The thought of exercise makes me sick

moledew Posts: 71 Member
I see so many users on here that were 300+ pounds before starting their journey and now they're mountain climbing personal trainers! I'm super jealous and want to have that too eventually but I really hate exercising. Is it just because of my weight and how physically and emotionally taxing it is for me right now? Will I too get this phenomenal burst of energy and motivation as the weight comes off? A lot of people say that they need and love exercising now but I just can't see myself being a 5am runner. I know I'm getting ahead of myself here but I'm really curious about what it is that makes a morbidly obese person all of the sudden become a body builder that enjoys workouts...? Is that just part of the mental side of weigh loss and a literal "total transformation"?


  • bulk_n_cut
    bulk_n_cut Posts: 389 Member
    no, there are no sudden bouts of energy and motivation. it's about having a clear, distinct goal, researching how to get to that goal, having a plan of attack, and then working on that plan for many weeks. its grueling day in day out, but its whats needed if you want what you want
  • usmcmp
    usmcmp Posts: 21,220 Member
    I HATED exercise. I still hate running and refuse to do it more often than is necessary.

    What made me go from obese to a bodybuilder that loves working out was finding something that I enjoyed doing. At first it was hiking, but when I started lifting weights I fell in love.

    Go out and try different things. Find something that is fun, not a chore. If you love the activity it won't seem like work.
  • Ishii19
    Ishii19 Posts: 109 Member
    The way I think of it is kind of like inertia. (An object at rest tends to stay at rest, an object in motion tends to stay in motion). So if I'm vegging out watching Netflix, the thought of exercise can make me go "ugghh" as well. But knowing that's only half the equation, I talk myself into overcoming the inertia, and doing some exercise I know intellectually that I enjoy. Often I tell myself I only "have" to do 15 minutes, and if I want to stop at 15 I will honor that, but usually once I'm in motion I'm ready to keep going. Our bodies were made to be fed properly, and to move regularly - so it does actually feel good to treat it right. After I work out I make a point to notice how I feel good (my neck tension is looser! No indigestion! Feel thirsty and quenching that with cold water so satisfying! Post workout stretching as good as a massage! Etc). Then when it's time to talk myself into working out next time I remember all those good feelings and it's easier to make the argument. When you are just starting out you don't have that history to draw on, so it's a little more going on faith. I would say try just to do a tiny bit of moving regularly, make a point to notice what feels good about it, and you will really get the ball rolling so to speak. Good luck!! :)
  • pedidiva
    pedidiva Posts: 199 Member
    check out fitfatties on Facebook. Lots of great ideas and motivation. Pick something that you like, enjoy the movement. Walking, cycling, swimming, yoga, etc
  • Debmal77
    Debmal77 Posts: 4,770 Member
    I feel the same way. If you find something you love to do you will not think of it as exercise. I have a Wii and do Zumba at home. I refuse to go to the gym with all the "skinny people", so I stay home and dance. Zumba burns the calories, it's fun and you can just do one song, a short class, medium class or full class. You can also customize it with songs you like and can do. I think that is the secret. Find something you love to do and get moving. Remember it is mostly calories in calories out. Portion control is the most important part of losing weight. You can do this. Just find something you love to do. Good luck and never give up. :)
  • flamingblades
    flamingblades Posts: 311 Member
    I started off at 320 lbs, and like some FOODS, you just have to aquire a "taste" for it, I think. As my self esteem and self worth went up, my desire to keep up what I am doing to get results went up along with it. I have a 2 year old grand daughter and I want to see her grow and become a woman. You need to find some motivation, as I did. I tried the gym thang for a few years and I didn't like my progress. Now I see a trainer 3x a week and walk when I am not at the gym (weather permitting). I am still big in the middle, but with dogged determination, I will keep at it until I reach my goal. I seek more instruction regarding calorie intake, metabolism control, and when I get suggestions, I apply it to my eating and exercise habits, and ever so slowly, it is paying off. My genetics are against me, and I am tired of seeing loved ones die of heart disease and cancers.
  • minizebu
    minizebu Posts: 2,716 Member
    You just have to start where you are and not think that far ahead. Don't think that you have to go out and climb mountains. Just start by being about to walk for X minutes continuously. Even if it is a short walk and it leaves you huffing and puffing and you hate every single step of it, just get it done, cross it off your list for the day and move on. Start small and improve daily. Say you can only walk for ten minutes before you are fed up. That's great if the alternative would have been sitting for ten minutes. The next day walk for eleven minutes. Or walk the same distance you did yesterday in ten minutes, but do it in 9 minutes. Just strive to make improvements.

