Do you ever get tired of logging your food?



  • CraftyGirl4
    CraftyGirl4 Posts: 571 Member
    I do get tired of it. But unless you're going to be using this site for the rest of your life, you have to do it on your own. People before me are right. If you log your food and can see it like you can on MFP, you end up making better choices. Once you feel pretty confident you can make those choices with or without the site, you can spend a few days or weeks not logging anything. But it might be a good idea to come back once in awhile just to check yourself.
  • trishlambert
    trishlambert Posts: 213 Member
    I'm not tired yet this time around. I lost weight in a previous effort by logging my calories, only then there wasn't a site like this or such a thing as phone apps. I kept an Excel spreadsheet and looked up nutrition information in a book I had to carry around. I managed to do it for about 3 months, and lost steadily, but life intervened and I stopped logging.

    For a while, I was able to control portions and know in my head what my approximate daily calorie intake was. But, bit by bit, I backslid. Underestimated what I was eating, overestimated ingredient amounts in my cooking, assuming that I was ordering healthy in restaurants just because I was not ordering fried foods and sweets.

    And, no surprise, the pounds returned. This time around is SO much easier! If I'm in front of my computer, I can log easily. And if I'm away, I have the phone app so I can log in a really short amount of time...MFP autocalculates stuff I used to have to compute myself, which is great.

    I admit there have been times when I "didn't wanna" bother to log, but then I remember that this is a way that really does work for me to lose weight, and that compared to what I used to do, this is a snap. So far, that's been enough to keep me entering my calories in and out.
  • LeeShirreffs
    LeeShirreffs Posts: 16 Member
    I dont bother logging my food anymore.. Only because i am running on a strict diet so i know exactly what i am eating!

    Only login to update my "check-in" weight :)
  • peteyTwang
    peteyTwang Posts: 250
    DO I EVER!!! ...about 6 months or so after i reached goal i went about two years without logging before my pants started feeling too tight again -- so yes i do get tired of it... but if I get too complacent about it , i know sooner or later i have to start again anyway :yawn:
  • knapowell
    knapowell Posts: 230 Member
    I don't find it tedious logging, I actually find it comforting. I have done the weight loss thing twice before over the last 5-6 years, each time losing 50 pounds. Each time I got to my goal I stopped logging (I was doing it in excel on my own back then and looking everything up). Each time I put the 50 back on plus friends, a lot of friends. That is when I ended up at 289 (more likely 300+ but I wasn't going near a scale). I figure that I am going to have to treat this like any other disease that I would have to manage the rest of my life, and I'm okay with that. This was a lifestyle change for me after all.
  • blisterpeanuts
    blisterpeanuts Posts: 67 Member
    I've only been doing this for 53 days. Daily logging is a commitment to myself to stick to it. I'm not a very stick-to-it kinda guy; I tend to get distracted by the Next Big Thing and get bored with what I'm doing--jobs, books, diets. But this time I'm making a go of it, because #1 it's working and #2 it's kind of fun.

    The only annoying part is when I eat out--it's almost impossible to guess the calories sometimes, so I just reserve 800 or 1000 for the meal and give it my best estimate.
  • IrishEyes68
    IrishEyes68 Posts: 31 Member
    I get tired of it ALL THE TIME... lol

    I don't always log everything, it's usually very small things I leave out, but I am so dang impatient!
  • leftymac
    leftymac Posts: 169 Member
    Sometimes. But you know what I get tired of even more? Being fat and unhealthy.

    Seriously, I love logging because it keeps me in control. It's the opposite of stress for me.
  • axman19
    axman19 Posts: 79 Member
    Love logging in and will have no problem doing it the rest of my life if need be. Also, only been here a week and have met some pretty cool people that I would like to continue communicating with for many years to come.
  • tatiana_13
    tatiana_13 Posts: 325
    Sure I do. And, depending on your situation, your personality, and goals, you won't always have to. Its just a tool, like everything else, not a religion. Some people find it ESSENTIAL and others don't. I didn't log anything to lose my first 55 pounds. I stopped eating certain things and practiced visual portion control. I do it now to try and lose those last sticky pounds and...because...losing weight is tedious and BORING, and counting calories and logging meals gives me something new to change things up.

