any former weight watchers?

Hello. I've had much success with weight watchers in the past, but the constant pushing to buy their products got exhausting.

I'm looking for some good motivational friends to create that same atmosphere but without all of the commercialism.

Feel free to add me. =)


  • mack427
    mack427 Posts: 24 Member
    Hey loved WW. It does not fit into my current situation. Would love a new MPF friend
  • mistikal13
    mistikal13 Posts: 1,457 Member
    I have never been on WW, but I have heard from others that they can be quite pushy. There are some great threads on here with lots of great info/recipes to get you started. Take a little time to read through the archives and good luck!
  • Nuke807
    Nuke807 Posts: 160 Member
    I used WW on my previous weight loss journey, but like you, I got tired of paying for all of their crap. After making the adjustment from "points" to calories and macros I like this site more.
  • ashley_jes13r
    ashley_jes13r Posts: 22 Member
    My leader actually retired after a year. I had lost 111 pounds, but it cut me deep when she left. I've gained a bit back, but trying to get it under control before I'm too far gone. I agree with liking the macros more. Some people may be able to eat whatever they want in moderation and still lose but I have to cut down carbs a bit or my weight loss stalls. Plus...I don't like that fruit is free points.
  • Dagoob
    Dagoob Posts: 33 Member
    Yep - I can relate - I'm a life time member of WW and It worked for me to lose weight but not keep it off. So far I'm liking the mfp and seems to work for me to track everything.... With the money I've saved on meetings etc at WW I purchased a Fitbit and new exercise clothes.... :smile:
  • KingsGirl4
    KingsGirl4 Posts: 152 Member
    I'm so-so about WW. I lost 5 pounds from it multiple times but then gained it back. I realized it was because they didn't teach lifestyle changes but more "how many things can you fit within your points range." So I never learned anything. The revised program was a lot better by teaching the power foods - that definitely helped me stay satisfied throughout the day. But I wouldn't say I learned portion control from WW.

    As for meetings - I didn't like my leader at all. i actually quit because of her, she wasn't welcoming or approachable at all. Neither were the people in my class - bummer.

    And final note about buying their products - I loved their granola bars but then I found a better alternative at Target for a fraction of the price. When you compare the nutrition facts, they are the same thing. So I never bought any more WW products after that.
  • terizius
    terizius Posts: 425 Member
    edited May 2015
    Here are a few stories from MFP members that were on weight watchers in the past:

    All of them ended up leaving weight watchers for other options.
  • jenncornelsen
    jenncornelsen Posts: 969 Member
    i was on weight watchers last year for about 3 months and lost 20. I kept it off but never made it to goal. I joined here so I could lose my last 35. mfp can seem alittle different at first but really its quite similar. if anything its easier since calories are on all products meanwhile points I always had to look up! good luck to u!
  • catherinelouisek
    catherinelouisek Posts: 7 Member
    I'm also a former weight watchers member I left in March as I had lost 3 stones and it all grew to a holt I was putting half pound on losing pound putting pound on etc so I started counting calories and going to the gym lost 13lb so far since I left and still working hard
  • Abigeal2015
    Abigeal2015 Posts: 10 Member
    I'm wondering if weight watchers is a good thing for me to do.
  • ashley_jes13r
    ashley_jes13r Posts: 22 Member
    I really enjoyed ww while I had my leader, but when she left it was done. I've found good community here just in the first few days, so I think it will be a very good alternative. I like the calories vs points also.
  • KingsGirl4
    KingsGirl4 Posts: 152 Member
    WW was the very first program I ever tried. In that regard, it was a good way to get my feet wet in logging food, understanding that each food has a "value", and it was also good to physically get up and go to a meeting where you interact with others in the same situation. I also like having a reward system where they give you stars, bookmarks, etc... for losing weight to your milestones. However, I did not learn nutrition from WW which is more important in the long run.