Plant Based Progress?

I would love to hear how plant based diets have worked for you guys and what you eat on a daily basis.

I have tried time after time to go plant based but my anemia has always made me feel week and spacey after about a week. (Even with iron supplements)

Does anyone have any advice for sticking to a plant based diet?


  • kommodevaran
    kommodevaran Posts: 17,890 Member
    Not if your health makes it important for you to eat meat.
  • jddnw
    jddnw Posts: 319 Member
    edited May 2015
    I've tried PB in the past. I feel better when I include animal foods in my diet. More energy. Betters moods. I have no causal explanation for that, it's just my experience.

    High quality plant foods + plus high quality animal foods = the best of both worlds.
  • Laurend224
    Laurend224 Posts: 1,748 Member
    I would love to hear how plant based diets have worked for you guys and what you eat on a daily basis.

    I have tried time after time to go plant based but my anemia has always made me feel week and spacey after about a week. (Even with iron supplements)

    Does anyone have any advice for sticking to a plant based diet?

    Are you eating enough calories? Anyway, IMO, the only reason to stick to a vegan diet is if you have ethical objections to eating animal products.
  • dragonmaster69
    dragonmaster69 Posts: 131 Member
    I have been pescatarian for the past 6 years for ethical reasons (but not ethical enough, obviously). If I didn't have such a stubborn conscience, I would totally eat land animals to be able to hit macros easier and not be such a pain when I eat dinner at a friends house. Do what works for you. I gained weight when I stopped eating meat because I wasn't sure what to eat, and I was 13 years old and had no real sway on what groceries my dad bought. Perhaps also consult your doctor if you haven't.
  • moltobella
    moltobella Posts: 37 Member
    I've been a vegetarian for 12 years and have no anemia issues. I drink plant protein shakes, I take supplements, I cardio and lift and am rarely low on energy. I do take a very good multi though so that may be a big thing that helps me.
  • RodaRose
    RodaRose Posts: 9,562 Member
    A plant based diet that includes beans and lots of greens has both Iron and vitamin C.
    Vitamin C helps iron absorption.
  • rawroy
    rawroy Posts: 106 Member
    My wife was always anemic as a meat eater and even after we went vegan and low fat plant based. It's due to her monthly cycle and blood loss. She just started taking iron pills because she can feel weak and tired if she doesn't. We've been on this lifestyle for about 1.5 years now and things just become natural when you learn how to shop, keep it simple, and convenient. It's not hard at all! What seems hard for most people is the fact that we've been accustomed to shop and cook and eat a certain way our entire lives. Trust me, the training wheels come off after a short while. We are in and out of the grocery stores in less then 15 minutes. We know exactly what to look for and what not buy. I always check labels too for anything new. We make our meals in 15 minutes or less unless we want something gourmet. It really becomes second nature. As long as you eat a variety of plant based whole foods, you'll get all of your nutrients. Our meat and dairy products went bye bye and our spice cabinet grew exponentially!! If you have a medical need like my wife, add the iron supplement. Get your blood tested every 6 months and go by that. The reason most people don't have deficiencies has nothing to do with not eating's the fact that most people eat processed foods that are fortified with B12, Iron, Calcium, etc...even our pets food has to be fortified...

    If anyone needs motivation, just add me so you can see my progress and diary. I rarely get on the forums but I'm also on instagram as raw.roy
  • TrickyDisco
    TrickyDisco Posts: 2,869 Member
    Once a long-term veggie now eating vegan food for the last four years and I've never had problems with either anaemia or B12 deficiency but I think you need to help your body absorb vits and minerals e.g. eat/drink a good source of Vit C when you're eating iron-rich foods rather than things that inhibit absorption. I do take a daily multi-vit/mineral tablet to be sure of a source of some minerals which are a little harder to get, especially when on lower calories than maintenance. I'm in my fifties now but have far more energy on this plant-based diet than I ever had in my (much poorer diet) early twenties, was a spotty, overweight and sluggish young adult who dreaded finding the lifts/escalators out of action at tube stations.