    If you are creating a calorie deficit with your diet you will start to lose weight.

    And, yes, as you lose weight, the exercise will become easier.

    Remember, you don't have to like it, but you do have to do it.
  • ew_david
    ew_david Posts: 3,473 Member
    I, too, hated exercise, but that's because I hadn't found anything I truly enjoyed doing. Cardio is not my number one choice, but it was beat into my brain by every magazine that that was the only way to be thin. I then came to this site and found that the body I was looking for belonged to the same women who lifted weights. So I gave that a shot. Never looked back. I still run to prepare for races, but I'd rather just walk.
  • SingRunTing
    SingRunTing Posts: 2,604 Member
    I never thought that I would want to workout. Ever. I know where you're coming from.

    I started working out because I know that its good for you. I know the health benefits and wanted to look better (and eat more food while still losing weight). So I started with C25K (a run training program if you don't know). It kicked my butt. I was dying by the end and swore that I would NEVER ever ever like to run. But I stuck with the program because I wanted to finish what I started.

    One day at about week 8, I was heading to lunch and thought "OOOH its my running night!!". It made me do a double take. Where did THAT come from??? Who is that person? It really took me by surprise.

    Now, some days I'm excited to work out, some days I don't feel like it. But I stick to my schedule because I always feel better after I do. I always beat myself up if I skip for no good reason (if I'm sick or something I don't worry about it). I look at it as something I do, like laundry or brushing my teeth. It's just part of my daily routine, so why would I not do it?

    I actually enjoy exercising now. It made my life easier. I can walk up some flights of stairs without being out of breath. I like getting outside and getting some fresh air. If I've gone a week without a run, I'm itching to get outside and go. I'm a completely different person now and if you had said that to me 2 years ago, I would have laughed in your face.

    You don't need to exercise to lose weight. A calorie deficit is all that's needed. However, I don't think I would have stuck with my calorie deficit for the year that I've been doing this without the exercise component in there. I can eat more calories because I burn more calories, which helps me work more treats into my calorie goal. But even more so, exercising has given me more self confidence and makes me feel better. The benefits far exceed the physical and it helps you mentally and emotionally as well.

    You don't have to do a lot. But try something and stick with it. Try different things. There are more exercises out there than running and zumba classes (or whatever). You can swim or bike or hike or yoga or tennis or golf or rock climbing or skiing, etc. There are sooo many activities that there is bound to be something you will enjoy. You probably won't fall in love overnight, but eventually you will find something you enjoy doing.
  • jocey517
    jocey517 Posts: 30 Member
    I'm someone who has been active and exercised all my life but I do understand how you feel. After I had my daughter I felt so out of shape and physically exhausted and weak that to go to the gym was a struggle. I did have to force myself to go and workout but gradually I started to feel better about myself and even if I didn't want to go - I'd remind myself of how I'd feel at the end of the workout and at the end of the month of working out....etc.. It's been almost 2 years since I had my daughter and probably only in the last 3 months have I gotten to the point where I can't wait to workout. For me It was a very slow and gradual process to do it the right way and make life changes. I had to make small changes each week and each month vs. drastic changes overnight that I thought I'd feel like a failure at if I didn't live up to. Try to look at the big picture and long term goal and take baby steps to get there. I always think about all the things I do every day because I have to (work, pay bills, clean up after other people, etc.) - and I don't necessarily want to do these things or look forward to doing these things but I do them because I have to. Why not do something for yourself - to help yourself feel better and live healthier - and if you have to force yourself in the beginning - at least you know you are doing something positive. In time it will become your routine and you'll feel the benefits and want more of them. Yes - I completely agree that there is a mental side of weight loss / healthy living that you need to tackle. The beginning - change - it's always the most difficult. Best of luck:)!
  • Ninkyou
    Ninkyou Posts: 6,666 Member
    I started with just walking. The first time I walked a mile I cried. Walking led me to hiking (low grade) and eventually that built up and I was able to actually sustain running. Did my first 5k exactly a year ago (3 days after getting a positive pregnancy test, haha, so I haven't ran since). I also did low impact swimming and Zumba.

