Struggling and needing some support...

I'm a 34 f 5'9 370 lbs....I'm surrounded by normal size people and they really don't understand that I can't keep up with all the hopping around and jumping that zumba consists hard it is to fight not eating that burger from Jack in the Box in the fridge because "they figure I'll eat it"...I've been trying to lose weight forever...but now with me being this big it scares me a bit...has anyone else ever felt helpless and had hard days?? Don't need negative comments or saying "its all in my head" need some words of wisdome here...please


  • steelwill7us
    steelwill7us Posts: 11 Member
    just take it one day/ one meal at a time. we all struggle, I have been plugging along for 70 something days. Some are easy and some days I feel like I will die of hunger. Good luck and just remember it is a long journey.
  • dakotababy
    dakotababy Posts: 2,406 Member
    You need to find your own path. Yes friends try to "inspire" each other by pushing each other into workouts that are likely too much for a new-to-exerciser to be able to do. Yes, we want a challenge - but personally, I like a challenge that I know EVENTUALLY I will be able to complete (not feeling completely hopeless, thus losing all motivation).

    Why dont you go throw that burger out? That would be even harder, but WAY more satisfying.

    Have you looked into Leslie Sansone? When I first started at 250lbs, I could not even do 7 minutes of walking in place without collapsing, covered in sweat. When I first tried one of her workouts, I knew that it was going to be progress - but every move is so simple, it is possible. I know I did want to be able to do Zumba because "Everyone else" was doing Zumba. Well now I can laugh at the Zumba workouts because they are wayyy too simple and "dancey" for my style!

    Anyway, find your own path.

    Check leslie sansone out on youtube and/or her dvds are often sold at Walmart for like 5-10$ a piece. (Just if you were looking for a do-able workout)
  • michbusta30
    michbusta30 Posts: 3 Member
    dakotababy wrote: »
    You need to find your own path. Yes friends try to "inspire" each other by pushing each other into workouts that are likely too much for a new-to-exerciser to be able to do. Yes, we want a challenge - but personally, I like a challenge that I know EVENTUALLY I will be able to complete (not feeling completely hopeless, thus losing all motivation).

    Why dont you go throw that burger out? That would be even harder, but WAY more satisfying.

    Have you looked into Leslie Sansone? When I first started at 250lbs, I could not even do 7 minutes of walking in place without collapsing, covered in sweat. When I first tried one of her workouts, I knew that it was going to be progress - but every move is so simple, it is possible. I know I did want to be able to do Zumba because "Everyone else" was doing Zumba. Well now I can laugh at the Zumba workouts because they are wayyy too simple and "dancey" for my style!

    Anyway, find your own path.

    Check leslie sansone out on youtube and/or her dvds are often sold at Walmart for like 5-10$ a piece. (Just if you were looking for a do-able workout)

    You know what i have that DVD that your talking about and I think I'm gona stick to that for a while...till I shed some lbs...I try and keep up with the zumba but lord I have to tap out towards the end lol...just today idk I felt an emotion I haven't felt on a LONG time...thank you for the advice though...appricate it :)
  • LFiestan
    LFiestan Posts: 175 Member
    Ive been struggling with weight loss for years. I know how it feels and be discouraged from time to time. The lack of support from people around u as well as lack of knowledge about lossing weight (proper diet and exercise) can make u lose focus on ur goal.
    I was almost 120kg when i started and i remember dragging my feet when i walked. I decided to loss weight and when i started i used the treadmill and 1min slow walk was a struggle for me. But in time i increased it to 5min then rest for 1min then start again. Did that for 3months and lost alot but couldnt stick to the diet i gave myslef (onions tuna cucumber and crackers...i wasnt eating properly)

    Its not gonna happen overnight so dont give up. There are really times when i did give up and tried fad diets and pills, those didnt do me good.

    Joining MFP and tracking my food and getting support from those like me was great help.

