half marathon

Hi I have signed up for my first half marathon in October. If anyone could offer advice and motivation to go out.in the Scottish weather to train it would be appreciated.


  • csman49
    csman49 Posts: 1,100 Member
    What's your current running schedule/ability?? What are your expectations?
  • Ninkyou
    Ninkyou Posts: 6,666 Member
    Make sure you fuel yourself properly while training, hydrate, get good shoes and take rest days.
  • chrism12002
    chrism12002 Posts: 12 Member
    Thanks for the advice trying to loose the extra couple pounds so fueling is an issue just now but hopefully will work it out
  • chrism12002
    chrism12002 Posts: 12 Member
    Just to get round can avg 10.30 minute miles go out 3 time a week avg 5k and building longer run at weekend. Last.month or so picking up colds wondering if it's from running in the rain.
  • Pinocchio1977
    Pinocchio1977 Posts: 13 Member
    Hi I have signed up for my first half marathon in October. If anyone could offer advice and motivation to go out.in the Scottish weather to train it would be appreciated.
    Good running music....Good shoes that are fitted properly...Fuel (I use the gummy gels)...A training schedule (I used one from Runners World, was free to set up). Good luck!!!!
  • chrism12002
    chrism12002 Posts: 12 Member
    Thanks fir the replies appreciated
  • Tried30UserNames
    Tried30UserNames Posts: 561 Member
    I found it helpful to join a running group at my local running store. They mapped out long runs and put out water for us. I also enjoyed reading several books about marathoning so I could set up my training schedule and eating plan. I liked John Bingham's Marathoning for Mortals and Nancy Clark's Food Guide for Marathoners, although she was probably a little heavier on the sugars than I prefer. I like to run in the rain, so Scotland might agree with me. Get good shoes...if you start getting shin splints, for example, you probably need new shoes.
  • jrline
    jrline Posts: 2,353 Member
    work on getting miles in leading up to it. Even if some days are just walking miles as a whole is much more important than speed, while training. Have atleast two pair of shoes you are alternating while training. Have fun with it.

  • chrism12002
    chrism12002 Posts: 12 Member
  • mitch16
    mitch16 Posts: 2,113 Member
    Most training plans are a minimum of 12 weeks, so you have plenty of time. You'll want to get to the point that you've run close to the total distance at least once two weeks prior to your race. Be careful about adding mileage--you don't want to add more than 10% of your total mileage in a week. If your training plan says take a recovery day, take a recovery day--do yoga or walk or something else that's not running. Good quality, well-fitted shoes (and clothing) are a necessity. I only use gels on my long runs greater than an hour, but you should definitely play around with that to see what you need and make sure that whatever you choose doesn't cause GI distress. Don't restrict calories too much while training.

    As for your colds--could it be allergies? It's springtime here in Boston and there's a ton of pollen around--my sinuses are killing me! I try to take a anti-histamine to keep the runny nose to a minimum, but learning how to clear your nose while running (in a crowd) is definitely an art.
  • csman49
    csman49 Posts: 1,100 Member
    each week, do 1 long run, 1 medium run, 1 short run. Try to increase the 'long' run by 10% each week (no more though), if you can run 5km, then start your long run at 6km. Its a long run, so pace is slow, very slow, slow enough that you could actually hold a conversation for. You have over 4 months, you'll be fine.
  • chrism12002
    chrism12002 Posts: 12 Member
    Thank you Mitch.I think there definitely cold related more than allergies I might get a vitamin supplements see if it helps..the Scottish weather definitely isn't helping
  • MeanderingMammal
    MeanderingMammal Posts: 7,866 Member
    Use a plan, something like the Hal Higdon novice plans would probably work given where you're starting from.

    I use Endomondo premium dynamic plans, and have a race (HM) next weekend, then I've got a week off from structured training before another cycle of training for races in July and October.

    Other than that, be cautious of an excessive deficit, that'll contribute to the health issues.