Mommies who had C-sections

I have a almost 20 month old toddler and I'm looking for support from mom's who had c-sections and have that extra "flub".....


  • brynnsmom
    brynnsmom Posts: 945 Member
    I've had one... although my daughter is four now. Thanks to MFP I've gotten rid of most of the flub. But you are more than welcome to add me!
  • SuggaD
    SuggaD Posts: 1,369 Member
    I had one many many years ago. My goal this year is to cut as much of the "flub" as possible by being consistent and then get a tummy tuck (and full mommy makeover) after my daughter graduates. Tummy tuck is going to be a necessity there is excess skin from edema that isn't going to "snap back."
  • Sued0nim
    Sued0nim Posts: 17,456 Member
    edited May 2015
    I had two

    Took till my youngest was 10 (11 months ago) to actually drop the weight and start lifting heavy

    You c'n do it
  • emilybeaver
    emilybeaver Posts: 365 Member
    I've always had a "belly" and then getting pregnant, having a short torso, and carrying a 8lb 4oz kid...I know it will never be flat but I want this extra hanging flab to go away!
  • jocey517
    jocey517 Posts: 30 Member
    My little girl is 23 months - and these past 3-4 months I've really been working to leaning that out as much as possible... it's so hard but it's slowly coming off...;)
  • MamaFunky
    MamaFunky Posts: 735 Member
    I have had two c-sections. I give Jillian a lot of the credit for helping me get my flat stomach back. I combined cardio and lifting. I have always enjoyed workout DVD's so that's just what worked for me. Good luck! You can do it!!:)
  • sweetpineapple
    sweetpineapple Posts: 15 Member
    I've had 2 c-sections in 2 years. I have a two year old and six month old. I've lost 30 lbs with strength training and lifting heavy 5 times a week. I'm always up for new MFP friends!
  • raelynnsmama52512
    raelynnsmama52512 Posts: 1,184 Member
    I had one in 2012, just now getting around to doing something about all the extra weight and flab. Add me if you want to! :smile:
  • janjunie
    janjunie Posts: 1,200 Member
    I had a csection 6 years ago and then 2 more kids after that (no csection). It can be done, your stomach can go back to what it looked like prepregnancy it just takes more work and dedication. Good luck :)
  • zoeysasha37
    zoeysasha37 Posts: 7,089 Member
    I had an emergency csection (10 yrs ago) I still have a zillion staple scars from it but the good news is, the flap will go away :-) heavy lifting :-)
  • mirrim52
    mirrim52 Posts: 763 Member
    I had one in 2010. Finally really determined to lose the extra weight. I am 15 lbs from my goal, and the belly pouch has gotten much smaller. I carry my weight around my waist, but I am confident now that it will go away with time and work.
  • cbowman1114
    cbowman1114 Posts: 44 Member
    My son is 18 months old, and I have a really bad "flap" that I'm afraid will never go away. I lost 65 pounds on my own with diet and exercise and then when I got pregnant I gained it all back, not to mention I carried a 9 pound baby and had a csection as well. So my stomach is completely different now.
  • venusenvy68
    venusenvy68 Posts: 2 Member
    I had an emergency csection 4 months ago. Trying to get my abs back. I know it's a long road and I'm open for motivational friends!
  • MomTo3Lovez
    MomTo3Lovez Posts: 800 Member
    I had one in 2012 with my 3rd and final, he is my only boy and my only c section so I have way more flub from having 3 kids total on top of the c section lol. Feel free to add me if you like!
  • Queenmunchy
    Queenmunchy Posts: 3,380 Member
    I had one in 2007 and it took me exactly one year to lose the baby weight. I gained 70lbs while I was pregnant!
  • shinisize
    shinisize Posts: 105 Member
    I had my c-section 2yrs ago, and I'm sloooooowly losing the baby weight (I got the kid who thinks sleep is the enemy, and I do poorly without it). I'm so tired of this flub! I'm hoping to lose the last 25lbs of "baby" by this time next year, then to continue working towards being in the best shape of my life.
  • moledew
    moledew Posts: 71 Member
    I had mine 7 months ago but I was reallyyyy big before that anyways. She was a tiny baby and I never really looked pregnant or got the effects of the super big belly (added stretch marks and pooch- I had that anyways!) But she did completely obliterate my stomach muscles :( I used to at least have muscle under my flab and now its like a huge bowl of pudding. So gross. She likes to stand on my tummy and bounce which makes me feel EVEN better about my post baby body haha
  • KimberlyTG2
    KimberlyTG2 Posts: 84 Member
    I have had 2 c-sec and given birth to 2 LARGE boys. I had to have hernia surgery after my last baby so I decided to get a tummy tuck. The best $ I have ever spent. I am now working on getting the rest of my body back in shape. But the surgery really helped me get me back!!
  • Asher_Ethan
    Asher_Ethan Posts: 2,430 Member
    I had an emergency c section 17 months ago because my over-due-9pound-12-ounces little boy got stuck. I am currently 5 pound less than I was before I got pregnant :) Thank you calorie deficit.