    If you are really experiencing it as a drudgery, and if you are more than halfway to goal, I'm going to be the lone dissenter and say...find another way. Once you've lost enough to retrain yourself and gain good habits the following is key: You will maintain the exact same way that you lose. People forget this all the time. And if logging every day is something that is more than a mild annoyance, but is something that you hate so much that you can't imagine doing it while maintaining, experiment with other ways that you will be more likely to keep.
  • SabrinaJL
    SabrinaJL Posts: 1,579 Member
    Nah. I'm on the computer all the time and when I'm not, I have my phone on me, so logging stuff isn't a big deal. I get tired of working out though. Cuz I'm lazy.
  • meshellw
    meshellw Posts: 50 Member
    NO I dont get tired of it.. When I first started this I would pop on and off and not record anything.. I starting noticing peoples comments and weight loss. So I decided to record everything I eat. Before wasn't really paying attention but then last week I decided to give it an honest effort. BEFORE I would eat something I checked the calorie count and W-O-W I was surprised at some of the stuff.. Now I record everything and I find its better because if you don't you will go over your calories. I am proud to say I have lost 6.6 pounds this week (my first week) I haven't done any exercising yet due to fatigue ( extremely low vitamin counts) I know its only been a week BUT I am logging everything and know its better for me to do so. Goos luck and enjoy the site.
  • chantel111184
    chantel111184 Posts: 124 Member
    I don't log in any more i am eating more healthy and know portion size. logging was stressing me out finding the foods in the data base or adding new ones. Just don't need the added stress not going to count calories my whloe life. Just like to log weight and check out the threads.
  • Barneystinson
    Barneystinson Posts: 1,357 Member
    I don't mind it, don't always log online most days though. I'm old skool and write mine down in a little memo book. Starting doing this when I first made a commitment to lose weight back in 2004.

    The biggest thing for me and I'm still guilty of this are overdoing portions. Every once in a while I stall, get a reality check, then realize I need to check the food scale or get out my tablespoon.
  • Gemini_1980
    Gemini_1980 Posts: 349 Member
    I actually enjoy logging my food. MFP is the only site that I found that makes it easy to log. It has become of my daily routine. Logging has definitely kept me on track:bigsmile:
  • Olona
    Olona Posts: 70
    yes and I still do actually I rarely get on here to log anythin i mostly get on here for the support of friends i have a really good memory so I remember eveything. But for you you could just jotdown the food real fast and at the end of the day u can log it all at one time if u want
  • tapwaters
    tapwaters Posts: 428 Member
    I've learned portions and about what's right to eat, but I still love seeing the numbers and what it actually is, even though I think I would do just fine without it now.
  • ariesangel
    ariesangel Posts: 15
    tbh-it gets tedious trying to log everything. but i find when i dont do it, i fall off the wagon so to speak. when i log, im much more aware of what im eating and my portion sizes. in all of the times ive tried to lose weight, this is the first time ive ever tried logging (thanks to my friend summer who gave me the link to this super helpful and awesome site!) and this time i think its actually working.
  • AshDHart
    AshDHart Posts: 818 Member
    Sometimes. But you know what I get tired of even more? Being fat and unhealthy.

    Seriously, I love logging because it keeps me in control. It's the opposite of stress for me.

    Same here!
  • Hearts_2015
    Hearts_2015 Posts: 12,031 Member
    Nope, I love logging. Seriously. :smile:
    This! Me too! :love: I find it like a game, a puzzle of sorts to fit all the pieces (ratios) in each day to be my healthiest.

    I like to know what's going in my body, when I've not logged, I can roughly guess to some extent but I much prefer keeping a log.