    Basically, find activities that hold your interest and that you find fun. Exercise isn't supposed to feel like a chore. It should be enjoyable.
  • LiftAllThePizzas
    LiftAllThePizzas Posts: 17,857 Member
    moledew wrote: »
    I see so many users on here that were 300+ pounds before starting their journey and now they're mountain climbing personal trainers! I'm super jealous and want to have that too eventually but I really hate exercising. Is it just because of my weight and how physically and emotionally taxing it is for me right now? Will I too get this phenomenal burst of energy and motivation as the weight comes off? A lot of people say that they need and love exercising now but I just can't see myself being a 5am runner. I know I'm getting ahead of myself here but I'm really curious about what it is that makes a morbidly obese person all of the sudden become a body builder that enjoys workouts...? Is that just part of the mental side of weigh loss and a literal "total transformation"?
    Nobody suddenly goes from morbidly obese to bodybuilder.
  • smrybacki
    smrybacki Posts: 78 Member
    edited May 2015
    I think it starts with wanting to make changes in your life. My own story involves me being 29 years old with a 5 year old so back in 1988. I smoked and weighed 225 at 5' 11" tall and I HATED running and most exercise except basketball at that time. May not seem horribly overweight, but I was in the Air Force and was likely to lose my career if I didn't make changes. So I got an assignment to Turkey in 1988 and it was without family where I could easily have slipped into a REAL funk.

    Instead, I quit smoking on August 9, 1988 and began to jog just a little. Again, my weight started at 225 and I had smoked for 12 years so I couldn't even go an eight of a mile. But, I stuck with it day after day and it got a little better every single day, plus it kept me from smoking because I immediately noticed how much better I felt and I could breath again!

    Eight months into my 15 month assignment, my weight is now 160-165 pounds and I'm running 6+ miles a day, plus participating in two Intramural basketball leagues which had me at practice most week days. My wife almost walked past me at the airport on my mid-assignment leave. She knew I'd quit smoking and so she did as well because neither of us wanted our son to ever smoke. He's 32 now and doesn't smoke I'm happy to say.

    The point is that through little changes, compiled as a daily habit I completely changed my life at age 29 BEFORE it was too late. I'm 56 now and I can't run anymore because my feet are extremely arthritic, however I still walk every day often getting over 18,000 steps a day (about 7-9 miles usually) just through simple things like parking as far from work as possible, taking breaks several times a day (I am a desk jockey now) and walking the company stairs and having a walk every lunch hour. I also walk every morning or use an elliptical trainer. My weight is a bit higher now at around 205, but again, I am 56 and it's a little harder these days than when I was 29.

    My advice to you and anyone else is to learn to view exercise as your salvation rather than a nuisance. It will change your life if you start slowly, push yourself a wee bit every time you do some of it and really take note of the positive changes that are happening in your life AFTER you are done exercising. You'll be more alert, have more energy and stamina and be able to lose weight more effectively. If all that isn't a good thing, then I don't know what is! Best to you!
  • azulvioleta6
    azulvioleta6 Posts: 4,195 Member
    Maybe I am not the best person to answer this question because I have always liked exercise, outdoor activity and sports. I could not move much for several years due to illness, and these days I am very grateful to be able to use my body again. I wasn't a morbidly obese person who became an athlete--I was an athlete who got sick and had to fight back to being active again.

