struggle to lose at age 52

mary563 Posts: 7 Member
Trying to find ways to stick to healthy diet and lose weight


  • crystalcmd
    crystalcmd Posts: 2 Member
    Hi mary. Im new to this app. What's motivating you to decide to lose weight ? I try to visualize how much better I'll feel 4 days from now if i stay on track with meals and exercise. (4 days because a week is too long and seems overwhelming ). If i continue to crave pizza, ill have it but try not to glorify it; that's what leads me to eating the whole pizza myself and unraveling all the hard work we did. Eat it sloooooowly ! And fill up with a salad and water beforehand. Losing weight is hard and takes mental energy... theres no easy way around it. But have faith in yourself. You're stronger than you think. Good luck !
  • dtorringron60
    dtorringron60 Posts: 1 Member
    Great advice!
  • HappyTrails7
    HappyTrails7 Posts: 878 Member
    Hello Mary and welcome to MFP. Counting calories with MFP was a real eye opener for me, I knew I was over weight, but didn't think I was consuming that many calories.

    Joining a good MFP support group, with like minded people, helped me as well. If you are interested here is a link to an active group:
    hearthealth_zps3ryg6ue0.pngMFP - Fifty plus (or so) Support Group
  • mary563
    mary563 Posts: 7 Member
    Ty I'll keep u in mind
  • FloridaSparky
    FloridaSparky Posts: 8 Member
    Hi Mary, I'm with you on trying to find ways... While there are many (for me), the most immediately felt motivation is how good I feel just because I am finally doing something about being overweight. Yes, I want to be there for my grandchildren; yes, I don't want to have a heart attack; yes, I want to take my shirt off when I go boating; BUT with as little as 3 days of consistent tracking (and staying more or less on track), and logging exercise, you will be amazed how good you feel and how much you want to continue. Each day you stay on track is one more reason to do it again tomorrow. Stick with it Mary!!!
  • mary563
    mary563 Posts: 7 Member
  • te03681
    te03681 Posts: 1 Member
    hi mary, im 54 and thought ibwas making healthy choices. the weight kept going up. i decided to stop tne fad diets and get back to basic calorie counting. wish me luck.
  • tlo138
    tlo138 Posts: 1 Member
    Hi Mary, I am 55 and just started eating healthy New Years Day. No it was not a New Year's Resolution just a New Year Day "Eye Opener"as I no longer fit into my cloths and I felt like crap. I started eating "Clean" and drinking "Green Smoothies" January 1st. I found that the "Green Smoothies" satisfied my sweet tooth and the clean eating made me constantly feeling full. I started working out and 5 months later, I am off my Cholestrol medicine and feel amazing. I have lost 50 pounds. I still have 40 pounds to go but this is the 1st time in my life that I enjoy eating and don't miss my old habits.
    I know you can find your own strenghts and use them to build your new life. Remember a diet is temporay, life changes are permanent. Only make changes that you know you can live with.
    One day at a time is all you need to focus on, so enjoy today!
  • cathysyng
    cathysyng Posts: 21 Member
    Hi Mary, I am 52 too. I began MFP to support my 22 year old son who wants to lose a few pounds. He seemed really eager to give it a shot, so when he asked me to join, I agreed right away but had doubts about whether I'd stick with it. I have never dieted in my life but have been exercising for about 20 years without much decrease in weight. Now I realize it was because I didn't bother with calories. When I started to learn about the number of calories in various foods it was a huge shock. What was I doing to myself and my family?.. being ignorant about calories is no excuse. I am very pleased with myself. With not much effort, I went down 4.8 lbs in just 21 days! My pants feel looser and the family is seeing the difference already. TIP I find brown rice (Great value brand) quite filling and tasty especially how Dani Spies on Youtube flavors it. I use a pressure cooker - perfect every time! Good luck .. you'll love how disciplined you'll be.
  • ohgeeque
    ohgeeque Posts: 224 Member
    I always try to save some calories for an end of the day reward. Usually, it is something sweet but sometimes something salty/crunchy. Just knowing that if I make good choices throughout the day I have something special waiting for me at the end keeps me motivated and on track.
  • wvclaylady
    wvclaylady Posts: 6 Member
    Hi Mary! I am getting close to 50, so I know how you feel. It looks like you have already got some great advice, which I can't top, so I just wanted to lend my support! Good luck! You can do it!
  • healthier101
    healthier101 Posts: 8 Member
    Mary... what diet methods you have tried for losing weight?
  • memere101
    memere101 Posts: 461 Member
    Good morning Mary. I am getting ready to turn 53. Last August my husband and I decided to completely change our eating habits and we started taking walks. My weight has come down over 40 pounds
  • ronronronj
    ronronronj Posts: 474 Member
    Hi Mary! I'm 53 and only got my first smart phone recently. A friend posted on Facebook about losing weight, and when I asked him what he did he mentioned MFP. So I found the app and joined (though I mostly use a desktop computer, not my phone since I do not have a data plan). My motivation was that my weight was getting into the upper range of what my clothes would allow me to fit. It's been a bit of a struggle getting my family to be supportive, but some of this has to be my own willpower. Anyway, welcome to the group!
  • tekkiechikk
    tekkiechikk Posts: 375 Member
    Hi Mary, I'm 52 and have found that changing up my foods makes it fun. I like to cook so finding ways to make over calorie-heavy recipes is a fun challenge for me. I strictly weigh portions and ingredients and log everything honestly to keep me on track, too.

    Challenge yourself in some way (walk more, start lifting, take an exercise class, experiment with new foods, etc.). Being on a "diet" doesn't have to be a bad thing. Good luck!
  • mary563
    mary563 Posts: 7 Member
    Ty for that great input..I'll try everything
  • LilannB
    LilannB Posts: 99 Member
    Hi, I developed some health problems related to being over weight. That was my motivation to start counting calories and lose weight. I've lost about 50 pounds which has done wonders for my health. Prior to losing weight I was addicted to fast food. Logging my food into MFP opened my eyes to how on unhealthy I was eating along with the large amount of calories I was taking in. I have learned about proper portions and making healthy food choices. I've also discovered that healthy eating does not have to be bland or boring.
  • californiagirl2012
    californiagirl2012 Posts: 2,625 Member
    You have lots of great advice already. I just wanted to add that I lost 85 pounds by the time I was 50, and MFP has helped me maintain that for going on 5 years now. Anyone can do it. It's simple, but not easy. Like one other said here, believe in yourself and never give up. All of us are human, we fall down, we get back up, and we keep going. The only difference between the successful and those who have not yet succeded with their goal are those who gave up. Then when you reach your goal realize that you use the same tools and strategies to maintain. It's not like we get there and sit like a statue. Some people have a few more wider "fluctuations" until they get tired of it, then they knuckle down and realize food intake really has to be managed like a budget for life. Not paying attention is like wild spending with a credit card and we quickly rack up the fat debt again. I hope that helps. -Roberta
  • angels2013
    angels2013 Posts: 31 Member
    I am 59 and have 48 pounds to lose. Do you want to add me as a friend?
  • pedidiva
    pedidiva Posts: 199 Member
    57 here. I have lost 40 pounds. calorie counting, using food scale, meal planning, etc.

    A great resource for me, is a book by Judith Beck. It's called, The beck Diet Sol'n". It goes into the psychology of weight loss and teached tools for dieting/maintenance. It works with any diet plan.

    Also, as we age, our thyroid gland may not be as productive. At your next check-up, have your doc run a thyroid panel. Current medical rec is to start replacement with thyroid hormone if TSH is 3 or more.