Anyone get chills while doing cardio?

Question: Has anyone, ever, got chills & goosebumps during their workout?
I know I do! Not on a regular basis, but I think that's when I know I've hit my stride. It's awesome & strange all at the same time. I'm absolutely hot & drenched with sweat. It makes no sense to me. :D


  • _incogNEATo_
    _incogNEATo_ Posts: 4,537 Member
    I get it about 5 miles into a run. Usually when a pretty motivational/hyped up song comes on.
  • brittanybock
    brittanybock Posts: 5 Member
    edited May 2015
    Yeah. It's called a "runner's high". It's your body releasing endorphins. See this article to get the details.
  • amdawells
    amdawells Posts: 76 Member
    Really?! Awesome to know I'm not the only one! @_incogNEATo_ I would like to know what causes that ... when I get them it's not because of a song though. I could definitely see that happening if I were listening to music. Thanks for sharing!
  • tulips_and_tea
    tulips_and_tea Posts: 5,734 Member
    I do occasionally. Then I know I'm really getting in a good workout.
  • amdawells
    amdawells Posts: 76 Member
    Awesome, thank you! @brittanybock That explains a lot!
  • kristinegift
    kristinegift Posts: 2,406 Member
    edited May 2015
    rileyes wrote: »

    This. If it's hot in the gym or outside and you're getting actual chills, that's not "runner's high," that's a signal you need to take it easy/drink some water/stop. When I get chills on long, hot, humid runs in the summer, I know it's a sign I need to call it quits soon. It's usually in the last couple miles of my longest runs (~3 hours).

    Edit to add: but if you mean just a quick shiver or something, not like actually feeling cold, yeah that happens sometimes when a really poignant song comes on or something.
  • SuggaD
    SuggaD Posts: 1,369 Member
    rileyes wrote: »

    This. If it's hot in the gym or outside and you're getting chills, that's not "runner's high," that's a signal you need to take it easy/drink some water/stop. When I get chills on long, hot, humid runs in the summer, I know it's a sign I need to call it quits soon. It's usually in the last couple miles of my longest runs (~3 hours).

    This. Usually means your body is fuel depleted. Not good at all.
  • amdawells
    amdawells Posts: 76 Member
    That is a long run! @kristinegift I workout at home (curcuit training) so I couldn't imagine it would be heat induced. I suppose I could compare it to hearing a favorite song, only 5x's more intense. I don't listen to music when I do my workouts, they're all on DVD's. I follow along & do my best to keep up :)
  • DesertGunR
    DesertGunR Posts: 187 Member
    It could also be as simple as environmental. You workout at home the possibility is just the difference between body versus room temperature.

    As long as you are not experiencing profuse sweating, weakness, nausea, vomiting, headache, lightheadedness and muscle cramps at the same time the chance of it being heat related is very, very low. These symptoms by the way are the onset of heat exhaustion. So, unless you are suffering from heat cramps and ignoring those then you should be good to go.
  • annaerobic
    annaerobic Posts: 2 Member
    This happens to me sometimes--and happened a lot more frequently when I was training for a marathon. I now understand that it's my body telling me I'm at my edge. It can happen in warm or cold weather...the only constant is that it happens when I'm pushing myself hard, and I take it as a signal to step things back a bit.