New to MFP...

Hello everyone! My name is Kassondra and I am 20 years old.
I recently have set a goal to lose 80lbs. I set this goal for three reasons: I want to be healthy, I want to show my family that if I can do it they can too, and I want to join the military.
I had posted a bulletin on another site asking for any dieting tips (that doesn't include some fake story about a "magic" pill) and some exercising tips, when someone posted that I need to join MFP, where I would get the advice and support that I was looking for. So here I am!!! 
I have not set a date by which I want to accomplish my goal, but asap is good lol. I am in the very beginning of my journey to my goal weight, so I am in need of advice, support, and any dieting and exercising tips that you all have. Oh and one last thing... I have been thinking about trying the Supreme 90 day workout program (I hear it is the generic version of P90x), I don’t know if any of you have used this but I’d like some thoughts on it please. I am looking forward to getting to know you all.  Thank You!!


  • carriehoot
    carriehoot Posts: 8 Member
    Welcome to MFP Kassondra! Most of the people here are loving and supportive. I believe that you have found a good place to settle in! The best advice I can give you--is to be disciplined about tracking your food/exercise. I had gotten away from this for awhile and it's really the best tool there is for weight loss.

    Please feel free to add me as a friend! Again, welcome to MFP!

  • FluttershySweetie
    FluttershySweetie Posts: 216 Member
    welcome, I found what helped me was reading the posts and adding as many friends with simmilar goals as possible!!! Be as truthful as possible when your adding up your calories and your exercise, and always eat at least 1200 net calories.... and eat back most of your workout calories as well.... it will help you alot... Be patient the slower you lose the more chances you have at keeping it off.... if you rush it won't be healthy and will prob come back! Everyone here is amazing!
  • Atlantique
    Atlantique Posts: 2,484 Member
    Hello everyone! My name is Kassondra and I am 20 years old.
    I recently have set a goal to lose 80lbs. I set this goal for three reasons: I want to be healthy, I want to show my family that if I can do it they can too, and I want to join the military.
    I had posted a bulletin on another site asking for any dieting tips (that doesn't include some fake story about a "magic" pill) and some exercising tips, when someone posted that I need to join MFP, where I would get the advice and support that I was looking for. So here I am!!! 
    I have not set a date by which I want to accomplish my goal, but asap is good lol. I am in the very beginning of my journey to my goal weight, so I am in need of advice, support, and any dieting and exercising tips that you all have. Oh and one last thing... I have been thinking about trying the Supreme 90 day workout program (I hear it is the generic version of P90x), I don’t know if any of you have used this but I’d like some thoughts on it please. I am looking forward to getting to know you all.  Thank You!!

    Welcome to MFP!!

    Here are some things to consider:

    -Calorie counting depends on accurate food measuring, so you should seriously consider buying a digital food scale. You'd be quite surprised how far off measurements using cups or measuring spoons can be, and how hard it is to accurately measure meats and such without one. It's worth the money to get a food scale, and most are under $25.

    -Take measurements today. Then re-take them every few weeks or so. Keeping track of inches lost is very motivating, especially on weeks that the scale won't budge.

    -You may also want to take some 'before' pictures today. It's difficult for us to notice how our appearance changes as we lose weight, as it comes off so gradually and we see our image every day. Taking progress pictures along the way and comparing them with your 'before' pic can also be extremely motivating!

    -Don't skimp on protein. Most women should be aiming to eat 1 gram of protein per day per pound of goal bodyweight. This helps to preserve as much muscle mass as possibe and keeps you fuller, longer. The MFP default protein goal is quite low.

    -Don't worry about going over on fiber, either. Again, MFP's default fiber goal is low. Women should aim for at least 25 g of fiber per day and men at least 30.

    Best of luck to you on your journey!
  • AndrewBaker
    AndrewBaker Posts: 86 Member
    I agree with Atlantique about finding a digital scale. I have a scale that I got from Walmarts and it is really cool. It has a square glass measuring surface and it can measure food in four different measurements (g,oz,lbs,and kg). This scale only cost $20 and it is part of Walmart's brand. Feel free to add me as a friend.