looking to lose 80pounds

RachelVerthein Posts: 28
edited September 27 in Introduce Yourself
I have lost 10pounds since last fall using weightwatchers. I just didnt have the money to pay for it anymore. Then I found myfitnesspal! I am looking to lose 80pounds more. I currently weigh 200pounds and need to lose this extra weight I have gained while pregnant with my daughter. I would like some friend support on here as well!
thanks Rachel


  • ritadyan
    ritadyan Posts: 3
    I'm at 220.6, the .6 is very important to me, and I also have to lose between 70-80 pounds to be within my healthy range. I think I'm starting P90x again tomorrow. Have you tried that? I used it before and it works wonders.
  • Jellyphant
    Jellyphant Posts: 1,400 Member
    I'm shooting for 82 pounds, making my goal weight 150. I'm doing zumba and just dance 2 right now, but may soon have some turbo jam and BBL to do. Cant. wait.
  • mhc90
    mhc90 Posts: 20 Member
    Feel free to add me! I also have a 3 year old and think I weigh more now than when I was 6 months pregnant! I am hoping to lose 35 pounds, but have really been struggling lately.
    I'm looking for support too - maybe we can help each other.
  • kml07071
    kml07071 Posts: 29
    I started at 201 and would love to be at 130 so about 70 lbs. I have lost 17 so far and it is a ton of work but in the end it will be so worth it! Good luck with your weight loss and feel free to add me since we have similar goals! I always find it nice to talk to people who are shooting for around the same goal around the same weight!
  • sarahbeth17
    sarahbeth17 Posts: 100 Member
    You can do it! Try 5 smaller meals a day instead of big ones, and drink a glass of water before and during your meals, it well help a lot! I lost 10 pounds the first couple weeks i was doing 5 smaller meals a day. Also take 1 or 2 tbsp of braggs apple cider vinegar every day or as often as you can stomach it, it helps and makes you healthier!
  • neha90
    neha90 Posts: 1
    Hey I am doing p 90 x for the past three weeks, and I have lost 5 pounds so far. It is a hard work out but I do p 90x in the morning and then few hours later I jog for 35 mins, and I see a much faster weight loss by doing this. But you have to keep eating like 6 times a day so this way your body will not store any food if you eat small meals all the time through out the day.
  • sarahbeth17
    sarahbeth17 Posts: 100 Member
    depending on how small your meals are and what you want your calorie intake to be you can make it 4-6 meals, if you are exercising then 6 meals would be good and you'd be eating every few hours which always makes me feel better. I have lazy days where I'm not as hungry and I find myself not wanting another meal after the 4th.
  • julie247
    julie247 Posts: 1
    I am at 202.6 and the .6 s important to me as well. I am frustrated and wanting to lose 30lbs.
    I started runiing yesterday and found My fitness the same day. I am excited to track my progress.
  • alicia826
    alicia826 Posts: 51
    I'm looking to lose just as much (79 lb to be exactly at my goal lol). I definitely would love to have someone who's looking to lose the same amount as me! We can go through it all together! :) Please feel free to add me (or anyone else in this post as well)! Always looking for a bigger support group!

    AND btw WELCOME and GOOD LUCK! You'll do GREAT!
  • sarahsmom1
    sarahsmom1 Posts: 1,501 Member
    I have 121 pounds to lose I have lost 25 so far. I have been on here for awhile not to serious enough now i am in it to win it ( for those of you who watch idol sick of Randy saying it) but I really need to step up the pace everyone that I started with have lost 50 pounds plus and I'm here with a measly 25 I'm not knocking the 25 pounds but I should to better. So you can add me as a friend if you would like
  • rgoodearl
    rgoodearl Posts: 360 Member
    Welcome !!! I'm a big user and supporter of P90X, I also ride a bike as much as possible. MFP will help you acheive your goals !!! Friend me if you like :happy:
  • alicia826
    alicia826 Posts: 51
    I have been on here for awhile not to serious enough now i am in it to win it ( for those of you who watch idol sick of Randy saying it)

    LOL! I am too! Why does he have to yell it every time too? I think he's running out of things to say after all of these years. Plus, he has to make it short and sweet since Jennifer always interrupts him, or yells at him for his opinion!
  • eaber
    eaber Posts: 25
    I want to lost 100 lbs total but i want to lose 75 as my big goal right now. I am giving myself a year with a bunch of small goals! I am down 6 lbs with 19 lbs to my first goal...feel free to add me I am always looking for more support and we can help each other!
  • fitnessjch
    fitnessjch Posts: 449 Member
    I am looking to lose 82lbs, and have got 16 down so far.

    Feel free to friend me
  • lildebbie
    lildebbie Posts: 2,068 Member
    YOu can do it, i have 110 lbs to loose, i have lost almost 50 (well i lost 75 but gained 30 back :sad:)

    This is a great place and you will do great !!
  • Stephanie08
    Stephanie08 Posts: 1,023 Member
    I have exactly 80 to lose as well, my highest was 230, I'm at 214 now, and I'm looking to get to 150.
  • bex481
    bex481 Posts: 70 Member
    Right with you!! I started at 213 and my goal is 125. I have been using My Fitness Pal and doing P90X for 4 weeks. So far I have lost 17 pounds. Started to feel myself slipping this last week and trying hard to stay on track. Good luck to everyone!! We can do this!
  • No I have never heard of P90X what is that?
  • Yeah, I lost 10 then put 5 back on so....I really need to get back on track
  • ritadyan
    ritadyan Posts: 3
    When you start P90x you may think it is the most vile, devilish exercise regime you've ever encountered but by the end of your first month you'll notice a difference. I noticed a difference in my appearance, attitude, etc. after a month of doing P90x. My issue with longterm weightloss was continuing my unhealthy eating habits. MFP has helped me change my habits within a very short amount of time. I actually got upset at a package of individual chocolate cookies for being 230 calories.....for six cookies!!!! Definitely not wasting my calories on that. I posted the link below. It's worth it, I'm telling you.

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