  • Azurite27
    Azurite27 Posts: 554 Member
    I started close to 300 pounds so I know how you feel. Look at my recent pics and know there is hope. Also, don't let others abilities affect you. Only you know what you're capable of and can safely do. As someone with lifelong physical limitations I'm familiar with this too. Even now at a healthy weight people assume I'm a runner and I have to explain that I can't run.

    And as far as eating with friends, plan ahead. Most chain restaurants and even fast food places have lower calorie choices that you can fit into a weight loss plan if you plan ahead.
  • NoIdea101NoIdea
    NoIdea101NoIdea Posts: 659 Member
    Weight loss is not an easy process for a lot of people; unfortunately it takes time, work, and will power. There will be days where you think 'I will never achieve this', or days where you think 'I just don't care, I can't be bothered'. That's just life, we all get those! The best advice I can give is take it day by day and slow and steady. We build up eating habits over months, years, even a lifetime, and they can be very difficult to break. So, make small changes, take it slow, celebrate the small victories and remember; you are doing this for YOU. Don't compare yourself to anyone. Do what makes YOU happy.

    One of my favourite sayings, which I tend to post quite a bit but really helps motivate me is something along the lines of 'even if you only lose half a pound a week, that is still 26lbs in a year; don't give up'. :)
  • michbusta30
    michbusta30 Posts: 3 Member
    Thank you all very much. Yesterday was just a little hard for me and I had some emotions I hadent felt in a long time. Today is a new day and it WILL get better! I read all comments and will take bits of advice from each and everyone. Thank you all so much again and I am here for each and every one of you as well! Have a beautiful and blessed day!!
  • Allterrain_Lady
    Allterrain_Lady Posts: 421 Member
    Everyone felt helpless at some point. At least, when we started.
    I agree with what's been said above, it's a lifelong journey, not a quick fix. Take it one decision at a time.
    Have a look at all the success stories here and you'll see that everything is possible.

    Basically, you just have to start....something. Either it's having a (long) walk, fixing a first healthy meal, cleaning your house from as much crappy food as you can, anything.

    If you have a lot of weight to lose and never actually tried to do it THE RIGHT WAY (meaning healthy diet with enough food and the exercise you can manage) chances are the first pounds will drop off quite fast. This will encourage you.

    Along the way, you'll find out what works for YOU. The only thing you can't avoid is right eating and moving. But what kind of move doesn't matter, especially when you start.
    Walking is a great way to start. It doesn't hurt your joints and the progress (distance, length, path) is pretty impressive. That could be enough to put you on the right track.

    The hardest part is what I call 'Mind Fitness'. All the emotionnal crap that makes you give up, made you gain weight in the first place has to be dealt with along the way. But it is manageable too.

    Just start.
  • sofaking6
    sofaking6 Posts: 4,589 Member
    Helpless, hopeless, and days of I DO NOT CARE ANYMORE to boot. One thing I try to keep in mind is that one bad day doesn't have to be the start of a bad week or month or year. It can just be a bad day.

    Also it sounds like comparing yourself to other people and paying attention to their image of you is getting you down. It's so hard to internalize this (I'm definitely gonna be working on it for a long time), but comparison is the root of misery. You are you and your journey is your own and it's okay for you to decide who and how you want to be regardless of what anyone else thinks about that. there are a lot of great walking videos here, she also has a youtube channel. I like her a lot as an instructor - not quite so peppy as Leslie S :)
  • Zombella
    Zombella Posts: 491 Member
    I know how you feel. I've been trying to lose weight for a very long time (early teens) and while I have been successful at losing 20lbs, etc, now is the time where I have my head on straight and I'm doing it the right way. It took gaining 30 pounds in a short period of time and my doctor putting me on a low-fat diet to realize that I couldn't fool myself anymore. Do I have pizza or fast food? I do. VERY rarely. I've decided that I want to not only lose weight, but be healthy so I am changing everything that I eat (including not eating fast food anymore). Also, have you tried looking on YouTube for different Zumba classes? I can't do high impact workouts right now but I do do Zumba.