
So after week one...I have managed to lose 3.4 pounds which I know is AWESOME!!! Why am I so discouraged? Why am I thinking I should have dropped 7 pounds this week....I KNOW THAT IS CRAZY. I started cutting down on snacks last saturday and then started my workout plan on Wednesday....Honestly I am doing great....why do I feel like this?!!? I should be proud of myself but ugh IDK why I am so frustrated!!! Anyone else feeling this way?!!! What did you do to get out of the funk!!!


  • JulieBoBoo
    JulieBoBoo Posts: 642
    If you've ever followed The Biggest Loser or the show Heavy you might have an inflated sense of how much you should lose in a week. While you probably know in your head that losses like that are insane, your heart sees and thinks "me too! I want that too!" (least that would be the answer if you were me ;))
  • Jenniferslast10
    Jenniferslast10 Posts: 36 Member
    Hang in there! I've felt the same way too. We have to remember that we are not on The Biggest Loser. To have a healthy weight loss it should come off slowly. You've already accomplished so much in a week - pat yourself on the back. The key is consistency. If you can loose weight every week then you will see a difference in time. Don't expect to be healthy for a week and then instantly see results. Just keep on doing the same thing week after week and give yourself small goals to achieve a little at a time. Also, make sure you recognize your NSV's (non scale victories) and post them so we can all tell you how well you are doing! :smile:
  • deema79
    deema79 Posts: 108
    IMO I think its because we are so use to things happening INSTANTLY. We heat things up in no time once we put em in the microwave, If we have to go to the store we drive instead of walking etc. We want things when we want them basically.
    Well weight loss is not instant, we have to work on getting it off just like we worked on putting it on.
    You had a fabulous loss, Dont dwell on what you wanted and didnt get. Dwell on what you have done.

    Stay focused and positive.
  • brandis72
    brandis72 Posts: 12
    I have weeks like that too. I just try to focus on how I feel better for a few days and don't weigh myself. It usually helps my bad mood.
  • rodneyderrick
    rodneyderrick Posts: 483 Member
    You aren't in a race. You won't receive a prize for losing weight at the speed of light. Remember, you are suppose to change your eating habits for life, and that takes time. Losing 3.4 pounds in one week is a lot of weight, but this usually happens when you first start losing weight. Unfortunately, a lot of the weight you lost will be water weight, but that's expected when you first start changing your diet. If you log, keep your calories out of the red, and increase your physical activity, you can lose a lot of weight.
  • tracyroso
    tracyroso Posts: 9
    I agree with Julie. I love Biggest Loser. But they are on the ranch and their only focus is to workout for many, many hours a day. We are in the real world and you lost a HUGE amount of weight this week. Keep doing what you're doing and come back to this site often. I find it has really helped me to keep my focus. Be proud of yourself and don't look back. Keep going!!!
  • JeffGDDG
    JeffGDDG Posts: 252 Member
    I get that way too all the time. It's like we want it all and we want it now. I just try and hang in there and keep moving forward. Tomorrow really is another day and quite possibly a new and better feeling outlook. One step at a time, you can do this. :-) Good luck!
  • soccermom004
    soccermom004 Posts: 444 Member
    You have made awesome progress. Keep in mind 1-2 pounds a week is healthy for most people. You didn't put it on over night and you won't lose it that way either. Remember, slow and steady wins the race!
  • soshotout
    soshotout Posts: 115
    I have been diligent about my calorie intake and exercising for two weeks today. My first weigh in I lost absolutely nothing. Tomorrow is my second weigh in and I, too, will probably be discouraged if the scale hasn't moved. I would be happy with a few pounds of weight loss in a week!
    Don't be so hard on yourself!
  • FrancesGallagher
    FrancesGallagher Posts: 88 Member
    It is time to think about what you have done in a week, 3.4 times roughly four weeks (12.3 (?) in a month, more than that probably would not be healthy. The big picture here is health. Too much emphasis is put on weight loss and the goal should be a healthy loss over time, if you lose even less next week it is no big deal, just do your food diary, eat as healthy as possible, give up high calorie snacks, you will reach your goal, good luck, stayed focused.FG
  • sallycheese
    sallycheese Posts: 33
    congratulations on the weight loss, you have lost more in one week than i aim to lose in 2, that is some achievement, remember slow and steady wins the race.
    i told my husband that i had embarked on a new diet and fitness regime, his reply was a sarcastic "well it really shows" i had been doing it for 2 days,he clearly expects instant results more than i do, i wish it was possible to say, i'm on a diet and be a dress size smaller within the week but it isn't unless you have lots of money for surgery.
    keep up the good work and the weight and clothes will keep going down x
  • amazing_grace♥
    IMO I think its because we are so use to things happening INSTANTLY. We heat things up in no time once we put em in the microwave, If we have to go to the store we drive instead of walking etc. We want things when we want them basically.
    Well weight loss is not instant, we have to work on getting it off just like we worked on putting it on.
    You had a fabulous loss, Dont dwell on what you wanted and didnt get. Dwell on what you have done.

    Stay focused and positive.

    DITTO!! I couldn't agree more!! A lot of it is mental and how I stay motivated is to keep reinforcing myself (mentally) that I know it is going to take close to a year to take it off (healthy-wise) and BE ABLE TO KEEP IT OFF. I already have it programmed in my mind, and I am in it for the long haul.
  • jay1369
    jay1369 Posts: 1
    Everone gets discouraged at some point. Work through it. If your anything like me you didn't gain overnight. It will be a long road with seemingy long periods without signaficant loss. But in the long run it works, you will feel better and you will look better. You also said you started working out. That's great and it will tone you and build muscle but muscle weighs more then fat so your weight loss may me slowed just by the exercise. The positives are and will be a healthier body. I know because I checked with my doctor had all the bloodwork, etc associated with my physical and even though I have only lost 13 pounds in five weeks the results are much improved. Stick with this. You aren't alone