MFP pal required for serious butt kicking!!!!!!

Denziee Posts: 527 Member
Hello all,

I've been on MFP for a while and lost about a stone! Now I have gone right off the boil and have put half back on..... I am in need of some serious motivation to get me back in the swing of it. Feeling quite good today.... But by tomorrow we could be back with a faceful of cake!!! So I'm taking each day as it comes and starting it off positive so I can finish it off the same.

Anyone out there who could seriously up the motivation levels?? All I need is an early morning email of positive, energetic, good feeling, skinny love!!! My MFP messages come through to my blackberry on email so I get them every morning at 7am.... This would really set me up for the day just to get me back in the swing of it!!

Any volunteers?! Xx


  • BettyandVeronica
    BettyandVeronica Posts: 333 Member
    I'd be most glad to help you out with supportive encouragement.You're doing well already. having lost a stone shows you have the dedication to make a positive lifestyle change.You can lose the weight again.

    Well I'm in the exact same boat as you. I fell off the wagon spectacularly. As of beginning of April I'd gone down to 144 pounds. Now come mid-May and a long Easter break of 6 weeks, courtesy of the royal wedding, I've shot up to 155 pounds. So I need someone to help keep me on track too. i deally I'd have loved to have been 140lb by mid-june but I can't seem to find the time for exercise. In the meantime, eat healthy is my strategy. I need NEED need to be 130lbs by my 27th birthday in July. I don't want to look chubby in this years birthday pics.
  • kalejaiye
    kalejaiye Posts: 6 Member
    Hey, am happy to be your pal but usually leave for work really early so could only send message late at night for encouragement. Am currently training for a cycle ride from London to Paris which is 300km over 3 days. Abit scared especially as my training has derailed recently. I find that without training for something, I do nothing.
    Best of luck.
  • Helena4
    Helena4 Posts: 124
    I NEED THIS TOO! Happy to help!! :) x
  • teresaq1
    teresaq1 Posts: 53
    I can be a serious cheerleader as well as the nagging mother who will kick your butt when needed. Add me as friend anytime.
  • Sallyaa
    Sallyaa Posts: 2 Member
    OMG what are you like! I said if you needed me you just had to shout - well here I am ready to help and I am soooo motivated at the moment I am sure I can kick your butt and get you back on track. I have seen you when you are self motivated and how pleased you are when you are getting the results, we just need to get you back there.

    You have a fabulous target to focus on - your wedding dress! I have a holiday booked in August and a wedding to go to 3 days after I get back - have a dress to wear but cant get in it at the momen(I thought I had told you that). On 1st May I decided that I was going to lose a minimum of 2lb a week (that would mean I would have lost 2 stone by my holiday - a huge target but I am going for it!), weighed in yesterday and have lost 9lb so far - I told you I was going for it! (it doesnt tally with MFP weight loss record as I was over my original starting weight when I stared again and was too embarassed/chicken to enter my right starting weight!)


    You can do it, and so can anyone else who wants to - we can all do it. Happy to share my motivation while it is sooo strong. Every day counts so dont waste them, If you think you can have a treat and make up for it the next day - resist the temptation and just think how much better you would feel the next day if you dont have the treat and see the result on the scales.

    I am here for you, jump on board and enjoy the ride - the sun is coming and we will look and feel fab! xxxxxx
  • swissmardi
    swissmardi Posts: 57 Member
    Girl, I have some GREAT people on my friends list. Check 'em out... Or should I introduce you? Anyway, you know where I am and that you can write me anytime. Keep on KEEPIN' ON!!!
  • hazelnutflav
    hazelnutflav Posts: 391 Member
    BREATH HUN!!!!

    first of all look at how far you have come i had to look it up but a stone is abt 14lbs that amazing girl, yahooey!!!!

    you did it once you can do it again this is doable so brush the dust off your butt, put on your big girl panties and GET'ER DONE.

    i will be rooting for you.
  • Denziee
    Denziee Posts: 527 Member
    Wow!!! I've been told! Ok I'm on it!