busy single mom

I work full time, single (divorced), part time college student, and I have 5 kids at home and one away in college.
I am always busy, but I manage to go to the gym at least 3 times A week. I am so tired and somedays I have no energy!
My gut has grown and my pants aren't fitting me. Once I started this calorie count, I lost 7 lbs but it must've been water weight because my pants still fit the same... or don't fit at all.

I don't know what to do to minimize my gut. Sure tummy tuck crosses my mind, but I don't have the money for it. So I need to get in shape!

We eat better than we used to... but there is room for progress. I haven't had soda for over 2 months now so baby steps on those bad habits :)

Help, any pointers?


  • RodaRose
    RodaRose Posts: 9,562 Member
    Prioritize sleep above all us. Teach the kids to do more more around the house.
    You cannot spot reduce so focus on lower calorie counts. The weight will come off wherever it wants to anyway.
    Get a food scale if you do not already have one and weigh and measure your food to put it in the diary the day before (preplan). Cook large meals some days (weekends) so that you can freeze food to eat later without having to cook as often.
    You can lose weight by focusing on your own needs. <3
  • misfit_nemesis
    misfit_nemesis Posts: 13 Member
    Don't feel hopeless a mother like you is always a winner keep your head up and keep the time for your children babe
  • Lizzy622
    Lizzy622 Posts: 3,705 Member
    Baby steps and patience. Don't get discouraged by slow progress it is still progress.
  • glasshalffull713
    glasshalffull713 Posts: 323 Member
    Maybe squeeze in more activity into your daily routine instead of only relying on the times you can get to the gym. Go for a 10 minute walk after dinner with your kids, or bust out a few sets of squats when you have 5 minutes between tasks at home. Try to choose active things to do with the family whenever possible.

    If you keep at it, you will make progress!
  • tinuz
    tinuz Posts: 1,123 Member
    if i read your post it looks to me that you don't take enough rest (maybe even stress...correct me if i'm wrong)
    The resting periods are as important as exercise....So make sure to take some rest/sleep
    Good point of @RodaRose to let the kids do more around the house.
    I let my kids help with some chores and make some sort of play/game of it...just keep them interested.
    must of all be patient.....
  • MamiGoals
    MamiGoals Posts: 37 Member
    Thank you all. The kids do help a lot around the house. But they also have a lot of homework.
    They get home from school hours before I do, by the time I'm home.... Is dinner time. If it's class night for me, I don't even see them until next morning because they're asleep by the time I get home. Those days I use the crockpot to cook meals for them.

    Sleep.... I sleep 4-5 hrs most days. Six if I can't take it and crash on the couch. Weekends is when I sleep good.

    I like the freezing food idea! I do have a freezer chest so that's definitely something I can work with.

    And yes, there is stress in between but is okay... I am learning to handle that with the help of a psychologist. I'm not crazy, just needed help managing things.

    Thank you all for the kind words and support.

    Baby steps indeed.
    Much love to all!
  • Kokopelli2k12
    Kokopelli2k12 Posts: 1 Member
    One of the fastest ways to lose weight is to focus on building muscle mass. Muscle consumes more calories to fuel itself and grow. What will happen is a gradual trading of places between the layer of fat with the growing mass of muscle below it. At some point ( must be patient and CONSISTENT-doing any activity is better than none) and clothes start fitting better and you start noticing things. Best of all your energy levels increase as more is stored in the muscle. I have 7 boys and I know this because I live this. Love and take care of yourself is an important lesson your kids need to see you strive for because they learn by watching others do! Take measurements and progress pics and you will also see differences!
  • MamiGoals
    MamiGoals Posts: 37 Member
    One of the fastest ways to lose weight is to focus on building muscle mass. Muscle consumes more calories to fuel itself and grow. What will happen is a gradual trading of places between the layer of fat with the growing mass of muscle below it. At some point ( must be patient and CONSISTENT-doing any activity is better than none) and clothes start fitting better and you start noticing things. Best of all your energy levels increase as more is stored in the muscle. I have 7 boys and I know this because I live this. Love and take care of yourself is an important lesson your kids need to see you strive for because they learn by watching others do! Take measurements and progress pics and you will also see differences!

    Oh my... 7 boys!
    I did take measurements but I'm afraid to measure again.
    Muscle mass is hard to build... i love lifting, but I get sore next day. But like you said... i need to be consistent.