New here after dx of PCOS

Hi! My name is Kendall and I am 31 years old. I was recently diagnosed with PCOS and need to get my weight under control so that I can be more successful TTC another child (my first DD is 18 months old). I had gestational diabetes with my first pregnancy so combined with the PCOS dx I am really trying to watch my carbs. Anyone else have a similar situation? Any success with the low carb diet and PCOS? Also looking for friends on here, especially anyone going through something similar!


  • oBirdieo
    oBirdieo Posts: 148
    I'm in the same boat -- PCOS diagnosed about 12 years ago. We haven't TTC yet, but I'm 33, so we need to get started soon! I've had success with good carb diets (as opposed to low carb). Check out the South Beach Diet and the Low GI diet. They both really are easy to maintain and are basically what we all should be eating anyway -- lean meats, low fat dairy, nuts and seeds, fruits, veggies, and whole grains. I lost about 60 pounds on the South Beach Diet about 6 years ago but gained it all back as soon as I started eating junk (processed food, sugar, and high GI carbs basically). I'm doing a mix of SBD and Low GI now and feel like I've really hit my stride and will be able to maintain this in the long-term.

    Welcome to MFP!
  • crystalcorr
    crystalcorr Posts: 2 Member
    Hi Kendall,

    I work for a Doctor of TCM. We have a lot of PCOS patients. She always tells them about the PCOS diet...and for the life of me today...I can't think of who wrote the book. I have emailed myself at work to remember to find out for you on Monday.

    I will post it as soon as I can remember. We have had many patients with great results from it...we have about 10 babies that aren't suppose to be here but they are with the help of this. Best of luck and all the encouragement in the world being sent to you from my way!

  • LanakReynolds
    LanakReynolds Posts: 2 Member
    I have PCOS and was able to get preg with my Daughter now 7 after losing 50lb's then was dx with PCOS so they started me on Metformin 850mg which helped me lose weight at first and then I stopped and got preg with my Son who is now 5 Had GD with both preg first was controlled by diet and second preg had to take shots of insulin (not fun). Lower carbs did work but over all I found just losing the weight works the best. My Dr is one that is doing research on PCOS and said they had found even just a 10 to 20 lb weight loss made it easier to get preg. Good luck message me anytime. Lana (lanakreynolds)
  • laurenstephw
    I was actually diagnosed with PCOS about a year ago. I'm on a low dosage of metformin, but then again the sugars side wasn't as much of an issue for my case. I haven't been doing a low carb diet, just a lot less then what I waseating and making sure I eat whole grains rather than processed white breads. Even with carbs I've lost close to 30 pounds now. From what I've been told you should follow a diabetic diet of low sugars and small meals to keep you balanced. Personally I'm going to go to a nutritionist soon to get everything nailed down. Also I'll add ya :D
  • spark77
    spark77 Posts: 2
    I was recently diagnosed with PCOS as well. I had been dealing with amenorrhea for years but my doctors always said it was because I'm overweight. Changed doctors and finally got an actual diagnosis. I personally don't know anyone else with PCOS so I'm glad I found out about myfitnesspal!