Not losing even a pound



  • malibu927
    malibu927 Posts: 17,565 Member
    You should be weighing everything. The banana I had this morning was 120 grams. One I ate a few days ago was 160 grams, which is a huge difference. Even the bacon won't necessarily be the same weight every time (and can oftentimes run above what a serving says).

    You still may need to adjust your calories due to your thyroid, but make sure you're weighing and logging everything first.
  • cbowman1114
    cbowman1114 Posts: 44 Member
    I don't weigh food if I can look at the label and know how many calories it is, I don't need to weigh my quest bars it says on the package there 190 calories. I'm talking about fruit, veggies, chicken, stuff like that
  • janejellyroll
    janejellyroll Posts: 25,763 Member
    100 grams? Idk why it says that lol I just choose the ones that say there the closes to that size. Like 1 large banana. For the turkey bacon I don't measure that because 1 slice is 25 calories so I obviously know 4 slices is 100 calories

    If you aren't weighing your solid foods, that could be why you're struggling. I would begin weighing all solid foods, including fruit and meat. Package weights can have quite a bit of variance and fruit comes in all difference sizes. Example: I eat cucumbers frequently and even when I grab cucumbers that look about the same size, they can vary as much as 150 grams. That doesn't matter as much because cucumber is so low calorie, but for bananas, it can be a huge difference!
  • DemoraFairy
    DemoraFairy Posts: 1,806 Member
    I don't weigh food if I can look at the label and know how many calories it is, I don't need to weigh my quest bars it says on the package there 190 calories. I'm talking about fruit, veggies, chicken, stuff like that

    That's fine for things that come individually wrapped and are always the same, like bars, but for bananas that's not the case - they're all different sizes. You've also got a lot of measurements by teaspoons and cups. These are things that need to be weighed.
  • DawnieB1977
    DawnieB1977 Posts: 4,248 Member
    I lost 66lbs after my 2nd baby and only weighed things like porridge oats. Then again, I was losing weight so obviously my logging was pretty accurate. Maybe if I hadn't been losing I'd have started weighing stuff.

    I do weigh things now (losing after my 3rd baby) but my weight loss is no faster than it was after my 2nd baby.
  • Marilyn0924
    Marilyn0924 Posts: 797 Member
    Based on your stats, at 1600 calories per day you could lose 1 pound/week. That being said, weighing/logging every single item accurately makes a massive difference. Using measuring cups and eyeballing solid foods can have you eating way more than you realize. i.e. a small potato...they don't all weigh the same, and you could end up consuming 200+ more calories than what is listed as a "generic" item in database. Look for the USDA listings, and weigh by grams not ounces (grams are more precise) Use the recipe builder when cooking, include spices/herbs/oils/sprays etc. These items all add up. It seems like a pain at first with all the weighing/measuring, but in the end it works! Good luck! :)
  • Sephixteeo
    Sephixteeo Posts: 75 Member
    Just an aside, but when I went from nothing to 5-6 times a week workouts, I stalled for a month. Then one day I was down almost 3 pounds. It still goes up and down for a bit.

    Don't discount some retention of fluids for your muscles, they're getting used to more work.

    All of the above is great advice too, just wanted to throw this in as well.
  • mathjulz
    mathjulz Posts: 5,514 Member
    How old is your baby? I have three, and I gained a lot in all my pregnancies, despite exercising, eating under my calorie allowance etc. My third baby has just turned 1, and it took a while for the weight to start coming off, and I still have some to lose. I went back to the gym at 6 weeks after each of my babies, and didnt lose much weight at first, but I did lose inches, so it's important to take measurements too.

    This ^

    Also, are you breastfeeding? That can throw in other dynamics (and not always make it easier to lose).
  • krismurphydc
    krismurphydc Posts: 24 Member
    I am only three months in but I am starting to realize that as long as you keep going it will happen. Don't get discouraged because the scale is not moving. If you continue to eat clean and stay active the scale will catch up.
  • cbowman1114
    cbowman1114 Posts: 44 Member
    I'll try that! I'm just still kinda new to it all. The first time I lost weight it was so much easier. There would be weeks I'd lose 3-4 pounds a week, and I'm doing the same things I did then. So when I use my scale and have it in grams, how do I put it in here so I know the calories? Because I usually just search and find the serving size that looks the closest and use it
  • SLLRunner
    SLLRunner Posts: 12,942 Member
    I am going to suggest talking to your doctor about your thyroid medication if it's not working for you.

