❤ 113.6lbs / Over 8 Stone lost after 15 months. Time to recreate those pics! ❤



  • sgirl2009
    sgirl2009 Posts: 57 Member
    Congratulations! You look amazing, I'm very proud of you! :smile:
  • sperkins68
    sperkins68 Posts: 31 Member
    wow you look great, its amazing how much younger you look after your weight loss! Ive just started with my weight loss journey 8 days ago. I started at 260 and am aimeing to get under 200. once I get under the 200 I am going to re *kitten* my goal but for right now I just really want to be under 200. Ive been finding it hard trying to keep my calories down but seeing your post and progress pics is a real motivator for me to say not to my craveings. thanks for shareing!!
  • KrissyRawrz
    KrissyRawrz Posts: 342 Member
    I can't thank you lovelies enough :)<3
    Wow you look so different! And are swimming in those clothes! Time for a hot mama outfit:)

    Haha I've bought a few bits and pieces lately, my wardrobe is a mess from all the different sizes! Trying to sell off some bigger clothes to swap for smaller but I shouldn't buy too many as I still have a while to go before my target weight lol
    Amy3935 wrote: »
    Amazing job! I'm about 60 pounds down but not budging at all - did you hit any plateaus along the way? How did you overcome them? Thanks!

    Aw no I'm sorry. I did get stuck for a few months around 13 stone but unfortunately it was a difficult time for me as my mum was about to pass and then she did so I wasn't exactly motivated to really do anything for myself. Now that she has passed I've tried to focus all my efforts on my own weight and health and I have been exercising a lot (5-6 days a week and try my best for a lazy Saturday so I don't pass out haha) the exercise has kick started my weight loss again which is amazing. Have you tried adjusting your calorie intake? Or upping your exercise or changing your routines a bit? I find if you really aren't budging and you're at a calorie amount where you can take 100 cals off a day helps
    You look amazing, well done!

    I'm sure you can keep it up!
    Gaming/exercises tools like Wii Fit are fun, haha, time passes so quickly.

    Zumba is great too, I used to join daily classes as well. Got a bit shy after a while tho, being the only guy..

    Im glad you feel, look and most probably ARE happier and healthier now,
    Thumbs up!

    Thank you!! I do plan to keep it up trust me :) no stopping me now haha

    I love gaming, I'm more of a PC gamer though but of course you don't move your butt whilst doing that :P

    I love that you went to zumba, it sucks that more guys don't go! No guys will go with me haha they're all too worried about being the only one there and the sad thing is they would be! There's only women at my class as well :/ may have to cross dress to change that up ;)

    I've got zumba games on the wii and 360 kinect, have you tried those?

    I definitely am a lot healthier now, I've never been this healthy which is awesome
    sperkins68 wrote: »
    wow you look great, its amazing how much younger you look after your weight loss! Ive just started with my weight loss journey 8 days ago. I started at 260 and am aimeing to get under 200. once I get under the 200 I am going to re *kitten* my goal but for right now I just really want to be under 200. Ive been finding it hard trying to keep my calories down but seeing your post and progress pics is a real motivator for me to say not to my craveings. thanks for shareing!!

    Aww thank you! I don't feel like I look that much younger myself but people have said I do haha. I look a bit older with makeup on though apparently :P

    Congrats on starting your journey! It's always good to have smaller goals so that the huge jump in weight loss doesn't seem so big. Hitting smaller goals is a lot easier and you can keep pushing past them. At the minute my next goal is another 4lbs loss away from what I am now.

    Aww I'm sorry you're finding your calorie deficit difficult. You'll get used to it trust me! If you do have cravings after a while try working small things into your day so that you don't end up giving in and going overboard lol. I control not binging on stuff by allowing myself treats as long as I can work them into my day

  • cici8912
    cici8912 Posts: 20 Member
    Amazing! Great job
  • JenM261
    JenM261 Posts: 30 Member
    You look great!!! Amazing.
  • LynnLandwehr
    LynnLandwehr Posts: 3 Member
    You look at least 10 years younger!! Simply amazing.
  • juhishringi
    juhishringi Posts: 79 Member
    Great job congregation. ....
  • maddy_smiles
    maddy_smiles Posts: 36 Member
    Amazing!!!! You are such an inspiration! Thanks for sharing!
  • hrayala
    hrayala Posts: 73 Member
    Outstanding! You are an inspiration!!
  • KrissyRawrz
    KrissyRawrz Posts: 342 Member
    You look at least 10 years younger!! Simply amazing.

    Really? I keep getting told I look younger but I don't think I see it myself! Haha

    Thanks again all :)<3
  • amayitux
    amayitux Posts: 68 Member
    I'd love to see a pic of you in clothes that are your size now :smiley:
  • KrissyRawrz
    KrissyRawrz Posts: 342 Member
    amayitux wrote: »
    I'd love to see a pic of you in clothes that are your size now :smiley:

    I will have to take a more recent one soon but this is the most recent I have at the minute :) was taken 2 weeks ago x


  • KrissyRawrz
    KrissyRawrz Posts: 342 Member
    Just realized how much different I look with my makeup on and hair done properly though haha x
  • amayitux
    amayitux Posts: 68 Member
    Just realized how much different I look with my makeup on and hair done properly though haha x

    That's a beautiful pic of you! It really shows how far you've come! I'm so jealous (healthly)!
  • TFaustino67
    TFaustino67 Posts: 551 Member
    *thumbs up* Beautiful in so many ways
  • KrissyRawrz
    KrissyRawrz Posts: 342 Member
    amayitux wrote: »
    Just realized how much different I look with my makeup on and hair done properly though haha x

    That's a beautiful pic of you! It really shows how far you've come! I'm so jealous (healthly)!

    Aww bless you! Don't be jealous, you're gorgeous! :) but thank you <3
    *thumbs up* Beautiful in so many ways

    Awwww! Thank you <3
  • whitneyberry44
    whitneyberry44 Posts: 1 Member

    That is awesome good for your Girl seriously!!!!
  • kspoon5
    kspoon5 Posts: 239 Member
    Such an incredible accomplishment!!
  • Angel_Grove_
    Angel_Grove_ Posts: 205 Member

    I LOVE this picture!

    Congratulations on your incredible success!! You look fantastic!!
  • jskyjse
    jskyjse Posts: 28 Member
    Unbelievable! You look sooo much younger, too! Great inspiration pics!
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