Protein in morning. workout in afternoon.

waltg420 Posts: 5 Member

So usually i have breakfast around 8am and lunch around 1pm. I usually get to the gym around 2:30-3pm. Am I hurting myself by having too much protein too far ahead of my workout?

I'm currently 270lbs and trying to lose 50-70lbs.


  • williamwj2014
    williamwj2014 Posts: 750 Member really does not matter when you take protein and protein in take has nothing to do with losing weights as what determines weight loss is calorie deficit.
  • jddnw
    jddnw Posts: 319 Member
    It's good to have protein at every meal. You are doing fine.
  • waltg420
    waltg420 Posts: 5 Member
    It it good to have protein right after workout?
  • waltg420
    waltg420 Posts: 5 Member
    I'm trying to stay under 2000-2100 calories per day in food intake on workout days and under 1700-1800 on off days. That's not a lot of calories to get in 100 grams of protein .

    One thing I was drinking post workout is cytosport protein water. 32g protein for only 120 calories but I can't seem to find them anywhere.
  • waltg420
    waltg420 Posts: 5 Member

    3x per week.

    Day 1 chest, shoulder, triceps
    day 2 back, biceps, forearms
    day 3 legs, abs

    Days off I try to do 30-45 light cardio (usually kinect sports ;) )

    Usually 1 hour weights 20 min 3.5-3.8 pace on treadmill with varied incline. Hoping to get more actual running in as I lose weight but I really hate cardio.
  • SophiaSerrao
    SophiaSerrao Posts: 234 Member
    MrM27 wrote: »
    waltg420 wrote: »
    It it good to have protein right after workout?

    Unless you're in the crowd where it would be a real consideration, just get your protein in throughout the time. And even though I don't know your stats chances are 43g by the time lunch done still leaves you much more to hit adequate protein minimums.


    Interesting. I wondered about this myself a while ago and once again I see that it doesn't matter :mrgreen: . Great!

    I swear, the most important thing I've learned from these forums is not to worry/obsses about little things, because, luckily, they usually don't matter. As in they really, scientifically do not matter. I'm really glad (and grateful) for running into all this knowledge, because it made things much more pleasurable. And easier.

    I'm happy knowing I don't have to do so many things I was willing to do (if they were truly necessary), like ditching carbs completely, avoiding processed products because toxins (yeah, google had me very convinced), drinking plain tea because avoiding a few drops of artificial sweeteners would help my weight loss... etc. Now that I know none of it is worth it, I figure: why be miserable?

    Loosing weight is hard enough as it is (for me at least... I struggle with motivation coming and going aaand with the social sacrifices that I choose to make to hit that bloody deficit), but now I can just focus on hitting my deficit, hitting my macros, eating nutritiously and remembering to give the most I can in all my workouts. Actually, that's all requires quite a bit of work! But those things ARE relevant, so I do them.

    So yeah, I just wanted to kind of thank all those who are in the know (and clearly have been for a while) for sticking around and sharing these things. Even if you aren't always super nice about it -lol =)- it IS appreciated. Very.

    Sorry for butting in your post, OP :flowerforyou:
  • waltg420
    waltg420 Posts: 5 Member
    MrM27 wrote: »
    waltg420 wrote: »
    It it good to have protein right after workout?

    Unless you're in the crowd where it would be a real consideration, just get your protein in throughout the time. And even though I don't know your stats chances are 43g by the time lunch done still leaves you much more to hit adequate protein minimums.


    Interesting. I wondered about this myself a while ago and once again I see that it doesn't matter :mrgreen: . Great!

    I swear, the most important thing I've learned from these forums is not to worry/obsses about little things, because, luckily, they usually don't matter. As in they really, scientifically do not matter. I'm really glad (and grateful) for running into all this knowledge, because it made things much more pleasurable. And easier.

    I'm happy knowing I don't have to do so many things I was willing to do (if they were truly necessary), like ditching carbs completely, avoiding processed products because toxins (yeah, google had me very convinced), drinking plain tea because avoiding a few drops of artificial sweeteners would help my weight loss... etc. Now that I know none of it is worth it, I figure: why be miserable?

    Loosing weight is hard enough as it is (for me at least... I struggle with motivation coming and going aaand with the social sacrifices that I choose to make to hit that bloody deficit), but now I can just focus on hitting my deficit, hitting my macros, eating nutritiously and remembering to give the most I can in all my workouts. Actually, that's all requires quite a bit of work! But those things ARE relevant, so I do them.

    So yeah, I just wanted to kind of thank all those who are in the know (and clearly have been for a while) for sticking around and sharing these things. Even if you aren't always super nice about it -lol =)- it IS appreciated. Very.

    Sorry for butting in your post, OP :flowerforyou:

    A lot of what I've done is try to get breakfast and lunch combined under about 800 calories and getting to the gym at least 3-4 hrs per week.

  • SophiaSerrao
    SophiaSerrao Posts: 234 Member
    waltg420 wrote: »
    MrM27 wrote: »
    waltg420 wrote: »
    It it good to have protein right after workout?

    Unless you're in the crowd where it would be a real consideration, just get your protein in throughout the time. And even though I don't know your stats chances are 43g by the time lunch done still leaves you much more to hit adequate protein minimums.


    Interesting. I wondered about this myself a while ago and once again I see that it doesn't matter :mrgreen: . Great!

    I swear, the most important thing I've learned from these forums is not to worry/obsses about little things, because, luckily, they usually don't matter. As in they really, scientifically do not matter. I'm really glad (and grateful) for running into all this knowledge, because it made things much more pleasurable. And easier.

    I'm happy knowing I don't have to do so many things I was willing to do (if they were truly necessary), like ditching carbs completely, avoiding processed products because toxins (yeah, google had me very convinced), drinking plain tea because avoiding a few drops of artificial sweeteners would help my weight loss... etc. Now that I know none of it is worth it, I figure: why be miserable?

    Loosing weight is hard enough as it is (for me at least... I struggle with motivation coming and going aaand with the social sacrifices that I choose to make to hit that bloody deficit), but now I can just focus on hitting my deficit, hitting my macros, eating nutritiously and remembering to give the most I can in all my workouts. Actually, that's all requires quite a bit of work! But those things ARE relevant, so I do them.

    So yeah, I just wanted to kind of thank all those who are in the know (and clearly have been for a while) for sticking around and sharing these things. Even if you aren't always super nice about it -lol =)- it IS appreciated. Very.

    Sorry for butting in your post, OP :flowerforyou:

    A lot of what I've done is try to get breakfast and lunch combined under about 800 calories and getting to the gym at least 3-4 hrs per week.

    Sounds good. Leaves you plenty of cals for later in the day, which is nice (and fun). And, well, being disciplined with the gym is great. Putting thought in what you're eating and working out are smart moves.

    I was doing unnecessary things like considering avoiding dairy (never actually got around to it, lol), not eating past 7 o'clock any day (which doesn't fit my nocturnal lifestyle), absolutely no carbs past 2 o'clock, etc. Now I know the benefits of those things (if any) aren't enough to be worth it. And I'm very relieved by it = )