    Weight all your food, whether it is prepackaged or not, and log every single thing you eat.
    I don't weigh food if I can look at the label and know how many calories it is, I don't need to weigh my quest bars it says on the package there 190 calories. I'm talking about fruit, veggies, chicken, stuff like that

    I have yet to find a 100 calorie pack of anything that does not weigh more than indicated weight on the package, thus more calories. Weigh everything, unless you're in a place where you can't (out to dinner, activities outside the home).

    I can also tell by your diary that you have missed some days. Try to log each day.
  • Emilia777
    Emilia777 Posts: 978 Member
    Sephixteeo wrote: »
    Just an aside, but when I went from nothing to 5-6 times a week workouts, I stalled for a month. Then one day I was down almost 3 pounds. It still goes up and down for a bit.

    Don't discount some retention of fluids for your muscles, they're getting used to more work.

    All of the above is great advice too, just wanted to throw this in as well.

    Agreed! When I first got back into it, I lost no weight for 5 weeks. Then a whole bunch just came off, about the equivalent of the weekly average I expected. Don’t be discouraged! But I do highly encourage you weigh *everything*, count everything you eat (including sauces etc), and log it in your diary. If you do all this, I would be very surprised if you didn’t see results in a couple of weeks or so. Hang in there!
  • DemoraFairy
    DemoraFairy Posts: 1,806 Member
    I'll try that! I'm just still kinda new to it all. The first time I lost weight it was so much easier. There would be weeks I'd lose 3-4 pounds a week, and I'm doing the same things I did then. So when I use my scale and have it in grams, how do I put it in here so I know the calories? Because I usually just search and find the serving size that looks the closest and use it

    If what you're eating is in a branded package, then find that exact listing that has the correct calories for a given serving amount (packets should all have calories per 100g), if that listing isn't there then create it, and if it's wrong then fix it. If you're eating something generic (such as fruit) then find any entry that has grams as an available option for serving size.
  • cbowman1114
    cbowman1114 Posts: 44 Member
    Thank you everyone this is all very useful!!
  • SLLRunner
    SLLRunner Posts: 12,942 Member
    Given your weight, 1600 calories may not be enough.

    If she were not eating enough she would be losing weight. Increasing calorie intake is never the answer to someone who is not losing weight. Before you can raise our calorie goal while staying in a calorie deficit, you have to know how much you're eating. The OP really does not know at this point.
  • cbowman1114
    cbowman1114 Posts: 44 Member
    Do you guys think I should add in more weight training? I workout 5 days now but it's all mostly cardio. Two classes I do have weights involved
  • SLLRunner
    SLLRunner Posts: 12,942 Member
    Do you guys think I should add in more weight training? I workout 5 days now but it's all mostly cardio. Two classes I do have weights involved

    The only requirement to lose weight is to stay in a calorie deficit. Otherwise, there are no shoulds. Do what works best for you. :)

    That said, I weight train and do cardio.
  • 2snakeswoman
    2snakeswoman Posts: 655 Member
    Don't trust labels. Not long ago, the label on the tortilla chips I had said there were 130 calories per ounce, and 1 ounce was about 15 chips, so I was trusting the part about 15 chips. Then one day I decided to weigh them, and it turned out that 1 ounce equaled 8-9 chips.
  • yopeeps025
    yopeeps025 Posts: 8,680 Member
    SLLRunner wrote: »
    I am going to suggest talking to your doctor about your thyroid medication if it's not working for you.

    Weight all your food, whether it is prepackaged or not, and log every single thing you eat.
    I don't weigh food if I can look at the label and know how many calories it is, I don't need to weigh my quest bars it says on the package there 190 calories. I'm talking about fruit, veggies, chicken, stuff like that

    I have yet to find a 100 calorie pack of anything that does not weigh more than indicated weight on the package, thus more calories. Weigh everything, unless you're in a place where you can't (out to dinner, activities outside the home).

    I can also tell by your diary that you have missed some days. Try to log each day.

    I notice that too. The serving sizes never really match with the singular food. Anything. Some things weigh 20 more grams which can be a lot of extra calories not accounted for when not weighing foods.