freeze. Once frozen, transfer to labeled freezer bag. To serve, microwave wrapped in damp paper towel for 2-3 minutes until thawed or microwave until thawed and crisp in a pan or under the broiler. Options: add in cooked potatoes, vegetables to taste, sun dried tomatoes, jalapenos, hot sauce, or any other preferred fillings. Can substitute 2 egg whites for each whole egg.

    I've been making these simple frittatas and eating 1/4 per day at 140 calories per slice. I keep swapping out the vegetables/meat.
  • michellemybelle05
    michellemybelle05 Posts: 20 Member
    WOW!! Sounds and looks absolutely amazing. I will definitely definitely be making these! I love burritos and breakfast, the two combined would be mind blowing. I've had breakfast burritos before, I just never thought to freeze them. What a great idea! Thank you so much for your input!