It's Hard Getting Started

Hi everyone! I have made the decision to get healthy and it has been a long time coming. I have let myself go far beyond what I ever imagined I would. I am so uncomfortable in my own body that it is evident that it's time for me to make changes in my life and find myself again. I know I'm in here [this body] I just have to peel back all the layers of emotions that got me to this point. My goal is to shed all negativity, fill my life with positive, uplifting thoughts and with all that the weight will come off too. I am so happy to start this journey! Thanks for listening!


  • fluffstewart
    fluffstewart Posts: 14 Member
    The HARDEST part is getting started, so now your on your way to a better quality of life.
  • tonedby46
    tonedby46 Posts: 93 Member
    Once you start you are on your way to a better.
    please feel free to add me.
  • Innerbrightness
    Innerbrightness Posts: 2 Member
    Thanks ladies!
  • snorris1983
    snorris1983 Posts: 24 Member
    Sounds like a great start. Just starting myself too and could also do with a hit of motivation
  • steffydill
    steffydill Posts: 12 Member
    Feel free to add me
  • Amfoxynow
    Amfoxynow Posts: 6 Member
    Hey Everybody! I'm starting over too. It seems that I'm always "starting over." Getting the motivation to get started is hard, but for me, keeping it seems even harder. It's that hump that I've got to get over. Any suggestions for getting over that "hump?" I've started and stopped more times than I can shake a stick at, lol.

    @Innerbrightness: I can relate to the emotional layers part. It's the emotional layers that got me here too and it's the emotional layers that seem to keep me here. With guidance and support, we can succeed. Let's do this thing!
  • gking78
    gking78 Posts: 11 Member
    The fact that you're able to acknowledge your mistakes is a huge step. good luck on your journey feel free to add me I'm a great motivator but I also need motivation
  • chosen2worship79
    chosen2worship79 Posts: 7 Member
    I'm a 35 year old, single mom to an incredible 1 year old boy... Was on a weight loss journey before I got pregnant and had lost 30 some pounds and felt incredible... Life... Pregnancy... And a lot of hurt caused me to get back to where I was 9months pregnant. I'm on this journey again... But this time I'm motivated to see my son grow up! I need encouragement. I'm happy to see I'm not alone. (I have Jesus, I know I'm not alone, but it's nice to see others on the same path) please add me! Blessings to you all!!!