What do you do when anxiety and negative thought processes make you crave bad food? Help? Anyone?

lrwxo Posts: 28 Member
for the first time in a while I have a couple of things that have got my anxiety so bad I'm physically suffering, I live with it all the time but it's so bad and today, now, as I sit at work, all I want to do once I'm home is eat *kitten* food! I want pizza and ice cream and cookies BUT I have worked hard lately, it's paying off and I know I will feel a lot worse if I eat bad food once I'm home. I am allowing myself a rest day from working out tonight so I will spend 90% of my evening in bed with Disney films.

Someone please motivate me to keep eating well through the tough times and my fatigue today and cheer me up if you're up to a challenge!


  • cat_lady77
    cat_lady77 Posts: 203 Member
    Sorry to hear that :( Maybe just get out & take a walk to distract yourself! Or if you are home try to keep some snacks that aren't too bad, like popcorn or snack bars with chocolate. Take a rest day if you need to & just try to stay home & feel better :)
    Don't watch the sad Disney movies though! Those always get me crying.
  • lrwxo
    lrwxo Posts: 28 Member
    I walked a mile of the way home but the rain is so bad it made me feel a lot worse! I wanna watch Oliver and company and bugs life! So Disney/Pixar night in with my partner! I just want to sleep it off to be honest xx
  • daaaaaanielle
    daaaaaanielle Posts: 114 Member
    edited May 2015
    I find it's important for me not to beat myself up if I slip up.

    If I want ice cream, I try my best to fit it into my calorie goals. If I eat more ice cream than intended because I'm feeling like crap, rather than making myself feel worse - and causing myself to go into a downward spiral of feeling crap and wanting to eat more as a result - I just forget about it.

    I didn't gain the weight I have because of a mere handful of "bad days" alone. A handful of bad days will not undo the progress I've made from eating consistently at a deficit for the majority of the week or month. I cracked and ate a full pizza plus ice cream myself a little while ago. But even including day I was still eating on average a deficit of about 400 calories for that month. Not as much as I aim for usually but still a deficit. So worst case scenario, I will have lost slightly less than I planned to this month, but I will still have lost.
  • dopeysmelly
    dopeysmelly Posts: 1,390 Member
    Sometimes I just binge, and sometimes I manage to work through it, with cups of tea, walks, exercise, deep breathing and meditation. When I do binge, I find it incredibly helpful to think about why I'm doing it, how the food is making me feel during and after, which helps me figure out what I can do to avoid it. Almost like a doctor taking notes. It takes away a lot of the guilt.

    Also, I've managed to achieve my weight loss target and I still struggle with this occasionally. I know that sounds very negative, but on the other hand resorting to food to help you deal with emotions occasionally is NOT going to derail your hard work.
  • janinekelling
    janinekelling Posts: 1 Member
    How about getting yourself another treat... Like a massage? Or make an appoint for a pedicure. This is something to look forward to and so relaxing.
    I figured every day I carb myself up with two large sweet fresh smoothies or lots of sweet raw fruits in the morning I don't crave sweets at night.
    Like my body already got all the suger it needs.
    Leftover smoothie will be frozen for an ice cream treat.
    Works for me.