100+ lbs to lose Looking for active friends

I am looking for friends who are active daily and have a long waay to go like myself. I am currently on a 77 day streak and down 22lbs. Open diary + motivation is wanted. I am also open to friendly advice and encouragement.


  • SonicKrunch
    SonicKrunch Posts: 192 Member
    While I don't have a long way to go anymore I'm sure the mental hurdles of wanting to stuff my face with great tasting treats will be there. I'm always game to provide motivation and advise and my diary is always open.
  • Smallerjojo2015
    Smallerjojo2015 Posts: 97 Member
    I am on about day 126 have lost 52lbs so far and still have a long way to go I log on each time I eat and I have an open diary for friends
    You can add me as a friend if you like
  • KrissyRawrz
    KrissyRawrz Posts: 342 Member
    Hello me dear :) I'm on day 52 so far as I wasn't the best logger a couple of months ago for family reasons. I'm down 114lbs atm but still have a fair bit to go and would love more friends x
  • ushkii
    ushkii Posts: 472 Member
    Sounds like you have a great start! Add me if you like, I am back again but this time it seems to be working better. Wife is cutting her carbs and that makes a huge difference in my diet.
  • alwaysweets
    alwaysweets Posts: 5 Member
    I am looking for friends who are active daily and have a long waay to go like myself. I am currently on a 77 day streak and down 22lbs. Open diary + motivation is wanted. I am also open to friendly advice and encouragement.

    Day 10 - so far I'm having fun tracking what I eat and learning about nutrition! More than 100 lbs to go! Diary is open to friends, I sent you a request! Happy tracking! :smile:
  • aray2731
    aray2731 Posts: 4 Member
    I have about 30 pounds to lose. I've been on and off for the past 2 months, but I'm currently hitting it hard and tracking every little thing that goes into my mouth good or bad. My diary is always open. Anyone is welcome to add me. =) Happy Weight loss!
  • Likichina
    Likichina Posts: 50 Member
    I have exactly 100lbs to lose, 9lbs of it gone already (yey!), currently on my 23 day streak. Everybody, feel free to add me, I would love to have more active and positive MFP friends :)
  • SolitudesMuse
    SolitudesMuse Posts: 67 Member
    FR sent to OP. Anyone is welcome to add me. At least 60lbs to lose. Open dairy.
  • kastephens11
    kastephens11 Posts: 57 Member
    I got about 100 to lose and I am an active user. Could always use more friends!
  • Marlymama
    Marlymama Posts: 43 Member
    I requested you, lets do this together!!
  • Marilyn0924
    Marilyn0924 Posts: 797 Member
    edited May 2015
    I have around 30 pounds still to go, log daily and happy to support some new MFP friends. Feel free to add me :)
  • linzee32
    linzee32 Posts: 86 Member
    Add me, my diary isn't open but I can change that. I'm down over 50 since December, didn't start here til man.