It's only day 2 and...

moledew Posts: 71 Member
I'm really disgusted with the amount of food I have been consuming my entire life. My friend recommended MFP to me and actually had to set up my account because I wasn't able to. When she told me I needed to eat roughly 1,900 calories per day to lose a pound a week, I told her she was nuts. I thought 2,000 was the general recommendation and that I was probably eating around that amount anyways. It took 1 day of me logging my food intake and realizing that I wasn't able to eat like I always had because, well, I've been eat like a freaking cow my whole life! It hit me like a brick wall that I have been consuming AT LEAST 2,800 calories everyday for as long as I can remember. (I'm sure I've hit 4,000+ with no problem on some days, too.) I'm really glad I have chosen to take this step and I have definitely gained motivation from this rude awakening but I'm so disgusted and ashamed that I have been doing this to myself for so long...


  • schillewis
    schillewis Posts: 144 Member
    My only advice is to lose the self loathing. Consuming excess calories doesn't mean you're eating like a "cow" or are "disgusting". All it means is your consuming excess calories...end of story.

    If you're unhappy with your food intake/weight/health, this is a great site for you. Excellent advice, tools and support readily available :wink:

    I hope you can be kind to yourself - being overweight or inactive does not make you lazy or piggish or any of those other negative associations. Treat yourself well, feed yourself well and do your best. That's enough (((HUGS)))
  • Annr
    Annr Posts: 2,765 Member
    Recognize this as just a wake up call. Don't be so hard on yourself. We are our worst critics. Take this as a good thing. You can now be aware, and end days feeling really proud of yourself. Being in control and accountable is a grand thing.
  • tibby531
    tibby531 Posts: 717 Member
    just wait until you get a food scale, and start measuring out ACTUAL portions. mind = blown.

    cereal really IS supposed to be "part of a complete breakfast."

    but, yeah, put the haterade back in the fridge and love yourself for taking control of this situation. :) high five!
  • jaqcan
    jaqcan Posts: 498 Member
    tibby531 wrote: »
    just wait until you get a food scale, and start measuring out ACTUAL portions. mind = blown.

    cereal really IS supposed to be "part of a complete breakfast."

    but, yeah, put the haterade back in the fridge and love yourself for taking control of this situation. :) high five!

  • Annr
    Annr Posts: 2,765 Member
    Yep I have a scale that show different measurements, ozs, grams etc. What really helps is putting your kitchen in order for this journey. If you buy a bag of something measure it out and put into baggies and put back in bag. I just took a beef kelbasa out of the frig and weighed out 3pz portions and froze the other baggies. Less likely to overcook alot more than you should. For me not eating 2 hrs before I go to bed makes the mornings more of a "breaking the fast" sort of feeling. Then for breakfast I have yogurt, a slice of hearty nutty bread and some PB2 (powdered peanut butter no fat). Make every meal a snack...and every snack a meal.
  • moledew
    moledew Posts: 71 Member
    You guys are great. I don't think it's necessarily ME that I'm disgusted with more so my actions and lack of intelligence on health and the way the body works. I mean, we've all "always known how to lose weight and what we're doing wrong" but implementing a change it is a wholleee different story. I guess I didn't realize just how bad I was treating my body until now and it has been a wake up call for sure! I keep seeing everyone talk about a food scale and how this is key.. clearly I need to invest, huh?
  • SueInAz
    SueInAz Posts: 6,592 Member
    Trust me, you are not alone. Most people underestimate what they're eating and overestimate the impact of any exercising they do. I was having a conversation with my husband just last night about a health assessment I had at work yesterday. My cholesterol, triglycerides and blood sugar have been dropping every year for the past 4 years even though my weight has been creeping upward. (I'm weight lifting so I'm not really any bigger, I just weigh more). He said "With all of the running you do, how are you gaining weight?" Boom! He still doesn't get it.

    I run three miles or so 2 or 3 mornings before work (plus a longer run on weekends). Three miles is about 275 calories. That is a plain doughnut. Or 2 big cookies. The simple fact is, you can't lose weight by simply adding exercise, you have to eat less calories than you burn. Exercise is for fitness.

    Rather than beat yourself up, congratulate yourself for now being "in the know". Now that you better understand how weight loss works, and the calories in the foods you were eating, look at the things that are being advertised and said about weight loss and how to do it. You'll see just how much misinformation is really out there.
  • taco_inspector
    taco_inspector Posts: 7,223 Member
    The best thing (besides just getting a new lease on your life, being happier with yourself, regaining some lost confidence, an a million other benefits), is think of the money that you can save as you reduce your food intake by nearly half...

    Like everyone has posted, some baby-steps to get ya going, and you'll be unstoppable once you get into the groove of it. Eating better and doin' it for less; what a great life and a good example for your kiddo!
  • moledew
    moledew Posts: 71 Member
    I really want to thank all of y'all for the amount of support and information you give to us newbs. I've never been on an online forum where everyone is so quick to motivate and bring their peers upwards versus the typical internet tear-down. I can honestly say that this is the most confident I have ever been at reaching my goals and it's all because I KNOW I have the support of hundreds of people that have walked countless miles in my shoes (or not-that's what got most of us here :smile: ) My daughter was certainly the "kick in the butt" I needed to jump start this process but I know I can succeed this time thanks to all of you.
  • peachyfuzzle
    peachyfuzzle Posts: 1,122 Member
    Stay away from basically anything anyone tries to sell you, and definitely do not fall for the whole "detox" scam. So many people are so desperate to lose weight that they fall for any sort of promises they are offered regardless of whether, or not it actually works to the detriment of both their wallet, and their health.

    It is as simple as calories in > calories out, period. There are factors like medical conditions, or medications which might affect the amount of calories you need, but as long as you're eating at a deficit, you'll lose weight. You can choose whichever way you'd like to get there depending upon whichever way works best to suit your life, and when it comes down to it, no way is really better than any other as long as you burn more calories than you ingest (including drinks, i.e. pop, alcohol, juice, etc). It is all personal preference, so do whatever you will stick with. This doesn't say anything about health/nutrition because that depends on the types of food you eat. But, you ould eat your calorie goal worth of donughts, and still lose weight. You'd probably feel pretty crappy doing so, but it would work.

    Also, exercise is not really needed, so if you absolutely hate it (like a lot of people do), then you don't have to do anything at all. But, exercise is an excellent benefit to overall health, and wellness. That, and it helps put you into a larger calorie deficit, so the more you exercise, the more you get to eat (WOOT! BRING ON THE CAKE!).

    If you are looking to exercise, I highly suggest getting yourself onto some sort of program, especially as a beginner. First, get some sort of end goals in mind like being able to run a marathon, being strong, looking good naked, or a hundred other things. Then, depending on those goals, get into a running program like c25k, or a strength program like Stronglifts 5x5, Ice Cream Fitness, Strong Curves, or New Rules of Lifting for Women. I know a lot of females on here have an affinity to either SL5x5, or NRoLfW.

    Lastly, take everything anyone says about weight loss (inluding me) with a grain of salt. The more "25 fat burning foods to eat!," or "Detox your body!" stuff that's mentioned, the bigger that grain of salt should be. Don't believe stuff "just because."
  • KRoth321
    KRoth321 Posts: 13 Member
    What a lovely bunch of people here on MFP. Honest, heartfelt and accurate information to help someone in need. You all rock!