What did you say "YES" to today?



  • sillygoose1977
    sillygoose1977 Posts: 2,151 Member
    Said yes to a much needed xanax. Goodnight
  • KayleighDawn13
    I said yes to extra cuddling time with my puppy!! I also said yes to some tuna! I usually hate all seafood but was in the mood for tuna! :)
  • Kanzaki3
    Kanzaki3 Posts: 656 Member
    I said yes to getting out of bed today early instead of procrastinating by just laying there.
  • jonbobfrog
    jonbobfrog Posts: 294
    I said YES to a *single* piece of Fuel Pizza

    I said YES to a extra walk even after I was done for the night so I could spend some extra time with my mom

    I said YES to 3 straight hours of "Dr. Who"
  • EvanR
    EvanR Posts: 17
    I said yes to half a cup of mac n cheese at dinner...usually I pass for a small salad but not tonight :D

    Haha, this. I love mac 'n cheese way too much to skip it every time.
  • kaitimae
    kaitimae Posts: 727 Member
    I said yes to having STEAK for dinner, and my body appreciates it oh so much.
    I said yes to working out with my trainer even though I was tired.
    I said yes to tracking and staying within my calories even though it is so easy to rationalize going over on the weekend.
  • sharesb
    sharesb Posts: 416 Member
    I clicked on "yes" several times today purchasing show tickets and tee times for my Vegas vacation in seven sleeps!! That was fun....I think I might just say "yes" one more time before bed and order those zumba leggings I have been eyeing up for a week now. :tongue:
  • Thexplodingirl
    I said "yes" to another 3 hrs sleep.
    I said "yes" to getting out of bed today instead of sulking and sleeping all day.
    I said "yes you can!" to climbing a big mountain today (and burning 1390c)
    I said "yes you WILL" to an ice bath afterwards.
    I said "yes, thank you" (to myself) for a steak dinner and beers.
    I am saying "Yes, please" to a hot epsom salt bath right now!

    I certainly am agreeable today aren't I?
  • otr12
    otr12 Posts: 632 Member
    I said YES to a *single* piece of Fuel Pizza

    I said YES to a extra walk even after I was done for the night so I could spend some extra time with my mom

    I said YES to 3 straight hours of "Dr. Who"

    I don't know what Fuel Pizza is but I want to say yes to it
  • leshagen
    leshagen Posts: 36
    I said "yes" to watching 4 episodes of 'Ed, Edd & Eddie' with my kids :D
    I said "yes" to a co-worker who needed help, kind-of grudgingly though (does that count?)
    and I said "yes" to that lovely piece of pizza I rewarded myself with for having a great week
  • leshagen
    leshagen Posts: 36
    I said YES to my neighbors girlfriend,....

    when she asked me if I was picking up her dogs poop out of my yard. I'm still pissed off about it
    Classic! Thanks for the chuckle!
  • mamalissa
    mamalissa Posts: 45
    I said yes to half of a chocolate chip cookie from Subway (my favorite!!) (I used to always say yes to 3 of them at a time!)

    I said yes to half of an oatmeal raisin cookie from Subway. It's got raisins and oatmeal in it. Aka, healthy. ;)

  • Hazelhaze05
    Hazelhaze05 Posts: 85 Member
    My friends introduced me to a guy at the bar tonight and I said YES to a ride on his harley along the beach! Great times :)
  • AlexandraM119
    I said YES to cutting my workout short by a half hour so I could be out in the sun and actually enjoy washing my car. It was nice not to be completely sweaty since I cut the elliptical out of today's workout :) I may or may not have also said yes to a maple bar this morning ha
  • kristarablue
    kristarablue Posts: 707
    I said yes to working at 3 am (kind of questioning my judgement right at this moment)
    I said yes to going to the gym before a friend came over (she had to see me all sweaty...did I care...not a flippin bit!)
    I said yes to having a second cup of coffee due to my other yes about the 3 am work
    I said yes to LOVING MY MFP Friends!!!
  • rwinnie2
    rwinnie2 Posts: 59 Member
    Yes...I would like to spend £45,000 on the deposit for my new house (ouch in a nice way)
    Yes...I would like to walk the mile home and back for my passport that I forgot i needed so I can spend this money (money laundering regulations)
    Yes...I would like to trawl the internet for sutable buildings insurance for said house (why dont they want me to live withing 400m of water???)
    Yes...I will compleate my essays for college.
    Yes...I will have that lovely piece of licorice (oohhh yumm)
    yes...i will go to Zumba later (yipee)
  • avalonms
    avalonms Posts: 2,468 Member
    A 5K run.