Teachers... When do you eat?

I'm a music teacher and I have no time to eat except at lunch. I could snack between classes but I'm always busy setting u for my next class in those measly 4 minutes. So what do you do??


  • ibamosaserreinas
    ibamosaserreinas Posts: 294 Member
    I do intermittent fasting. So I only eat at lunch during work hours. I just eat a big lunch (like 500 calories). A snack in the car on the way to the gym after work and then dinner after the gym.

    I also invested in a mini-fridge and microwave in my classroom... You can pick up a minifridge for under $100. I keep fruit, boiled eggs, almond milk, protein shakes in it.
  • arditarose
    arditarose Posts: 15,573 Member
    I don't work in a public school at the moment, but I have, and I'm a teacher. You can eat something small and calorically dense in those short breaks:peanut butter, nuts, etc. No breakfast?
  • livingleanlivingclean
    livingleanlivingclean Posts: 11,751 Member
    Recess, lunch, PreWO, dinner...
  • DavidJamesFit
    DavidJamesFit Posts: 14 Member
    I had thought about getting a mini-fridge to store stuff in. That'd be a nice addition to the office. Keep small things in it I suppose.
  • rejectuf
    rejectuf Posts: 487 Member
    If trying to gain weight, I'll do a shake of whole milk + whey protein + banana + peanut butter for lunch. Solid food is usually not an option for me during the day. Quest bars make a decent snack if you have time for it.
  • arditarose
    arditarose Posts: 15,573 Member
    rejectuf wrote: »
    If trying to gain weight, I'll do a shake of whole milk + whey protein + banana + peanut butter for lunch. Solid food is usually not an option for me during the day. Quest bars make a decent snack if you have time for it.

    I love Quest bars but there are definitely higher calorie protein bars. I choose them because of their low calorie count.

    OP, I'm a music teacher too!
  • DancingMoosie
    DancingMoosie Posts: 8,619 Member
    I keep bars or nuts in my bag, take a coffee with soymilk or protein shake in it, and usually a yogurt with fruit for the afternoon. Hard candy is also in my bag, esp. mints, they help w low blood sugar, bad breath, sore throats and coughs, etc. I keep the yogurt and fruit in the fridge with my lunch, and then just grab it before the last class.
  • lifeisbueno
    lifeisbueno Posts: 16 Member
    a benefit of being a severely handicapped special ed teacher: eating together in class is a skill... and eating with good manners is modeling appropriate behavior :)
  • cwolfman13
    cwolfman13 Posts: 41,867 Member
    edited May 2015
    I'm not a teacher, but I eat 3 major meals per day...so I eat breakfast, lunch (usually at my desk), and dinner. my snacks consist of munching on some veggies or something in the morning and some yogurt or something in the afternoon...I have some fruit and a protein shake on lifting days. You don't have to eat multiple meals per day...you just have to eat enough but not too much throughout the day. Don't overcomplicate that which is not complicated.
  • FatFreeFrolicking
    FatFreeFrolicking Posts: 4,252 Member
    I work at a private school so the rules are probably different for public schools but I eat when my students eat. Or me and the woman I co-teach with will take turns running to the kitchen to scoff food down our throats. LOL
  • ibamosaserreinas
    ibamosaserreinas Posts: 294 Member
    Disruptive students.

    I LOVE this.
  • DavidJamesFit
    DavidJamesFit Posts: 14 Member
    Disruptive students.

    Amen to that!
  • DavidJamesFit
    DavidJamesFit Posts: 14 Member
    I work at a private school so the rules are probably different for public schools but I eat when my students eat. Or me and the woman I co-teach with will take turns running to the kitchen to scoff food down our throats. LOL

    I should just start a "feed David" food bank and people can just drop by with healthy snack for me to munch on. Half the battle is remembering to do it in the first place.
  • GreenGoddess22
    GreenGoddess22 Posts: 3,818 Member
    Yes to the mini fridge! I eat breakfast at home/in the car. Protein drink mid-morning; at 20g protein I am good until lunch. Lunch, small snack before dinner, then dinner.
  • DavidJamesFit
    DavidJamesFit Posts: 14 Member
    MrM27 wrote: »

    Womp womp womp

    I know, I know..........sorry

  • MegAmanda12
    MegAmanda12 Posts: 5 Member
    Take healthy snacks such as nuts, bars, etc. I'm constantly eating in my car because I never have time to sit still and eat otherwise! Pack on a good breakfast and maybe and shake for a snack as well. Just stash little snacks in your pockets and claim you're rewarding yourself for a job well done ;). I should really take my own advice lol.
  • Springfield1970
    Springfield1970 Posts: 1,945 Member
    I'm a singing coach and I teach 55 minutes per hour. The students know when lessons over because my Tupperware appeared magically from under the desk. It's time to say Mmmm bye bye now!


    I've even lied and said I have blood sugar disorders to eat during coaching. Meh, what you gonna do?