    Here's what I think:
    1. Do not start out with 5AM or with running. You will fail. Pick a time and an activity that are going to work for you. Pick something that you can already do, where you can increase duration and intensity over time. Something easily measurable is good. I started with swimming. Many people start with walking. It was easy to see my progress in both speed and endurance--that is rewarding. When I first got in the pool, it took me more than hour to go about half a mile--now I can do a while mile in a little over 30 minutes.
    2. Do not expect extraordinary, phenomenal ANYTHING. You are setting the bar way too high and you will be disappointed. It almost sounds like you are setting yourself up for an excuse to quit.
    3. Focus on habit formation. Do SOMETHING almost every day until it becomes normal for you. Repeat. Increase. If you fall off the wagon, climb right back on.
    4. Do things that you like! You won't stick with it unless it works for you. I hate to run and it is very painful due to an injury. So I dance instead. I hike outdoors, I kayak, I swim--these things are fun for me, so that is what I do.
    5. Even if an activity isn't something you enjoy a ton (example: weightlifting) you can make it more interesting with good music.
    6. Does social connection motivate you? Try Zumba, try a class at your gym, join an outdoor group, take a dance class, etc. Sometimes making new, active friends and having people who expect to see you can be a good push in the right direction.

    Why is exercise emotionally taxing for you?
  • Jaxxie1181
    Jaxxie1181 Posts: 138 Member
    Get yourself an adult fitness hula hoop. You would want a 160psi 42" hoop to start with. Check out Hoop Mamas Etsy Shop

    Hoop Mamas Custom Budget Hoop

    I have four of her hoops and love them. Hooping was really the only exercise I really enjoyed. I need to get back at it :)
  • DirrtyH
    DirrtyH Posts: 664 Member
    I don't think I'm ever going to be that person that loves to work out or that hates to miss a workout. But I did find some types of exercise that I like, and I don't mind going to the gym now. I kept forcing myself to run because it just seems like you're supposed to run, but one day I said "I hate this. No more." And I don't run anymore. Just try to invite me to do a 5K with you, I dare you.

    Bottom line: You don't have to do exercise that you hate. Just try a bunch of things and stick with the one or two that you don't hate. And if you don't workout every single day or if you don't become a fitness fiend, it's cool. You're still okay.
  • MsJulesRenee
    MsJulesRenee Posts: 1,180 Member
    Enjoy exercise because it is a stress reliever for me. I can plug in my headphones and work off all that energy. Try different programs/classes/machines and see which one you like the best. You don't have to become a 5am runner or anything extreme, just take it slow and at your own pace. This should be an enjoyable experience in general since I'm assuming you want to keep the weight off forever (some days you'll absolutely hate it, some days you'll love it). Learn to love the sweat - its a sign of accomplishment :) Took me 6 years. Someday you may become one of those 5am runners, how proud would you be!! And yes, there are bouts of energy and motivation, at one point I was waking up, jumping out of bed at 6am to go to the gym because I felt so much better the rest of the day after. If you really want something you'll do anything to get there!!!
  • jgnatca
    jgnatca Posts: 14,464 Member
    I think there is a tipping point where the benefits outweigh the pain. Here's a few things I learned along the way:
    • I don't exercise for health mainly. That's too ambiguous a goal. I exercise for the next competition.
    • I can pinpoint the day it all changed for me. My weight loss and modest walking had improved my mobility enough that I was able to keep from slipping on the ice. For the first time I had an inkling that I could have a different sort of life. After that, nothing could stop me.
    • I do things I enjoy. If I get bored, I change it. It has to be fun to keep me going.
    • I run at 5 AM because I am an early riser, and that is when I have my energy peak. I am a slug at night. So the lesson is, listen to your body and work with it.
    • There are some exercises I must do (like my stretches) that I find deadly dull but I must do them to do the fun stuff. I grit through those, keeping the ultimate goal in mind. Which is the next competition.
    • Here's a video of the first time riding my bike. I celebrate my milestones.

    There's an endorphin high snuggled in there too. After running became my new routine, my most miserable days are my non-running days. My twitchy muscles want to be moving, and they aren't happy sitting still any more.